I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 369 Auntie Domei’s Hat


Leopard Girl returned to the store, but she was caught by Kyoko and Isis after walking only a few steps. They both asked in unison:

We already know things.

You Miao wants to choose teammates, why can't we?

Kyoko and Isis believe that their strength is better than before, and even in the future, they will not be weaker than others.

Leopard Girl felt guilty and touched her muscles. According to her plan, she planned to invite Muto Yugi, and then without telling Kyoko and Isis, she would enrich herself and give herself a spot.

After all, one Taoist nun carries water to drink, two Taoist nuns carry water to drink, and three Taoist nuns have no water to drink.

So why did Leopard Girl let Kyoko and Isis pass?

Unfortunately, Leopard Girl was caught by Seto Kaiba as soon as she went out, and what happened after that was out of her control.

She is also very difficult.

At least Seto Kaiba and that weird peacock danced past, and they were better than the two women in front of him.

Leopard Girl began to change the subject. She took out a bag of things and said, Aunt Duomei, who is new to the community, in order to thank the neighbors for taking care of her, she knitted these knitted hats as gifts for us.

Kyoko and Isis also participated, and Leopard Girl thrust these hats into their hands.

The three of them opened the gifts. After all, Aunt Domei was famous for her ingenuity.

A green knitted hat? Xingzi held the hat in her hand with a very strange tone.

Leopard Girl also looked melancholy. She didn't hate knitted hats, but the color was a bit eye-catching.

This is Auntie Duomei's gift. If we just don't accept it, she will be very sad. Isis said considerately.

After that, the three of them endured their strange thoughts and tried to put this green knitted hat on their heads.

Somehow they discovered that the hats were soft.

It seems very comfortable.

That night.

At the agreed place on the other side.

Placido, one of the three emperors, had been waiting here for a long time. He had some final questions to confirm.

Placido had been waiting here for several hours before the appointed time, and the flickering lights of the street below seemed to laugh at his behavior.

You Miao. Placido said to himself angrily.

How could he, one of the Three Emperors, be subjected to such insult?

But when he thought that You Miao had the extremely evil Millennium Artifact in his hands, Placido, who had weaknesses, was like a deflated rubber ball. He could do nothing but continue to wait here.

If You Miao really comes later, it will be a breach of contract.

That evil man might have trapped Yanzi's soul again in anger and tortured him cruelly. Thinking of this possibility, Placido's hands began to shake.

The sound of the light blocks shaking appeared, and Placido was instantly nervous.

That man is here! !

Placido took a deep breath and suppressed all the dissatisfaction in his heart and expression, completely giving You Miao no chance to seize the painful foot.

However, in Placido's eyes, You Miao looked tired and seemed a little weak. He was walking over holding on to the wall.

——Did you just experience a fierce duel?

Placido secretly guessed that if he could make this demon show a tired expression, it seemed that the other party should be a very, very powerful guy.

The question is, are there such powerful people?

You Miao was indeed a little tired. The time traveler's special status prop consumed a lot of his energy, and he didn't expect the Peacock Dance to be so terrifying.

He is simply 100 times more perverted than when he became a Dark Seal.

Seto Kaiba is not from this era, and you are probably the same, Placido began to get down to business. Although he could not find Yu Miao in history, Seto Kaiba would never admit his mistake.

Seto Kaiba is no longer in the world, but the person who appears today is Seto Kaiba.

In this case, then the true identity of You Miao becomes clearer. Is he a time traveler like Paradox?

I don't need to answer you. Do you have anything else to do? You Miao urged Placido to hurry up. He still had something to be busy with.

What exactly do you want to do? After that, our three emperors will personally change history and officially enter the world championship.

It's uncertain whether the three-in-one will return to the identity of Aporia.

Placido's tone was complicated. He was part of Apolya, but Apolya was not all of him.

At most, Apolya will have his own memory, so no one can say for sure what Apolya's attitude towards You Miao will be when the time comes.

It doesn't matter, all the duelists who stand in front of me will be crushed. You Miao said simply. Since Haima wants to help the down-and-out KC Group win a championship and change their fate, he will not go out of his way to stop it.

As for the Three Emperors' plan?

On the contrary, Yu Miao agreed with both hands. They quickly acted like monsters and put pressure on Fudo Yusei to help him learn to speed up the synchronization as soon as possible, so that he would know what the things collected were.

Placido retorted forcefully: Don't underestimate us, the power of the Three Emperors is not that simple. When we become one, it means the final countdown is coming.

Then, Placido stopped talking, and then came the higher plan.

He has done his best and hopes that You Miao will stop threatening him with the soul of his dead lover.

Placido gets angry and leaves.

the next day.

The addition of Peacock Dance officially finalized the minimum number of players for this participating team.

Izayoi, You Miao, Haima, Peacock Dance and a taciturn Da Zi.

There are three official members for the time being, and two substitutes will follow.

Since he is competing on behalf of KC Group, Haima thinks the team name should be: Strongest, Invincible, Tough, Big Cheers!!

Only with a team name like this could he be worthy of his own blue and crooked style.

When registering, maybe the team name was directly rejected because the name was too long.

In order to prevent the president from being a monster, You Miao changed the team name to Coke Girls.

The three simple words Coke Girl represent the resentment of the infinite duelists. This team name passed instantly.

During this period, Izayoi had been focusing on Peacock Dance, and she seemed to be secretly comparing their strengths.

-The blonde woman is beautiful and cold.

This was Izayoi's first impression. What was even more suspicious was that she found that Peacock Wu seemed a little inconvenient to walk, as if he was injured.

Before Izayoi could find out more details about Peacock Dance, the list for the first game quickly appeared.

Team Unicorn? It sounds like a team of bastards. The president's words never leave anyone behind.

This is the first opponent of the 5ds team in the original book, so it would be a good idea to use it to give Izayoi some experience.

You Miao was planning to help Izayoi strengthen it, such as letting the opponent control part of the power of the Earthbound God.

He asked Izayoi to come on and temper this disciple.

The players in the first game won't be very strong, Izayoi might be able to penetrate three.

Come to my room to practice playing cards tonight. You Miao whispered to Izayoi.

Tonight, playing cards?

Izayoi nodded happily.

The peacock dance behind her had a strange expression, she seemed to be thinking about something.

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