I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 204 Yubel’s hands are sticky

Imaginary imitation?

Yami Yugi and Jonouchi were surprised when this magician monster appeared on the Yumiao field.

Because of this monster card, both of them also have it.

This Illusionist has the effect of imitating the opponent's attack power, which means copying the attack power.

You Miao usually summons this imitating illusionist. Could it be that he wants to die together? Jonouchi simply saw this on the surface.

Kaiba couldn't listen, and he taunted directly: Stupid, the imitation illusionist can only copy the original attack power of the opponent's monster.

In other words, after one enhancement and equipment card, the Evil Blade Death Demon on the Overlord Field has reached 3500 attack power.

If you imitate the Imagineer, you can only imitate the original attack power of 3000.

More than that, the Evil Blade Death Demon will not be destroyed. Simply relying on the power of the imitator is absolutely useless.


At this time, Fantasy Imitator activated the copy effect, which absorbed the Evil Blade Death Demon's panel, changing it from 0 attack and 0 defense to 3000 attack and 3000 defense.

Although I don't know what you want to do, but this level is really too stupid. How can the Overlord's strongest evil-minded monster be shaken by a copycat?

However, You Miao smiled.

Tauren can solve all problems!

When you don't know what to do, just drive the bull and be done with it.

You Miao activated a magic card from his hand, a mental operation!

The long-lost white-haired soldier appeared, and he took out strange needlework with a sneaky look on his face.

The overlord’s eyelids twitched on the spot

Because young A Bing tied up the Evil Blade Death Demon with needlework in front of everyone and gave him away.

The anime version of the mental operation was originally a trap card, but later became a magic card.

The mental operation of trap cards does not have any self-restraint, but the magic card just cannot attack, and the self-restraint cannot be released without using the real card.

Seeing You Miao's meaningful smile, the anger in Overlord's heart grew stronger and stronger.

Haha, it won't be destroyed, so I'll just take it and use it. You Miao said looking at the unsuspecting Overlord on the field.

Monsters taken away by mental manipulation cannot attack. The only monster you can attack is the Mimic. Overlord stared into You Miao's eyes and asked, I specially summoned the Mimic and used mental manipulation to transfer the evil blade that cannot be destroyed. Death Demon, shouldn’t you just be naive and want to punch me?”

The Overlord's tone is becoming more and more impatient. A 3000 punch cannot defeat him. After the round is over, the Evil Blade Death Demon will come back.

Next, nothing changes.

How could a duelist who could make him feel threatened be of this level?

You Miao smiled. He really wanted to punch the overlord, but how could the imitator's 3,000 be enough?

The Evil Blade Death Demon has an excellent panel.

The combined attack and defense are over 6,000. With two of them, it's over 10,000.

You Miao's two words immediately caused Kaiba and Yugi's expressions to change, because the number 10,000 was very familiar.

Could it be! ?

At this time, You Miao raised the card in his hand.

A force of resuscitation of all things instantly swallowed up the imitator and the evil blade death demon that was bullied.

Boom, boom, boom.

A violent heartbeat appeared, and along with the strong light of creation, a giant dragon with beauty and power was born.

[Creation Dragon of All Things, 10,000 Attack Power, Dragon Clan]

What? Overlord didn't expect this expansion to be so amazing, a monster with 10,000 attack power!

Hehehe, enjoy this punch with 10,000 attack power. You Miao announced his attack.

The Creation Dragon of All Things sprayed terrifying flames forward, but the Overlord, who was faced with this blow, was surprised but did not panic at all.

Because, the last card in Overlord's hand jumped out.


The Overlord’s most trusted monster now.

The huge demon wings spread out, and the Yubel Elf was specially summoned to enter. She used her immortal body to defend the Overlord from all attacks and injuries.


Even if the attack power of the Creation Dragon of All Things is increased several times, it will still not be able to penetrate Yubel's painfully transformed immortal body!

When Yubel Elf is specially summoned, I add a magic or trap with the name of the card in the card field from the deck to my hand or set it. Overlord began to retrieve resources from the deck, and he chose to set this card.

Not only that, when the Yubel Elf entered the scene, the Maturity Chronicle exuding black mist began to be filled with a symbol.

This card is really inseparable from you. You Miao unfortunately covered a card and ended the round.

If the president is the white dragon and fusion who have sticky hands, then the current overlord is the Yubel elf who has glue on his hands.

Is this Yubel's love?

Let you experience the real hell. Overlord drew cards. He first activated the drawn Pot of Desire to replenish two cards, and then opened the card he had just retrieved and covered.

The pain of nightmare!

Use this continuous magic card to destroy the Yubel Elf, thereby adding a card describing Yubel from the deck to your hand.

When the Yubel Elf is destroyed, Overlord special summons the real Yubel body from the deck!

[Yubel, 0 attack power, demon clan]

It's not over yet, I usually summon the retrieved Sacrifice Demon Realm Lotus. Pink light was released on the Overlord field, and a strange monster entered the scene.

[Sacrifice to Demon World Lotus, 0 attack power, demon clan]

By liberating this Demon World Lotus, special summon a Yubel monster from the deck. Both sides burned golden flames. Facing You Miao's Creation Dragon with 10,000 attack power, he wanted to finish the opponent this round.


[Yubel Elf, 0 attack power, demon clan]

The second Yubel Elf was pulled out of the deck by Overlord.

When Yubel Elf is specially summoned, I continue to retrieve an exclusive magic or trap card from the deck to set or add it to my hand. Overlord continued to explain.

And through a series of Yubel monsters entering the scene, the mark of mature age bodies has reached 4!

When he arrived at this place, Jonouchi opened his mouth and realized that the Overlord had not used all his strength just now.

Is this the power of the Overlord?

Game, have you noticed?

The cards this guy uses seem to be different.

Kaiba saw something even more terrifying from the Overlord's cards.

Well, I discovered it too.

This overlord has come to this situation just now from the Yubel Elf. Even without the Pot of Desire, he not only made this situation possible with the Yubel Elf alone, but even replenished the resources in his hand.

Yami Yugi clenched his fists. He realized that the strength of the opponent's deck was far beyond the understanding of this era.

But, precisely because of this, his duelist soul burned.

What true duellist wouldn't want to play cards with such a person?

Go to hell, You Miao. The Overlord was full of evil energy. He ordered Yubel's body to launch an attack on the creation dragon of all things, saying: These 10,000 battle damage will be your own grave for me.

Yubel's eyes turned red. She took the initiative to attack the Creation Dragon, and the latter's eyes were also dyed bright red.

Oops, You Miao will lose this way. Jingxiang was so frightened that she almost lost her grip on the camera and fell to the ground.

This time even Yami Yugi showed a nervous expression.

In this flash of lightning, a pig's head with bones suddenly popped up from You Miao's graveyard.


It hurts. Yubel yelled, and her face was knocked crooked by the damn pig's head.

At the same time, Overlord also discovered that Yubel's attack was forcibly stopped.

The red light in the creation dragon's eyes slowly dissipated.

Great, the attack has been neutralized. Shizuka and others breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no change in Kaiba's expression. He had been calm since just now. He still said the same thing. He didn't believe that You Miao would lose here.

He is the only one who can defeat the opponent!

Could this monster be put into the graveyard in advance when Xinyu was fused? Overlord said indifferently, but he also had a Yubel.

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