I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 372 Antinomi’s technological attributes

That night.

On the fierce track, the chaos about the invasion of Diablo gradually became confusing.

The huge number of dueling robots amazed the spectators at the tournament.

Even though the president and a group of duelists were frantically hunting down these dueling robots, there was still a feeling of more than enough but not enough in terms of numbers.

It's over. How can even a human's tempered body defeat so many steel replicas? The people waiting quietly in the auditorium began to gradually become agitated. They seemed to feel an inexplicable despair.

Will we be like the movie 'Knotters' and end up becoming slaves to these robots? Some people even put forward a terrifying point of view.

However, there are many logic masters in the audience, and they all agree that being enslaved by robots is the best ending.

I'm just afraid that these robots will destroy all humans.

Although the views of this group of logic masters are outrageous, the future outcome will be roughly the same.

All human beings were really killed by countless out-of-control machine emperors and war weapons.

Robots don’t need slaves.

Where is the 5ds? Some people still trust Fudo Yusei and the others, believing that they will be able to solve this crisis.

But no matter how the picture on the screen changed, passers-by in the auditorium could not find Fudo Yusei and others.


The 5ds team was supposed to work with Sydney to hunt Diablo, but something unexpected happened midway and they dispersed.

In a place that cannot be monitored, Fudo Yusei is hunted by the Three Emperors.

The Machine Emperor is known as the Synchronous Monster killer, and Fudo Yusei was suppressed from the beginning.

At such critical moments, heroes emerge.

It’s the mysterious D-wheeler wearing red sunglasses! !

For some reason, Yusei looked at this man with a completely different speaking style, and he thought the man was Bruno.

Yusei, keep an eye on it.

“You have to master the technique.”

Only in this way can you get progress.

I will only show it once, keep your eyes open and watch, this is the last monster you will see.

Bruno, who has restored his memory and strength, turns into a mentor. He is burning his life to show Fudo Yusei what accelerated synchronization is.

Normal summon, technology Catapult Dragon! Bruno, who had recovered his memory, no, it was Antinomi. He placed the monster in his hand on the field.


[Technology belongs to ejection dragon, 900 attack power, dragon clan]

Actuating the catapult dragon effect, Antinomi began to secretly teach Fudo Yusei

However, during this secret teaching course, there were two D-wheels slowly following behind in a hidden place.

You Miao has been waiting for this opportunity to be the Old Yin Bi for a long time. He took Peacock Wu into this secret space created by the power of Antinomi. He quietly waited for You Xing's evolution.

So you are interested in that man? Peacock Wu discovered the truth. You Miao's target turned out to be the crab head.

She really couldn't understand it.

What is the charm of this broken crab head?

While Peacock thinks about the reason, Antinomi, a philosophical concept of antinomies, begins to operate.

Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Tuner with Technology in its name from a card in your hand that is 3 stars or lower.


[Technology belongs to Jet Falcon, 1400 attack power, birds and beasts/adjustment]

2+3=5 stars!

Limiter released, level 5, calibrator on, unobstructed Antinomi performed a synchronization summons.


Go, Synchro Summon, come out, technological star guardian!

[Technology belongs to Star Guardian, 2200 defense, warrior type/synchronization/adjustment]

Technology. Yuxing looked shocked. Bruno's true strength seemed to be much more powerful than he imagined.

If this Star Guardian card is successfully Special Summoned, it can only be activated by targeting 1 Technology monster in your graveyard.

That monster is added to Antinomi's hand.

At this moment, the Jet Falcon sent to the graveyard as a synchro material activates its effect, inflicting 500 effect damage to Fudo Yusei.

Star Guardian continues to activate its effects, and can only be activated during its main phase. Special Summon 1 Technology monster from your hand.

Antinomi places monsters on the field and is a technology-based electronic magician!


[Technology belongs to electronic magician, 0 attack power, magician/adjustment]

Cyber ​​Mage can use this card to Synchro Summon the Technology monster in his hand. Antinomi's last 4-level monster is used as a material.

1+4=5 stars!

Coherent flight control, limiter release, level 5!

Booster Injection 120%

Network recovery, range correction, GO, Synchro Summon.

Come out, powerful gladiator of technology!


[Technology belongs to powerful gladiator, 2300 attack power, warrior type/synchrony]

You managed to synchronize twice so easily? Yusei said in a shocked tone.

Peacock Dance, who was watching Voldemort's show from the back, said, This guy seems a bit powerful.

You Miao answered: It's not over yet, real triangle acceleration synchronization.

Just as You Miao thought, You Xing finally discovered something was wrong.

Do you want the synchronization adjustment monster? Yusei exclaimed.

5 (Star Guardian) + 5 (Powerful Gladiator) = 10 stars!

Yes, Yusei is optimistic. Antinomi shouted loudly: The limiter is released, level 10, the main thruster is fully controlled, and the infinite power is released again, rushing to the other side of the dimension.

Go, accelerate synchronization! !


[Technology belongs to Blade Gunner, 3300 attack power, mechanical/synchronicity]

A monster with 3300 attack power? Yusei thought that Antinomi was over, but things were far from over.

Yusei, it's not over yet, you have to grow up. Antinomi's hands glowed.

It's a monster card, and the technology attribute is Propulsion Raptor!

If there is a Technology monster on your field, this card can be Special Summoned from your hand.


[Technology belongs to Advanceraptor, 400 attack power, dinosaur clan]

You can activate this by targeting 1 Technology monster on your field.

Technology Gear Zombie is Special Summoned from the hand. After that, the target monster's attack power is reduced by 1000.

Antinomi reduces the attack of the propelling dragon by 1000 points and places the Gear Zombie on the field.


[Technology belongs to gear zombie, 600 attack power, undead/adjustment]

Three Monsters Yusei's pupils dilated.

That's right, Yusei. Antinomi looked up and raised his palms: But it's not enough!

1 (Propulsion Dragon) + 1 (Zombie) = 2 stars!

Limiter release, level 2, full access to the navigation system.

Go, Synchro Summon!


[Technology is interchangeable dragonfly, 300 attack power, synchronization]

The show is coming. When You Miao saw the exchange dragonfly appear, it meant that Antinomi was going to show the highest level of trump card.

Peacock Dance licked her lips and watched the changes on the field intently.

Once per turn, it can be activated by targeting 1 Technology synchro monster on your field other than Swap Dragonfly.

Send that monster to the graveyard.

Come back, Star Guardian, powerful gladiator.


[Star Guardian, 2200 defense, synchronization/adjustment]

[Powerful Gladiator, 2300 attack power, synchronization]

Impossible, there are three Synchro Monsters, and one of them is still an Adjustment Monster, couldn't it be!! Fudo Yusei's eyes flashed with a magnificent seascape, and a sea crystal heart fell silent under the mad wolf.

If there are no accidents, then the crab will print the card next.

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