I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 232: Miscellaneous fish, I can do this too

Chapter 232: Miscellaneous fish, I can do this too~

You Miao is definitely not the kind of duelist who commits suicide. The Phantom Emperor has 4000 attack power, and the Blue Eyes Dragon has 4200 attack points.

This difference of 200 points of combat damage is enough to clear up You Miao's remaining health.



The You Miao that Kaiba knew was definitely not such a duelist.

Among them, there must be fraud!

Sure enough, You Miao activated a monster card from his hand.

It's the Heavenly Trampling Fist! ! !

Discard this card from your hand and activate it by targeting 1 Phantom Demon King Rabiel on your field.

This turn, the Phantom King's attack power is doubled, and it can attack all the opponent's monsters once.

At this moment, the Phantom Emperor's entire body was dyed golden, making him look like a Super Saiyan.

[Fantasy Demon Emperor: 4000→8000 attack power]

This rush effect can also be activated during the damage step!

Of course, DM is not strict about the timing at this time, and Light Dragon also has a self-destruction effect. This effect does not explain whether it can be activated during the damage step, or even whether it can be activated during the opponent's turn.

According to Haima’s oral skills, You Miao’s answer is bias. Yes!

If this attack passes, I will lose the duel. Kaiba's expression was ferocious. He never expected that You Miao could attack so exaggeratedly in this round. The light dragon's invincible resistance seemed to be vulnerable to the destruction of the battle! !

Don't even think about it. To activate the effect of Blue-Eyed Dragon, you can only activate it by liberating this card. It will destroy a card on the field unconditionally. Kaiba had no choice but to activate this effect!


Under the terrifying fist attack of the Phantom Demon King, the blue-eyed dragon released strong energy in its self-destructive form.

Boom! !

At this moment, the blue-eyed dragon turned into light.

The Phantom Emperor, blessed by the Heavenly Trampling Fist, was instantly annihilated by this scorching light.

When the light disperses.

Kaiba and Yumiao wiped out all the monster areas on the field and returned to their starting point.

Damn it, I almost won. Leopard Girl's tone was very regretful, she clenched her fists and was obviously anxious.

If the Blue-Eyed Dragon hadn't exploded just now, then the Phantom Emperor's punch would definitely KO Kaiba Seto.

I didn't expect that the Blue-Eyed Dragon actually had this self-destruction effect. Wang Xiang discovered that the Blue-Eyed Dragon is very flexible. In addition to its invincible resistance, it can actually self-destruct during the opponent's turn. Explode card.

Hahaha, You Miao, don't even think about defeating me like this. Kaiba took a deep breath. There are no monsters on either side now, and You Miao's battle phase is over.

In the next round, he will definitely find a way to attack again, and then victory will belong to Seto Kaiba!

What's wrong with Wadokana?

You Miao looked at Haima with a meaningless smile and said:

Why do you think I told the book to turn around and get out all three phantoms?

Kaiba, watch out, this is the last monster you will see in this duel!


The graveyard glowed, and You Miao raised the duel disk to banish a certain monster card hidden inside, which was the Summon God of Phantom Demon.

This card in the graveyard can only be activated by banishing it. Add 1 Dimensional Fusion Killer from your deck to your hand. After You Miao finished speaking, AI carefully searched and handed out the card.

Kaiba said in disbelief:

Dimensional fusion kill?

Even if you want to fuse, the combat phase is already over.

You Miao's eyes were cold. He was not affected by anything, but directly activated the magic card: That's hard to say. Even if it is not in the battle stage, there are still monsters that can transcend the rules.

Magic card, dimensional fusion kill! !

From your hand, field, or graveyard, banish the Fusion Material Monster determined by the Phantom Fusion Monster Card, and Special Summon that Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck regardless of the summoning conditions.

The three phantoms in Youmiao's cemetery began to be eliminated. This was his real goal.

The Thunder Emperor who was defeated by the Light Dragon in the last round and entered the graveyard, the Phantom Demon Emperor just now, and the Divine Flame Emperor who were obtained after a search.

At this time, the ultimate fusion power of the dimensional fusion killer kneaded the three phantoms together.

The terrifying power of chaos is being released.


[Chaos Phantom Demon Amitel, 0 attack power, demon/fusion]

Fight!! You Miao said.

The combat phase is over. This dimensional fusion kill is not a quick-attack magic card. Normally, You Miao has no means of second attack.

At this moment, Kaiba only felt that he was surrounded by a terrifying force.

As long as the Chaos Phantom Demon Armitel exists face-up, it can inflict 10,000 points of combat damage to the opponent's monsters in the main phase. If no monster exists, it will inflict the same 10,000 points of combat damage to the opponent's duelist.

This is the most unreasonable thing about the Chaos Demon Amitair.

Use your own effects to inflict 10,000 combat damage to the opponent in the main phase! !

Sign of Chaos.

Kaiba's eyes were filled with darkness, and he felt the terrifying impact of 10,000 battle damage.


This punch of Chaos Phantom Demon Amitel has become the last song.

At this time, the female imp sealed inside the Pyramid of Light slapped the solid surface hard. She put on a Jack jpg expression and shouted:

Damn it, you bastard fish, I can do this too~

The female kid thought that You Miao would find a way to destroy this damn pyramid, release them all, and then backhand angrily beat a wave of useless men on the opposite side.

The female brat has already thought about this ending.

But You Miao didn't do this. Instead of spending a lot of effort to destroy the Pyramid of Light, he might as well abandon the Phantom God and use the power of the Phantom Demon to defeat the opponent.

Facts have proved that this is right. Kaiba used the Pyramid of Light to block the God Card, but unfortunately the three phantom demons were not among them.

The female devils feel that their status is threatened, and when they return next time, they must beat up the three phantom demons to vent their anger!

The punch of Chaos Phantom Demon Amitel directly reduced Kaiba's health to 0.

If 4,000 blood is a life, then you still owe You Miao at least two lives.

Winner: You Miao! !

Kaiba lost. He half-knelt on the ground, looking at his trembling hands in surprise and not daring to believe this fact.

Impossible, this time he gathered the trap cards to restrain the Phantom God, the most perfect and powerful blue-eyed dragon, and predicted You Miao's various actions.


Just lose! !

This unwilling feeling of failure made Kaiba raise his head and look at the ceiling. He suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Before losing consciousness, he smiled with satisfaction.

Although he lost, Kaiba still felt very happy.

A card floated out of Kaiba's deck, and You Miao caught it. This was the Pyramid of Light that could restrain and block the God Card.

The eyes of the Light Brick are flashing red, seeming to imply that this Pyramid of Light is part of the City of Light.

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