I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 185 The Old Man and Hell

The whole earth is shrouded in darkness and dust, and the sky is always overcast.

The sun hung high in the sky, but it also looked dark and ominous, confirming that this era was coming to an end.

The once prosperous city is desolate, with collapsed buildings and chaotic and broken roads. There is no peaceful place anywhere.

The air smelled of burning and decay, and there was a dead silence.

There wasn't even a faint cry for help or crying coming from the distance.

Even cockroaches with tenacious vitality that have survived the Jurassic era will find it difficult to survive in this kind of apocalypse.


At this moment, a thin and weak cockroach bully showed its head, seeming to be surveying the nearby environment, when it suddenly emerged.

boom! !

The scorching red ray instantly annihilated the cockroach bully.

Beep beep, the elimination of life forms is completed.


A robot with the infinity symbol engraved on its chest began to turn around and leave, and this scene was just an everyday thing around the world.


Humanity in this era has perished.

No, the word annihilation should not be used. After all, there are still people trying to save everything.

Rashomon! !

This hidden place was once called Rashomon by their group.

Since he had been sleeping for a long time, the man had forgotten why he called this place Rashomon in the first place. He only remembered that at the last moment of despair, everyone chose to enter the dormant chamber.



But more of it is just frustration and regret!

They failed to save this ruined future and destiny.

The man's weak body crawled out of the dormant chamber. The dry wrinkles on his face were unbearable to see, but his deep and dark eyes were filled with light and perseverance, as if they wanted to penetrate time and space and see the past and the future. .


How are humans in this world now?

Did our last effort, the Noah's Ark plan, really succeed?

The frail old man fell to the ground, but he completely ignored the pain in his body and chose to climb onto a large screen. He tapped the instrument frantically with his fingers and began to search for symbols of life activities and various symbols around the world with the help of high technology. screen.

No, it can't be like this, how could it be?! The old man looked at the data and various inhumane scenes in front of him. He couldn't accept this cruel truth.

Until tears of shame and despair flowed from the old man's eyes, he had to admit one thing.

Humanity is finished.

Their last efforts were ineffective. Driven by the rolling history and destiny, their efforts and plans were like paper toys.

Destroyed without any suspense! !

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the old man was lying on the ground, crying like a helpless and pitiful child.

I fainted while crying.

When he woke up again, the old man's mentality had returned to his original state of heart-dead state.

Paradox, how are you doing?

The old man started to go to the sleeping cabin next door. He found that his partner woke up earlier than him.

In the process of searching the whole world just now, the old man found no trace of his companions.

I saw that a piece of information remained in this room.

The old man clicked on the message, and it took him just three seconds to digest what the other party wanted to convey.

To put it simply, Paradox, his comrade-in-arms, believes that Duel Monsters are the real killers of the world. He wants to go against the will and choose to travel through time and space to kill the father of Duel Monsters who led the world to shine. , Becas! !


When you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who wrote the problem!

And Becas was targeted by the old man's partner.

Paradox, paradox, paradox. The old man suddenly muttered this word.

This paradox is not that paradox.

Paradox, this theory involves the law of cause and effect, traveling through time and space to change the past, which will cause something to happen.

Effect appears in front of cause.

Paradox is a logical concept. In the same proposition and reasoning, two opposite conclusions are implicit, and these two conclusions can be self-justifying.

For example, Zhang San was doing homework in elementary school, but each of his homework was not written by himself. Instead, his future self would hand over an homework full of answers to his past self at a specific time.

So here comes the question, who has completed the assignment of writing the answers?

The old man has studied this problem with other groups, and this kind of plot has appeared in many movies.

A certain group or person and certain information travel through time and go back to the past to change something.

Going back in time, this is currently possible for the old man and Paradox (partner).

However, you have to face a problem.

Grandfather Paradox!

Assuming at the same time.

Zhang San went back in time and killed his biological grandfather and grandmother with his own hands before his father was born.

Since grandpa and grandma died, there would be no biological father of Zhang San. Without a father, naturally there would be no Zhang San.

Everything about Zhang San’s future should be erased! !

Therefore, if all the existence and information of Zhang San in the future are erased, then who raped Zhang San’s grandfather and grandmother?

Huge contradictions began to appear.

The past cannot be changed?

The old man once had a like-minded scientist partner who explained that time has a self-shrinking mechanism. No matter what people in the future change when they go back to the past, other things will eventually happen to cause the past to be revised again!

It's like there is a pair of invisible hands pushing things back to their normal course.

However, another partner also proposed parallel universes, which are different but similar timeline worlds.

Changing the past in the future will lead to the birth of different new timelines, but the birth of new timelines will not affect everything that happened in the original timeline.

If you believe that there are different parallel universes, then on a straight-line development timeline, different bifurcation lines will appear at a specific point, and each of these different bifurcation lines represents a different parallel world. .

Of course, the premise is that the parallel universe world really exists.

However, the old man has no evidence to prove this theory, even if it is true.

That changes nothing for the universe of this timeline.


The old man looked at the black sun hanging high in the sky.

Bidding line? The old man seemed to have thought of something at this moment. He started to write and draw on the paper with a pen: Suppose parallel worlds really exist, and time and cause and effect really have corrective shrinkage.

Shouldn't it be.

It is not that a timeline creates bifurcation lines representing different parallel worlds at a certain point.

Rather, there are already bifurcation lines of several parallel worlds, and these bifurcation lines use a powerful force of time contraction to push these worlds to finally converge into one point! ?

The old man remembered an experiment that a friend once participated in.

That partner once said something.

Zone, is there a possibility that it is not the past or present me that determines what I will be like in the future?

But who I am in the future determines all my experiences now and in the past?

Ahhhhhhhhhhh thinking of this, Zone began to hold his forehead and bang it wildly.

It is the past that determines the future! !

A pair of big hands of destruction are pushing forward in the future, causing different parallel worlds to converge at a certain point.

This point is the destruction of the world! !

Ahhhh, paradox, don't go back.

It's useless. All parallel worlds will eventually lead to the final outcome of our era.


Like a kite with its string broken, it was suddenly caught by some force, and this force put everything back together again.

Zone's expression returned to calmness, and what he had been thinking and doing suddenly seemed as if it had never happened.

After reading the message left by the paradox, Zone slowly explained:

Go back to the past and change the future, paradox, you are such a bold guy.

Maybe I can do the same.

It's just that the time period I chose is different from yours.

The attitudes of the two zones are completely different.

On the time shuttle, a man riding a huge D-wheel is going against common sense and racing through time.

Going back from the future to the past is an act of defiance.

Paradox has no choice, he can only take a gamble and reverse it!

As long as the father of duel monsters, Becas, is killed, everything will be saved. Synchro monsters will not be born, let alone what follows.

Becas, you have a way to die! !

Paradox has treated Becas like a chicken that can be manipulated at will.

But, before that, Paradox has to do one thing.

First of all, he has to go through the Duel King eras in different timelines! !

Give the ace monster spirit of that era to the cow to increase your own power.

Paradox first focused on the 5ds era, which was the best of times and the worst of times.

The paradoxical behavior started from this era.

Wow, that's awesome.

This is news from a long time ago.

Well, a photo of Duel King Muto Yugi and Becas, the father of Duel Monsters.

Hey, if I can duel with Muto Yugi, I must show him how powerful the Red Lotus Demonic Dragon is.

Hahaha, fake crying, do you really want to laugh me to death, Kuroba, who inherits my labor and capital?


Yusei glanced at his friends who were playing around early in the morning, and he smiled with satisfaction.

I went out to test the D round.

Let's go together, the three of us.


The door is closed.


Yusei drove the enhanced D-wheel on the track, feeling the cold wind and excitement coming in front of him, and the blood in his heart was boiling.


A ruthless intruder appears.

The opponent and Yusei were forced to start a duel.

During the duel, Yusei vaguely noticed that this guy was not using his true strength.

It seemed that there was a huge conspiracy waiting for him.

As we all know, no one is timid among you. When faced with danger, they can just use their Tamahi to rush forward and do the job.

that's all.

Stardust Dragon walked away right in front of Yusei.

Yusei was confused! !

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