No!! Becas's voice suddenly appeared from the other side.

You Miao instantly appeared next to Bekas. He found this dead guy kneeling on the ground holding his hair and yelling.


In front of Bekas is a place similar to an exhibition hall, with three huge stone slabs placed at the top.

Hiss You Miao took a breath. He seemed to know why Becas was screaming.

In this high tower, are the stone slabs of the three evil gods placed?

No, how could this happen? Becas's face was full of horror, and he felt incredible.

These three stone slabs are completely black, and the monster patterns on them are different from the three evil gods Bekas has seen before.

But one thing is certain, Bekas was influenced by the revelation in his dream and created the Three Evil Gods, but due to fear, he seemed not to create the real Three Evil Gods.

The harvest is really incredible. You Miao looked at these three stone slabs. He always felt that he had discovered an incredible secret.

When You Miao took Isis back to the real world, they found that it was getting late outside.

Becas's soul was stored inside the Pyramid of Light by You Miao. When he gets Becas's body back from Tianma Yexing later, he can resurrect the unlucky father of the Duel Monsters.

What, you asked if there would be any problem with Becas' body?

It may sound a bit perverted, but Becas revealed a secret to You Miao.

After Scindia died young that year, Bekas buried her.

But Becas dug out his lover's body afterwards and sealed it using advanced technology. Corpse-seeing man! !

Bekas once told his adopted son Tianma Yexing that if he died, his body must be preserved and put together with his lover Cindia.

In terms of the degree of perversion, You Miao is really inferior to this guy Becas.

This is true love even to death.

Isis received too much information today, and she copied a lot of text from the inside of the tower in the City of Light.

Tonight, Isis must study hard all night to decipher it.

You Miao had dinner with Isis, and then he left.

The streets are lonely.

You Miao walked in the alley intersection enjoying the evening breeze. The light blocks on his chest penetrated with a faint red light at night.

Just at this time.

Three strange men riding motorcycles appeared. They blocked You Miao directly, and seemed to intend to forcefully lock him up.

Hahahaha, Muto Yugi, quickly hand over the three phantom gods in your deck. These three motorcycle men came with bad intentions.

It is no secret that Duel King You Miao handed over the three phantom gods to Muto Yugi, so recently some people have focused on Muto Yugi.

Who doesn’t love the Three Illusion Gods?

I'm not Muto Yugi. You Miao explained.

Stop pretending, you obviously look like him, and you still have a thousand-year building block on your chest. One of the leading men decided that the other person was lying.

The other two men on motorcycles took out sharp watermelon knives and pistols

The Cards of Illusion Gods are so precious and rare that many rich people in the black market have issued bounties with huge sums of money. As long as they can snatch the three Illusion Gods, they can get very generous rewards.

Yes, they did not intend to duel, but to use force to coerce the Three Illusion Gods away.

The building blocks are tall. Can you see what they are? You Miao picked up the light building blocks. This thing is completely integrated into one body, which is different from the artifacts made up of building blocks.

However, You Miao did have three fantasy gods in his hand. He showed the three god cards and asked these three people: If you beat me at cards, these cards are yours.

However, these three people did not want to play cards at all. They pointed their pistols at You Miao and kept talking:

Damn it, there are three phantom gods, and you are indeed Muto Yugi.

Hurry up and hand over the card of the phantom god.

Otherwise, I'll let you know what it means to attack anyone who invades Wu's territory.

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, if you don't play cards but use evil methods, usually these people will not end well.

The eye mark of the light block on You Miao's chest emitted scarlet light, and these three idiots who didn't want to play cards were instantly sucked into it.

The world suddenly became peaceful.

You Miao shook the light blocks, and the three idiots were imprisoned in the prison of the tower. Anyway, there were many places there, and it didn't matter if there were a few missing.

As for the lives of these people?

You Miao's expression began to darken, he showed a cruel smile, and said: You neither want to duel, nor are you willing to die. This makes it very difficult for me to handle.

the next day.

According to the agreed time, Kaiba asked Isono to take Yu Miao and Yu Yu to the agreed duel location in advance.

You Miao estimated that the first person Haima would challenge today would be herself.

Anubis's landmine has been eliminated by him in advance, so there will be no surprises in today's duel.

You Miao placed the deck of cards in the AI ​​duel plate. Apart from the original duel in the underground palace, he and Kaiba had not officially settled the original incident in a one-on-one duel.

In the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, only one-on-one results can convince people. The big melee in Duel City naturally does not count. Of course, Kaiba thinks so.

There is no Anubis to disrupt the situation this time. You Miao will completely continue the draw duel with Kaiba in this duel.

Master, wait for me. Xiaolan ran out of the house with the prepared breakfast in hand. She also wanted to follow You Miao.

This is the pride of the future Dragon King.

Xiaolan happily carried the small basket and sat in the car. Isono wiped the sweat from his face with a handkerchief. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to find that this woman had a tail and antennae on her head.

Is this a monster?

You come too. You Miao asked Leopard Girl to rest for a day, so he simply asked her to come too.

When Leopard Girl found out, a smile appeared on her face, and she sat in the car with her tall body.

Yugi was already sitting in the car, accompanied by Jonouchi and Kyoko.

Due to space constraints, Leopard Girl and Xiao Lan seemed particularly crowded after they squeezed in.

Isono put down the handkerchief from his face and suggested changing to a more spacious car.

After all, the only people invited by Lord Kaiba are Yu Yu and You Miao.

I don’t know why, but suddenly a Mortal Bone, a Bad Woman, Xiaolan and Leopard Girl appeared.

Especially this leopard girl. Her figure is so outstanding.

It's okay, no need. Xingzi looked happy because she was sitting next to You Miao.

During the drive, Kyoko could still ask You Miao about the duel, so she didn't want Isono to get a more spacious car.

Yes, it's not necessary. Leopard Girl didn't want to change either, because she picked up You Miao from Xingzi and placed him on her two strong thighs.

This scene has the feeling of a pony riding a big cart.

Jonouchi opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

You Miao also felt that the hand on his back was a little dishonest, and his face turned dark: Put me down.

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