I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 212 Bekas is in trouble

The three talents of Stargazer, Benevolence, and Traitor are not quite right.

You Miao finally understood why there was something wrong with these talents.

He suspected that this talent scroll might have just returned from the Three Kingdoms training class.

In addition to these three talents, there is one talent at the end of the talent roll.

It completely caught You Miao's attention.

[Fake Card Lover: With this talent, your probability of obtaining powerful fake cards using skills will be increased to a certain extent. 】

Looking at this talent, You Miao remembered one of his own skills.

There are three skills for drawing cards.

The last skill of this skill is to print fake cards, but fake cards are not necessarily powerful, they may be weak or even outrageous.

For example, the 4-star true red-eyed black dragon with 4000 attack power.

If you have this talent, then You Miao can increase the lower limit by using this skill to print cards.

It's up to you. You Miao selected this talent.

After selecting talents, there will only be one reward left this time.

Selection rights for hero booster packs.

In the duel with the Overlord, the mission provides a Hero Reinforcement Pack, which contains a large number of cards.

You Miao can currently take away several cards in the Hero Reinforcement Pack through this authority!

After you select the card and take it away, this reinforcement pack will disappear.

With nothing to choose from, You Miao took the lead and took away the most useful Infinite Bubbles.

This trap card of Infinite Bubble is flexible enough and has a very useful effect on invalidating monsters. It is definitely the most worth picking card in this booster pack.

Then, You Miao picked out a few useful hero cards, and of course the elemental hero - Electronic Terminator Dragon.

Caesar, your old friend is mine!

Intensive care unit of kc group.

The instrument ticked until the signs of life displayed on the instrument slowly stabilized. Although the signs were still very weak, the man was already out of danger.


The door opened automatically, and Seto Kaiba walked in. He looked through the glass at Paradox, who was lying in a coma on the hospital bed, and asked, How long will it take for this person to wake up?

The authoritative doctor with gray hair wiped the sweat from his face and forehead, and he said: Master Kaiba, I think it is a miracle that this man can survive. His willpower is amazing.

Kaiba's eyes were slightly unkind, he didn't want this meaningless answer.

But an accurate time!

Kaiba-sama, I think it will take at least a month for this man to wake up. The authoritative doctor realized Seto Kaiba's impatience, and he quickly gave a conservative answer.

Humph, I don't want to feel that way. I want to feel that I will see him wake up in a week or two at most. After Kaiba left these words, he left gracefully.

Little did he know that the authoritative doctor behind him shed tears. It was really difficult to work in Tongshiye City.

Kaiba has a long-term thinking, and he discovered many high technologies that he had never seen before on Paradox's D-wheel.

These things are valuable assets that can vigorously promote the development of KC Group. Unfortunately, it is difficult to analyze these things with the current level of technology, so Kaiba must wake up Paradox.


Kaiba has many doubts about synchronic monsters, and perhaps this paradox can be directly answered for him.

Of course, in addition to the paradox, You Miao also holds a synchronized monster. Kaiba thinks this is not a simple coincidence.

Humph, You Miao, just wait for me. Kaiba's eyes suddenly sharpened, and the blue-eyed fighter jet he had asked Kepping to prepare had already landed on the rooftop of the KC building.

Kaiba jumped directly into the fighter jet, locked a direction and began to move forward quickly.

The target is some kind of overseas island.

The owner of this island is Becas, the father of duel monsters who just escaped from Doshino City overnight.

There is no need to explain the Overlord invasion. Becas even learned from the game boy that Paradox wanted to assassinate him.

Without Youmiaoboy, Becas felt like his neck would be cold.

Tong Shiye City was so terrible that he didn't want to stay here for a second.

So Bekas ran away overnight, not even going to the Chamber of Commerce dinner held by KC Group.

But in the eyes of Kaiba, Becas's behavior interpreted it as having another meaning.

Kaiba always wanted Becas to spit out a certain card, but the latter was unwilling at all and ran away overnight?

Can this seahorse endure it?

If you don’t want to eat the soft ones, give Becas the hard ones!

Kaiba's thirst for power and desire to defeat You Miao and Huanshen finally reached its peak at this moment.

Him, Kaiba, and Becas hand in their cards quickly!

On some unknown island.

There is a European-style castle here, and the architectural style and climate are Becas's favorite.

Bekas has basically been vacationing in this place since the Duel Kingdom tour.

After running back from Doshino City overnight, Bekas of course returned to this island.


Becas was lying on the soft sofa in a bathrobe. He was talking to someone on the laptop.

Oh, no, the crisis that Tongshino City is facing is really terrible.

Thankfully there is Youmiao boy in this city, otherwise I don't know what to do.

Becas shook the red wine glass in his hand and took a deep breath, seeming to still be haunted by the horrific things that happened today.

Especially the guy named Paradox made Becas frightened.

I heard that the other party seems to be a person from the future. How much hatred is there? Is it worth the other party's power to defy time and come back to kill him?

This is what Becas is afraid of!

Father, it's all my fault.

I will come back to you as soon as I finish handling the business at hand.

On the screen of Becas's laptop, the young man said anxiously.

Haha, don't worry, the most dangerous thing has been overcome.

Boy You Miao is really an excellent duelist. It's a blessing to have the two of them in Tong Shi Ye City.

Becas and his adopted son express their truest thoughts.


The adopted son had a different opinion.

Father, I think you overestimate these two people.

They just took advantage of my absence, so they could be so unscrupulous.

This adopted son's idea is a bit extreme. He believes that Muto Yugi took advantage of his absence to defeat Bekas in the Duel Kingdom.

As for You Miao, the duel king?

Haha, this adopted son doesn’t agree.

If he also has time to participate in Duel City, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose!

The adopted son believes that Becas should not trust You Miao and Muto Yugi so much. He is the best support for his father.

Bekas saw his adopted son's arrogant look. He was hitting the opponent accurately, and he had to be in awe in everything.

Becas, who once fell under the dark power of the Millennium Eye, knows that many things in this world are too deep. The best explanation is that he sacrificed one of his eyes.

But by coincidence, a bodyguard beside Becas came forward and said something.

Becas nodded and motioned for the other party to go down.

Night travel, Seto Kaiba is here, I'll go deal with this first.

Let's stop talking here tonight.

After saying that, Becas closed the computer and went to see Kaiba Boy in his bathrobe.

Seto Kaiba is coming with bad intentions, Becas has already noticed it.

Finding myself across such a long distance at night was probably not to reminisce about old times or discuss business.

Seahorse boy, I advise you to give up.

I'm not handing that card over.

Becas is going to show off his cards. He wants to formally reject Kaiba. The card that contains terrifying power must not be handed over.

Hmph, after seeing what happened in Tongshiye City today, you can still remain calm and composed?

No matter what cards you hide, I'm here today to get this one!

Becas, let's solve it the way a duelist would.

Seto Kaiba unfolded the duel disk, and he pulled out the top three cards of the deck and displayed them.

Blue Eyes White Dragon! !

Yes, all three cards are Blue Eyes White Dragon.

Becas looked at the blue-eyed white dragon, which was only available in three pictures in the world. He seemed to sense that Kaiba Boy was very serious this time.

Becas, bet everything on the duelist.

Win, these three blue-eyed white dragons are yours.

If you lose, you have to hand over the powerful hidden card to me.

Kaiba's aura was so amazing that it made Bekas' duelist soul burn.

Hehehe, Kaiba Boy, it seems you have forgotten what happened in the Duel Kingdom. Bekas took out his duel disk and placed the deck on it.

In the Duel Kingdom, Becas defeated Seto Kaiba through the power of the Millennium Eye + cartoon series and turned him into a card.

This kind of thing is simply a humiliation. How could Seto Kaiba forget it?

You will only indulge in the glory of the past, but you don't know that the dueling world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Becas, you are so pitiful now.

Kaiba's taunting skills have always been maxed out, all of which were developed with Jonouchi.

Bekas was immediately fooled by such a mockery.

This duel is decided immediately!

Duel*2! !

Seto Kaiba: 4000:LP

Becas: 4000LP

Hahaha, let you recall the fear at that time, draw a card. Becas drew a card, and he did not hesitate to activate the sustainable magic card in his hand, Cartoon World! !

Boom, boom, boom, a book seemed to be beating with life, and then opened instantly.

The old castle wrapped in white mist began to release the power of funny cartoons.

[Becas: 4000LP → 3000LP]

Hahaha, Kaiba boy, look at me summoning this monster card.


Accompanied by a pink glow.

Cartoon versions of the two voluptuous sisters enter the stage.

[Cartoon twin elves, 1900 attack power, magician clan]

Cover two cards. Becas looked at Kaiba and smiled gloomily before ending the round.

Kaiba ignored Becas's sickening smile and forcefully pulled a card from the deck.

Hahaha, Kaiba boy, don't think that you are the only one who can grow. Bekas opened a quick-attack magic card, covered with cartoons!

As long as Cartoon World is present, this quick-attack magic card can show the opponent three types of cartoon monsters from the deck.

The opponent must randomly select 1 monster from these three cards and special summon it on Bekas field regardless of the summoning conditions, and return the remaining monsters to the deck.


Becas carefully selected three different cartoon monsters from the deck, and Seto Kaiba had to make a choice.

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