The Yubel Elf is also a Yubel monster, and as long as the pain of nightmares is a permanent magic, it exists.

As long as the monsters in the Yubel field attack, they can continue to deal damage back!

You have nowhere to escape, You Miao. Overlord shouted ruthlessly.


I open the covered trap card, the needleworm's lair. You Miao activated this trap card in advance.


The trap card takes effect, and the top five cards of You Miao's deck are sent to the graveyard.

When you activate this trap card at this time, are you expecting a miracle to happen?

How stupid!

Overlord entered the battle again and launched an attack declaration.

The Yubel elf was wrapped in the power given by the pain of nightmares, and she was about to hit the creation dragon of all things.

You Miao could block the first blow, but could he block Yubel's second taunting blow?

Therefore, these 10,000 points of damage will still come back to bite You Miao.

This is also Overlord's plan, using the combination of two Yubels + Nightmare Pain to counterattack crazily.

Overlord did not believe that among the cards You Miao had just sent to the graveyard, there were cards that could prevent the Yubel Elf from attacking.


Yugi and Kaiba believed it.

When You Miao activated his cards to stack graves, all of them felt stable.

After all, there is something strange hidden in You Miao's cemetery.

For example. coolie wave?

The image of Dali being tortured into disgrace in Duel City is still vivid in my mind.

You Miao can even directly take a picture of the Valley of Royal Rest to suppress you during Dark Malik's turn.

Overlord, you are still too young.

Sure enough, You Miao's graveyard glowed.

A transaction rollback pops up, paying half of the life points, and begins to copy the effect of another trap card.

[You Miao: 3100LP→1550LP]

And this trap card is... Dimensional Claustrophobia!

Under the overlord's disbelieving gaze, the Yubel elf was directly eliminated.

I see, it's this trap card. Xiao Biao's figure suddenly appeared next to Yami Yugi, because this trap is also a card that Xiao Biao likes very much.

Dimensional Claustra is equivalent to a superior replacement for Explosive Armor.

When the opponent's monster declares an attack, select 1 attacking monster to activate. The selected attacking monster is removed from the game.

When the Yubel Elf is destroyed, the effect of the Last Word will be triggered, but there is no other way.

Damn duelist, you eliminated me. Yubel began to grumble behind the Overlord, and the two combos of counterattacks they planned were all blocked by the opponent.

What a tenacious turtle shell!

However, the Overlord's reaction was different from what Yubel had imagined. The opponent's shoulders began to tremble slightly, and his face began to show an expression of joy.

Yes, a duel should be full of unknowns. No one knows what will happen in the next second.

Because of this, the heartbeat in Overlord's heart began to accelerate rapidly.

Well done, but I activated the magic card in my hand, Mark's Memories.

The counters of Maturity Chronicles increase by up to two.

At this time, the upper limit has been met, and Chronicle of Maturity has 5 counters.

Overlord waved his arms and said loudly: Except five counters, I add a super fusion from the deck to my hand.

Super Fusion, exuding ultimate power, was retrieved by Overlord, and at the same time he covered a card, ending the turn.

In the end phase, the Sacrificial Demon Lotus in the graveyard activates its effect and is specially summoned from the graveyard on its own.

And this sacrificed Demon Realm Lotus also became Yubel's sacrifice.

As long as Yubel is on the field, Overlord will have the strongest shield.

It's my turn, draw a card. You Miao looked at the card covered by Overlord. This thing is basically a super fusion of open cards, and he showed a monster card in his hand.

New Universe Connector!

A small new space monster was born. Through the effect of this monster, You Miao specially summoned a new Space Man from the deck.

A mole with a strong earthy smell came out of the ground with a sinister look on its face.

[New Spaceman·Earth Mole, 900 attack power, rock tribe]

Earth Mole, this guy is not only the New Universe, he also has the power of the New Universe. Overlord's heart was filled with an extremely twisted feeling.

Hahahaha. Jingxiang pointed to the earth mole on the playground, patted her brother and asked with a smile: That mole looks like his brother.

Within the city:

Where does it look like?

It’s so difficult in the city.

Can this rat find the reason within himself?

The power of the New Universe Connector has not stopped yet. You Miao chose to liberate this monster and resurrect Ultraman from the graveyard! !

Haha, the magnetic field is reorganized! A twisted particle force rolled up, and Ultraman, whose face was covered with shadows, immediately resurrected from the graveyard.

The Overlord couldn't bear it now. He was also a user of the new space power.

So it is clear that Ultraman has the ability to contact fusion, and after the fusion of Ultraman and the Earth Mole, a monster that can control powerful power will be born.

The new hero of the earth!

Yubel is very strong, and the pain of nightmares is also very strong, but Earth Xinyuxia has the power to extremely restrain Yubel.

That’s the bomb!

Yubel is not afraid of destruction but is afraid of exclusions and bullet jams.

Sure enough, You Miao was ready to activate Ultraman's special power and contact the fusion...

Contact fusion does not require the fusion of magic cards, which is very similar to the fusion method of Gladiator Beast.

You can't even think of summoning the New Earth Hero. Overlord glanced at the pain of nightmare, and he chose to open the cover card covering the field at this time, super fusion! !

Once the Earth Xinyuxia successfully bounces Yubel away, the Creation Dragon with 10,000 attack power will kill him instantly!

The Overlord will not allow this to happen.

The power of super fusion is irresistible.

Overlord discards a card in his hand as a cost, uses the Yubel monster on the field and the monsters on the opponent's field as fusion materials, and fuses and summons a fusion monster.

Fusion conditions: Yubel monster + 1 or more effect monsters on the field!

Yubel + Creation Dragon + Earth Mole.

Three-body directly carries out alternative super fusion!


[Yubel-Eternal Love, 0 attack power, demon/fusion]

Something happened. This monster can give the opponent fusion material * 500 effect damage, so You Miao has to bear 1,500 effect damage. Jonouchi said loudly.

This kind of power is really terrifying. Yami Yugi's expression was ugly. The fusion conditions of Yubel-Eternal Love were extremely suitable for the Super Fusion magic card.

To put it bluntly, this combination can definitely clear out all the effect monsters on the opponent's field in one turn.

Love is eternal! !

Terrifying backlash injuries fell all over You Miao's body.


You Miao forced herself to endure the revenge from Yubel.

Yubel wants to kill this Ultraman duelist.

[You Miao: 1550LP→50LP]

Since Xinyuxia is a normal monster, he does not meet the conditions for the fusion of Yubel-Eternal Love, but

That doesn't matter, because there is the pain of nightmares, and the monsters you can attack this round must attack Yubel!

Overlord will force Xin Yuxia to attack Yubel-Eternal Love in You Miao's round.

Yuber-eternal love, will not be destroyed by battle or effects

After Yubel-Eternal Love battles the opponent's monster, inflict damage equal to the opponent's monster's attack power and banish that monster.

The pain of nightmares will also come back to you through the battle damage of Yubel-Eternal Love.

The Overlord's power has reached its peak, and Yubel has also gained the other's love, so he has evolved from the original hateful knight and sad dragon into the strongest form.

Yubel-Eternal Love is the strongest monster, this duel is over!

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