I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 231 What is the relationship between the phantom god and the phantom demon?

The light dragon wanders in the nebula. Its pure body is composed of bright light. It is as bright as a brilliance and eye-catching. This powerful force spreads and breaks the calm situation. The surrounding stars and particles resonate.

This is the strongest power of Qingyan!

[Blue-Eyed Dragon, 3000→4200 attack power, Dragon Clan]

Hey, what kind of monster is this? Jonouchi was blinded. When did Kaiba have such a powerful monster? Does he still have a chance to defeat him?

Blue-Eyed Dragon, this monster possesses incredible power. Wang Xiang's mind flashed back to Kaiba's words.

Kaiba himself chooses whether to accept or not accept the effect of this monster! !

The duelist Tianma Yexing was directly destroyed by the blue-eyed dragon.

You Miao, you can no longer withstand this blow. Let's end our draw here.

Blue-Eyed Dragon, give the opponent the final blow.

Shining star! !

The blue-eyed dragon exudes a sparkling effect, and You Miao's remaining health cannot reach this attack.

Boom! !

It seemed that a huge explosion could be heard in the next second. When the dust dispersed, only the devastated surface should be left.

Huh hahahahaha. Kaiba smiled very happily. He was about to win the duel.

However, You Miao's graveyard shone brightly.

You Miao, you guy. Kaiba looked a little surprised, but he probably guessed that the opponent would use the cards in the graveyard to avoid attacks.

You Miao who uses graveyard cards is the real You Miao.

Sure enough, You Miao popped up a card from the graveyard, which was a clean chestnut ball.

This card is the card I sent to the graveyard through the King's Coffin.

I bet everything on this draw.

Draw a card!!

You Miao draws cards.

He got it.

You Miao didn't even look at this card before summoning it on defense.

Boom boom boom.

The evil power spread, and the form of the phantom fell into the field with a thunderous strike. The golden body of thunder used an absolute defensive posture to offset all damage for You Miao.

[Thunder Emperor, 4000 defense, Thunder Tribe]

The Pyramid of Light blocked the God Card, but...

What does the matter of your phantom god have to do with my phantom demon?

You Miao smiled happily. This kind of thing is very simple. Phantom demons do not have divine attributes and phantom beasts. The Pyramid of Light cannot restrict the actions of phantom demons.

Yes, what does what Lu Xun said have to do with me, Zhou Shuren?


Kaiba's eyes flickered. It seemed that during this period of time, You Miao's evolution was faster than he imagined.

Not to mention Horus, I didn’t expect to use a monster like Phantom at this time! !

Damn it, defeat this phantom demon for me, Shining Light. Kaiba launched an attack.

The Emperor of Thunder was successfully destroyed

I'll end this round. Kaiba missed the best chance to win, but Guanglong had already entered the stage, and he had no possibility of failure.

You Miao, you must win.

You Miao will never lose.

Kyoko closed her hands, the sweat on her palms increased rapidly, and the clothes on her back were soaked.

Her eyes were fixed on the duel stage, watching without blinking, for fear that she would miss some exciting part.

You Miao was not affected by the aura of the light dragon at all. The ai of his duel disk slowly emerged, and the auras emitted by the two began to resonate.

It's time to go, Lord You Miao. Little Tom raised the cat's paw.

Shut up!

Skill activates! !

[There are three skills for drawing cards! ! 】

[When the life value is less than 3000, during the card drawing phase, you can specify a magic card in the deck to be added to your hand. 】

You Miao instantly pulled out a card from the deck. His eyes were very cold. He held the card in his right hand and suddenly raised it up.

Magic cards, life-cutting treasure cards!

Of course Kaiba is no stranger to this magic card, after all, he also has it in his deck.

Replenish cards from the deck until you have five. Five cards popped out of the deck in an instant, and You Miao caught them all.

Since the light dragon has strong resistance, You Miao will use the most primitive method to defeat it.

Breaking resistance through combat is the hottest resistance, but destroying through combat is always the most effective result.

The sustainable magic card, the solution to the Seven Spirits!

I add 1 of Godly Flame Emperor Uriah, Thunder Lord Harmon, Phantom Demon King Rabiel or 1 monster with the description of any of the card names from the deck to my hand. .

You Miao added the Dark Summoning God from the deck to his hand.

Normally summons Dark Summoning God!

[Darkness summons God, 0 attack power, demon clan]


The Dark Summoning God activates its effect, and You Miao retrieves a Dark Summoning God from the deck.

The effect of Summoning God is activated. As long as this card exists in the monster zone, and only once in addition to the normal summons, I can summon a Demon-type monster with 0 attack and defense power.

You Miao used the Summoning God as a sacrifice and summoned from a higher level. The Summoning God of Darkness! !

[Summon God of Darkness, 0 attack power, demon clan]


To activate the second effect of Seven Spirits' Unlock, you can activate it by discarding a card from your hand.

You Miao discarded Phantom Demon's Summoning God, and then revived a Demon-type monster with 0 attack and defense power from the graveyard.

So he resurrected the discarded Phantom Demon Summoning God!


[Summon God of Phantom Demon, 0 attack power, demon clan]

The summoning god who liberates the phantom demon!

When the Summoning God of Phantom Demon card is released, You Miao can select any one of God of Flame Emperor Uriah, Thunder Lord of Thunder Harmon and Phantom Demon Emperor of Rabiel from his deck and graveyard. Add the card to your hand.

After that, you can special summon 1 Fire, Thunder, or Demon-type 10-level monster with the same attack and defense values ​​from your hand, regardless of the summoning conditions.

The monsters specially summoned by this effect cannot attack directly this turn!

Come out, Phantom Demon Emperor!!


A vast aura erupted.

[Fantasy Demon King, 4000 attack points, demon clan]


The effect of the Phantom Demon King is activated, sacrificing and liberating the Summoning God of Darkness on the field, increasing its attack power.

Since the Summoning God of Darkness is zero, the Phantom Demon Emperor does not increase its attack power.

Activate the Dark Summoning God effect in the graveyard, banish this card, and add Godly Flame Emperor Uriah to your hand from your deck. You Miao tells stories and searches.

Jonouchi was stunned, and even Leopard Girl, who had always been straightforward, felt uncomfortable. She seemed to be confused by You Miao's duel.

Only Wang Xiang and Haiba saw some clues.

Last round, You Miao specially summoned the Thunder Emperor through the Clean Chestnut Ball.

In this round, You Miao is operating around the three cards of Thunder Emperor, Phantom Demon Emperor, and Divine Flame Emperor.

Wang Xiang's pupils suddenly dilated. He knew that You Miao was deliberately gathering three fantasy monsters in his hand, on the field, and in the graveyard! !

At this time, You Miao asked the Phantom Demon Emperor with 4000 attack power to attack the Blue Eyes Dragon with 4200 attack power!

You↑Miao↓ Kaiba gritted his teeth as he watched the Phantom Demon Emperor's attack.

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