I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 227 Haima VS You Miao

In the end, Xiao Lan sat on Leopard Girl's strong thigh, and You Miao returned to her original position.

During the car ride, Xingzi saw the light brick on You Miao's chest. She asked, What is this? It really looks like a thousand-year brick.

The Millennium Building Blocks are golden and have obvious signs of patchwork.

The building blocks of light are silver, but they are naturally integrated.

You Miao briefly explained the origin of this thing, such as the special artifact, which was a cultural relic recently excavated from Egypt.

Wang Yang looked confused. He always felt that there was something wrong with this light building block, and was it a special artifact?

The artifact is not necessarily a thousand-year artifact, and the thousand-year artifact definitely does not have the style of the light building blocks.

One gold, one silver, how could it be the same system?

Wang Xiang quickly put this matter behind him, because he felt that this light building block was very evil, and he would feel a little dizzy if he stared at it for a long time.

It's better to think about the duel later.

Will Kaiba choose himself as his opponent or You Miao?

Thinking of this, Wang Yang actually had a vague answer in his mind. He opened his eyes slightly and looked at You Miao opposite.

You Miao was also looking at Wang Xiang at this time, and the two of them crossed their legs and remained silent.

It really seems like it. Jonouchi said suddenly. He felt that You Miao and Yu Yu had a lot in common.

But in terms of personality, You Miao is obviously worse.

Looking at it this way, Jonouchi felt that Yu Miao was like the evil version of the individual, while Yugi was the righteous version.

The car drove into the Duel Dome Arena.

You Miao looked out the window and saw the auditorium filled with all kinds of people.

The AI ​​emerged from the duel disk, and it whispered: Sir You Miao, these are virtual projections, and they are all fake people.

Virtual audience, Kaiba's traditional skill.

Sure enough, after You Miao and the others got off the bus, the virtual audience sitting on it began to cheer in unison:

The strongest, invincible, big cheers!!

Haima is the best in the world!

Jonouchi pouted, he wanted to say something to complain, but for a moment he couldn't find a place to attack.

You say Kaiba is shameless, but this place belongs to him. You say he uses psychological tactics? Yu Miao and Yu Yu will not be affected by this.

In the end, Jonouchi concluded a reason: Kaiba, the grandson, was just pretending.


A ray of white light shone down, and Seto Kaiba descended slowly from above, full of energy.

His hand is equipped with the second generation duel disk, which is the latest product developed by KC Group.

Although the level of technology has not reached the level of the theatrical version, it is already better looking and has higher performance than the original duel disk.

Jonouchi's eyes were wide open with this second-generation duel plate.

Hmph, Yugi, this is my personal gift to you. Kaiba threw a new second-generation duel disk over.

Wang Xiang caught the duel disk thrown by Kaiba.

As for You Miao?

Kaiba looked at the opponent's mysterious duel disk and thought that You Miao didn't need a second-generation duel disk.

Jonouchi suppressed his blush. He also wanted Kaiba to throw the duel disk, but the other party obviously ignored him.

Just very angry.

Seahorse stepped forward and he walked to the opposite duel position. Suddenly a light fell on You Miao.

You Miao, let's resolve the bad relationship between you and me here. Kaiba chose his opponent to challenge.

At this time, Keppei came out from the other side wearing a small suit. He began to explain what the two sides were betting on in this duel.

You Miao is going to bet on the honor of Duel King, while Haima is betting on part of the KC Group's equity.

Kaiba is not a shameless person. Since he wants the other party to risk the honor of the Duel King, he will also pay for it with a corresponding reward.

And this share of equity will completely kidnap You Miao to KC Group

Haima has not forgotten one thing. The AI ​​in You Miao's hands can definitely help KC Group reach a higher level.

If You Miao wins, then he will be a rich man. Jonouchi looked envious.

The game is a shareholder of International Illusion Society. If You Miao wins this time, he will be a shareholder of KC Group.

Digging holes, comparing people to people is so annoying, Jonouchi found out why he didn't get this treatment?

You Miao is not averse to joining the KC Group this time, because the Gurus Group no longer steals other people's rare cards and does no evil. Of course, it has no source of income.

After all, he is not a rich man from the tomb-guarding clan.

When the Overlord invaded Tongshiye City, the group of Gurus cannon fodder did help to resist the invasion of many demons.

You Miao joins KC Group so that he can lead the cannon fodder of Gurus to clear their name.

Haima did not choose Wang Xiang as his opponent. The latter both understood and felt it was a pity.

At this moment, Haiba and You Miao stood on the duel stage together.

The second-generation duel disk has a card shuffling function.

This time, You Miao watched with his own eyes as Haima's second-generation duel disk was automatically washed and cut.

Haima, the cards have been shuffled, You Miao is going to cry to death.

Duel*2! !

You Miao: 4000LP

Haima: 4000LP

Hmph, You Miao, let's erase that draw. Kaiba roared, and he pulled cards from the deck.

What! ?

Wang Xiang and Jonouchi were shocked when they heard Kaiba's words.

Haima actually had a duel with You Miao before, and the fight ended in a draw?

This is impossible.

It wasn't that Wang Yang was belittling Haima, but that You Miao was simply too strong.

So strong that even he couldn't defeat him in Duel City. Kaiba didn't have the blue-eyed dragon before but he could still fight to a draw with You Miao?

Kaiba and You Miao are definitely not the kind of duelists who take the initiative to let go.

You Miao, come on. Xingzi immediately shouted in support of the other party, but her voice alone was not enough to compete with the entire virtual cheerleading team in the arena.

You Miao's expression remained unchanged. He never needed teammates or shouts. He only believed in the cards in his hand and victory.

Ah, activate the magic card, Magic Sanctuary! Kaiba raised his hand and activated the exclusive forbidden card.


Through the Magic Sanctuary, You Miao and Haima each picked a magic card from the deck and added it to their hands.

Hmph, You Miao, let me defeat you with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Kaiba raised a monster in his hand and said, This Dragon Dictator's monster card, use 1 Blue-Eyes White Dragon from your hand or deck. ” is activated by sending it to the graveyard, and is specially summoned from the hand.

A Blue-Eyes White Dragon pops up from the Kaiba deck and is sent to the grave, and then this monster in your hand enters the field.

[Dragon Ruler-Dragon Dictator, 1200 Defense, Magician]

The cards were actually shuffled? You Miao said to herself when she saw this scene.

As we all know, if Kaiba can't fuse + Sanbailong at first, how can he be worthy of the bond of his white marriage?

But he didn't expect that this time, the other party would start normally.

Good guy, You Miao feels that maybe his fighting spirit and Kaiba's fighting spirit are competing with each other.

You Miao, how dare you fight with me in a daze? Kaiba said angrily. He activated the second effect of Dragon Dictator: Discard 1 Blue Eyes White Dragon or a card with the card name written on it from your hand. Then target 1 Blue Eyes monster in the Graveyard and Special Summon it.

Kaiba sent a trap card to the graveyard, and then resurrected the Blue Waist from the graveyard just now.

boom! !

The vast roar of dragon breath.

[Blue Eyes White Dragon, 3000 Attack Power, Dragon Clan]

It’s not over yet!

The graveyard on the Kaiba Duel Disk is glowing, and the trap card that was just sent to the graveyard takes effect.

This card exists in the graveyard and can only be activated if you successfully summon or special summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

This card is set on the field.


The trap card that was just sent to the graveyard is automatically overwritten on the Kaiba field.

Cover one more card and I end the turn. Kaiba showed a weird smile.

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