I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 213 Blast the safe with one punch

Hurry up and choose~

Seahorse boy~

Becas looked excited. He had prepared three cartoon monsters for the opponent to choose from.

Stop being funny, Becas. Kaiba couldn't stand the other party's accent, so he directly chose the middle card.

Seeing the cartoon monster card chosen by Kaiba, Becas could no longer hold back his excitement and said: Oh, hehehe, boy Kaiba, you have ruined yourself with your own hands.

The monster card chosen by Kaiba is turned over. This is a cartoon blue-eyed white dragon! !


[Cartoon blue-eyed white dragon, 3000 attack power, dragon clan]

Cute big eyes, white and pure body, sharp and cute teeth, these are the various monsters that Becas used to recreate in the Cartoon World through evil taste

Becas, you bastard! Kaiba watched the Blue-Eyes White Dragon being made into a separate cartoon Blue-Eyes White Dragon. One can imagine the anger in his heart.

Regarding the perverted possessiveness of Blue Eyes White Dragon, Kaiba ranked second, and no one dared to admit first.

I tried the chicken sauce and they all said it was right!

Oh ho ho ho~ Bekas looked intoxicated. He used his palms to enchant the whole body of the cartoon blue-eyed white dragon, highlighting what a pervert is.

The cartoon blue-eyed white dragon also cooperated very well with Becas, it croaked and screamed.

Kaiba's face turned dark on the spot, even more exaggeratedly dark than the pot lid.

Such ridiculous blue eyes should not exist in the world. Kaiba said in a gloomy tone, which scared the cartoon blue-eyed white dragon.

Becas sneered and did not continue to answer. The remaining cover card he had was Cartoon Suitcase!

As long as there are cartoon monsters on the field, Bekas can rely on the Cartoon Suitcase to let the opponent summon, reverse summon, and special summon those monsters back to the owner's deck.

——Come on, Kaiba Boy, no matter what monster you summon, it can't change your ending of failure.

There was no need to hide the smile on Becas's lips. Even if he was pulled down from the Duel Kingdom, it did not mean that he was obsolete.

Magic card, fusion! Kaiba raised the powerful magic card in his hand, and the three blue-eyed white dragons in his hand were instantly absorbed by the powerful power of fusion.

The powerful dragon roared.

Kaiba performed a wave of 4 for 1 for Becas

If you want to learn advanced fusion techniques well, you must have the courage to make a desperate move.

You don't even have the courage to trade 4 for 1, and you still say you are a fusion expert?


Clean white light crashed down, and the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon entered the scene.

[Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, 4500 attack power, dragon clan]

In front of the real Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the cartoon Blue-Eyes White Dragon, a funny fake, shivered in fear.

Hahaha, poor seahorse boy, you have made the stupidest mistake. Becas opened the covering trap.

Cartoon suitcase! !


A suitcase made of crocodile skin appeared. The cartoon blue-eyed white dragon immediately opened the suitcase, and thick smoke spurted out.

The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon was spit out a breath of evil breath and sent back to its original place.

Kaiba instantly lost 4 cards, but Becas only used 1 Cartoon Suitcase to do this.

Uh-huh, it's such a shame Kaiba boy.

As the top duelist, you would actually make such a mistake.

Really, shouldn't it be~

Bekas decided that victory had completely gone to his side.

Kaiba only has 2 cards left in his hand, while Bekas also has a cartoon white dragon and cartoon twin elves on the field.

Isn't this a sure win?

Humph, Becas, your narrow thinking in the past has made you miserable now. Kaiba opened his eyes, exuding a sense of oppression like a sharp sword, which made Becas dare not look at him at all.

Becas, when you are hiding on this broken island and are so complacent, you have no idea how fast I am growing! In order to catch up with Yu Miao and Yu Yu who have phantom gods, Kaiba spends every minute trying to catch up. I even put in a lot of effort in pushing myself.

As we all know, the pirate king next door, Kebi, worked 200 times harder and grew from a normal person with no foundation to the strength of a navy admiral in just 2 and a half years.

It can be inferred from this that Haima also needs to put in 200 times the effort every day and can immediately catch up with Shang You Miao's growth rate!

So, Dragon Mirror, activate!

No, it's impossible, it's actually the Dragon Mirror. Bekas said in shock. He never expected that Kaiba would start with 3 White Dragon + 1 Fusion + 1 Dragon Mirror.

This incredible bond simply stunned the father of duel monsters.

Dragon Mirror allows you to banish all Fusion Material Monsters determined by the Dragon Fusion Monster Card from your field or graveyard, and Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from the Extra Deck.

At this moment, Kaiba raised his index finger to the sky, stared at Becas, and shouted: Kui Ping said that as long as I am willing, my evolution speed is no worse than Yu Miao.

boom! !

At this moment, an unusual blue light pillar suddenly hit the field area.

Accompanied by Kaiba Seto's Chuuni line: Let the form of the evolved strongest dragon be imprinted deep in your eyes! Appear here, the strongest blue-eyed ultimate dragon!!

A blue-eyed ultimate dragon with blue flashing runes exuding all over its body was born.

[True-Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, 4500 attack power, dragon/fusion]

Oh, no!! Becas was shocked by this new True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Becas, keep your eyes open, this is the last monster you have ever seen. Kaiba asked the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon to attack.

The ultimate blast bomb!

A violent vortex storm blasted out.

The twin cartoon elves were annihilated in an instant, and huge combat damage struck back.

[Beskar: 4000LP → 1400LP]

The terrifying impact caused the father of duel monsters to retreat several meters, but he would not give in so easily:

Haha, Kaiba Boy, you are indeed much stronger than you were during the Duel Kingdom.

But the strength of cartoon monsters is definitely more than that!

Kaiba looked at Becas with an indifferent expression and asked:

Do you think there will be another round?

Becas looked confused, why didn't he have the next round?

The Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon has already attacked, and his HP has not dropped to zero.

How stupid, Becas, you actually looked at the evolved Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon with a shallow gaze?

This newly evolved Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon can attack three times in one round!!

Take this blow, Becas!

The ultimate blast bomb, two combos!


The attack of the true-Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon annihilated the comic-character cartoon Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and Becas lost the duel due to the powerful impact wave.

【Becas: 0LP】

Winner: Seto Kaiba! !

Walking up to Bekas as a winner, Kaiba said disdainfully: You who can only recall the glory of the past are not enough to be a stepping stone to stop my ambition.

According to the promise of the duel, Becas, who lost the duel, could only obediently hand over the mysterious card he held.

When he was making the Three Illusion Gods, Bekas was afraid that the God Card would be too powerful, so he made some preparations.

At this moment, Kaiba couldn't wait to open Becas' hidden safe. He couldn't help but want to take a look at this monster that could surpass the God Card.

Haiba boy, I am a person who keeps my promises. The password for that safe is 9. Before Becas could finish saying the password, he heard a terrifying loud noise! !

Becas' mouth opened as he saw Kaiba punch the safe door open.

What level of strange power is this?

Kaiba took out the cards from the safe and showed a satisfied smile: Hmph hey hey, hahahahahahaha

Kaiba's iconic villain smile appeared.

Becas, these cards of yours are so great, I'll accept them.

As for the money in this safe, I will ask Keiping to compensate you when I go back.

Hmm hahahahahaha.

After getting the power he wanted, Kaiba couldn't help but suppress his addiction to cards for a long time!

——You Miao, I keep thinking about the draw duel in the underground palace day and night.

From that moment on, Haima knew that one day, sooner or later, he would have to end things with You Miao.

As for games

Haha, he can't even think about running away.

The seahorse walked quickly and disappeared from Bekas's eyes in just a few seconds.

But Becas still looked at the blown safe, maintaining a shocked expression.

When he realized it later, Becas recalled what was wrong just now.

How many cards?

What cards?

Bekas only made one card that can suppress the power of the three illusory gods. Are the extra cards a joke?

Something's wrong, Kaiba boy, please come back quickly. Bekas wanted to let Kaiba explain clearly, but the other party walked too fast. At this time, he had already boarded the Blue Eyes fighter jet and left the island.

Becas was trembling all over. He kept urging the castle security personnel to come over and help. He wanted to find an opportunity to contact Seahorse Boy to find out what had just happened.

But the whole castle was silent, and no one came to help Becas.

No matter how stupid Becas was, he still noticed that something was wrong nearby.

Because it's too quiet.

It seemed like Becas was the only one left in such a big castle.

Until the sound of footsteps that did not conceal his whereabouts appeared.

Becas turned to look behind him and saw a familiar stranger.

The tapir is good! !

It's you. Becas recognized the other party instantly, knowing that the Thousand-Year Eye was taken away by the other party.

Hahaha, Becas is here well. Anbailiang looked at the father of duel monsters in front of him with an evil look on his face, and he said: I have already taken care of the security personnel of the castle. Don't waste your efforts to seek support. .”

Bekas realized that this guy An Tapirang had bad intentions. He looked at him and asked, What's the matter with you? If it's a financial problem, I'm willing to help you unconditionally.


An Zhiliang looked at Becas with fierce eyes and said in a bad tone:

Do I look like someone who is short of money?

I heard that when you were making the Three Illusion Gods, you seemed to have made some weird things.

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