I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 370 Earthbound Jinchuuriki

The World Championship officially opens. As the first Unicorn team, the duelist sent by the Cola Girls team is a young Izayoi Akira! !

As a grand event, of course there are professional commentators.

Hello everyone, I am Goumazi, and I will be explaining the grandest tournament for you today. A fat man with a vulgar expression sat on the podium. His expression was very serious, but he also had a hint of a fool.

There is another commentator next to Mako. This old-timer has an airplane haircut and a mustache. He is the most qualified old-timer in the commentary world of Shindo Sano City.

This old senior even witnessed Fudo Yusei's counterattack and victory over the original king Jack in the finals, which shows that his identity is legendary.

Although the seniors were dissatisfied with the two-person commentary mode of the World Championships, they still gave the opportunity to the juniors.

With a smile on his face, Mako immediately started today’s explanation:

Hey, you guys, let's watch the first commentary today while making the soy milk flow!

When he heard the word so thick rice, the old man's eyes were shocked. He always felt that giving the opportunity to this junior was the wrong choice.

As soon as the demon commentator opened his mouth, he was immediately reported crazily by a group of righteous people who called themselves Demon Hunters.

In almost a few seconds, this devil was reported to the official for closure.

The old man was dumbfounded on the spot. This was the first time he had seen such a commentator being hunted down in all his years in the commentary industry.

He had no choice but to take the microphone himself to unlock this fierce duel.

However, before the old man went online to explain a few words, everyone noticed that the young Izayoi, who was riding on the Rose D wheel, raised his arms, as if in a summons ceremony, and shouted out the frightening lines:

The sleeping souls who have accumulated resentment for many years now emerge from the polluted earth and lend me your strength!

Earthbound God-Chaku!!


Everyone in the 5DS watching the battle outside took a breath of air-conditioning on the spot.

Earthbound God! ?

How could that hateful guy let another me master such dangerous power? Qiu's heart was about to explode with anger.

The experience of binding the Earth God back then was very painful for them.

Is this an attempt to kill Izayoi?

Yusei knew that Senior Yumiao had the Earth-Binding God in his hands, but he didn't expect that he would hand over such dangerous power of the Earth-Binding God to someone else, and that person was Izayoi Akira from another world.

Hurry up and look, it's really the Earthbound God!! Jack shouted in horror.

In the dark tsunami, a killer whale releasing a deep roar was swimming actively in the endless black sea.

The absolute fear brought by the Earthbound God made the vigilantes around this world championship tremble from the bottom of their hearts, and Ushio's legs almost gave out on the spot.

The highest-ranking deputy chief besides the Three Emperors, the clown Yego was so frightened that he sat on the ground. He kept saying to himself: This city is going to end again. The Dark Seal is coming back?

[Earthbound God-Chaku, 2900 attack power, fish tribe]

Izayoi used the latest power, the power of the Earthbound God, but there was no unique mark of the Dark Seal on her face, and her eyes were clear.

She is not contaminated and controlled by the power of the Earthbound God.

Rather, it would be better to say that the Earthbound God is willing to dedicate his power to the other party for human use.

This scene immediately stunned everyone, including the 5ds team.

The Earthbound Gods are not cute cats. They are ferocious gods condensed by resentment and dark power. The cruelty of the Dark Seal War has already well explained this.

Senior You Miao has completely defeated the Earthbound God? This bold idea came to You Xing's mind.

Conquering the Earth-bound God ≠ The Earth-bound God is convinced orally.

Winning and control are two different things.

But Izayoi's situation of perfectly mastering the power of the Earthbound God without losing his mind happened to be the most powerful evidence for Yusei's statement.

Earthbound God Jinchuuriki? Crow recently finished watching the entire anime Mizukage Samurai, and he immediately thought of the keyword Jinchuuriki.

Isn't Izayoi's state a manifestation of perfect control over the tailed beast (the earth-bound god)?

There are probably a few more powerful beings like the Earth-bound God Chaku. Jack didn't dare to think about it anymore. Doesn't this mean that You Miao can wholesale create several Earth-bound God Jinchuuriki.

How to play this?

Can we go to the official to report him (You Miao) for cheating? Qiu looked very angry. She didn't care whether the Earthbound God had turned into a well-behaved cat. In short, it was wrong to let another person touch these things.

At this moment, on the duel track.

The unicorn duelist looked confused, his head filled with questions.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I doing.

The duel on horseback was obviously good, but why did the opponent suddenly stop being a human being?

Can anyone tell me what the hell this earth-bound god is?

The Earth-bound God monster can directly attack the duelist. Izayoi, the Earth-bound Jinchūriki, ordered the monster to attack.

In the attack situation, Izayoi opened the cover trap card.

Energy absorption! !

Under the effect of this trap card, until the end of the phase, the Earthbound God's attack power increases by the number of cards in the opponent's hand x 200. Qiu pointed at the Unicorn Team members and continued to explain: You have a total of 4 cards in your hand. Zhang, so the Earthbound God will increase its attack power by 800.

[Earthbound God-Chaku: 2900 → 3700 attack power]

The earth-bound version of the whale-killing fist! !

Wait a minute, I'll open the covered trap card.

Big Arrest!!

The duelists of the Unicorn Team tried to fight to the death, but the Earthbound God was not affected by the enemy's trap.

Facing 3700's punch, the duelist was instantly killed by Izayoi on the spot.

In the following wheel battle system, substitutes will be added later.

However, Izayoi, as the challenger, the Earth-bound monsters on her field will not disappear and reappear, but will continue a new duel.

Let me ask, what can Team Unicorn do if they can take down the Earthbound God?

Shock! Carly's expression outside the court was so excited that she didn't expect such an exciting thing to happen as soon as the World Championships started.

The Earthbound God reappeared in the world, and the Earthbound Jinchuuriki achieved a string of 3 in the first act of the tournament! !

This news must be a hit, right?

As the mastermind behind the World Championship, the Three Emperors all looked confused.

Is there any mistake? Why did the Earthbound God appear? Luciano, a naughty boy, looked as disgusted as if he had eaten shit.

As witnesses of history, they certainly know how disgusting monsters like God Binding are.

The Machine Emperor is a counter to synchro monsters.

Let me ask, is the Earthbound God a synchro monster?

The Earthbound God leaps over the Machine King Monster and punches you in the face. What can you do?

It's troublesome. Jose, as the oldest staff member, knew from experience that this situation was very troublesome.

The Three Emperors were destined to intervene in the tournament midway to snipe Fudo Yugi and them.

If they encounter a team of Coke girls, how can the Three Emperors kill the Earth-bound God?

The only weakness of the Earthbound God is the field card. The problem is that Mounted Duel is bound to the field magic card.

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