I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 184 Man-machine, start up

Without the effect, the Chaos Phantom no longer enjoys combat and cannot be destroyed, and combat damage taken must also be calculated.


The Dark Panther has stolen the power of the Chaos Phantom.

You like the 10,000 points of combat damage of the Chaos Phantom so much, then taste this delicacy for yourself.

You Miao's cruel smile made the three phantom demons tremble in their hearts.

Dark Leopard, no, the Dark Chaos Phantom will directly give you 10,000 points of combat damage. You Miao roared.

Darkness - the Sign of Chaos! !

The twisted dimensional chaos energy was sprayed out, and the Chaos Phantom Demon's body was ineffective, unable to resist this exaggerated 10,000 points of combat damage.

At the moment when the three phantom demons roared, the chaos phantom demon reaped the consequences.

He was annihilated by his own power with his own hands.

A person who is an ox is a person who is an ox.

Don't think that just because the Chaos Phantom Demon chooses to be bullied, he won't have to bear the consequences!

10,000 battle damage is enough to reduce the health of the three phantom demons to zero.

The three phantom demons were furious. They had found a suitable soul. The body of Dade Temple should be able to maximize their great power.

What, how could this happen?

It's all Daitokuji's fault! !

The three phantom demons looked up to the sky and roared.

At this time, the three desperate demons forcibly broke away from Dade Temple's body. They broke their promise and began to surround You Miao at extremely fast speeds.

The settlement of the dark game is beginning.

The three phantom demons planned to take advantage of this gap to take over You Miao's body.

Dade Temple can't do it, but Youmiao can definitely do it.

This duelist who defeated the phantom power twice in a row will definitely make the phantom power evolve! !

However, the Three Illusions were wrong.

They found out how wrong they were.

Because, inside the mysterious space, Exodia has been waiting for a long time, and its explosive muscles make people tremble with fear.

It's more than that.

The Three Illusion Gods secretly attacked the Three Illusion Demons from behind and kicked the three unlucky ones, Jiang Lei Emperor, Shenyan Emperor, and Illusion Demon Emperor, to the ground.

Exodia immediately used his strong palms to hold back the three phantom demons.

You're a bastard fish. Just because you want to occupy the magpie's nest, you're a bastard fish! The female imp kicked wildly with her feet wrapped in the mighty flames.

The female imp kicked the three phantom demons and howled.

The giant coward didn't dare to go up and beat the three phantom demons together, but he found that Zhen Silu and the hot girl had joined the female brat and beat the poor three phantom demons together.

Seeing the three phantom demons crying for help, the giant warrior instantly gained courage, and he chose to join in the attack.

The fox pretends to be the tiger's power, but this is the specialty of the giant coward!

With the addition of giant coward soldiers, the three magic demons will be beaten out.

As everyone knows, somewhere, the sky dragon that has been hidden for a long time did not join the battle, but its eyes were emitting thunderous lightning, as if it wanted to do something secretly.

I advise you not to mess around. Chongmei, who was hiding in the box and had never dared to see people with her true face, said to Sky Dragon: It's not easy to be the sixth person these days. You will pay the price.

Sky Dragon had a arrogant expression on his face. He said that he was just worried that the three phantom demons would cause harm, and he was a very good phantom god.

However, Sky Dragon expressed that he was surprised. He didn't expect that Chongmei's sneaking ability was so strong. He sneaked up to her side, but he didn't notice it?

The dark-skinned girl took out her drawing book and began to draw on it with a pencil.

The scene of the three phantom demons being beaten by a group must be preserved. This will become a classic in the elf world and will be passed down forever.

The demons seemed to have discovered that the dark-skinned girl was drawing this scene!

Is this okay?

Stop, stop it quickly, bastard. The three phantom demons' cries did not make the black-skinned girl stop her movements.

However, the dark-skinned girl nodded and said to herself: Well, that's right. These tears are too real. Only then can I have the desire to create.

Don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore, don't fight anymore. The scantily clad twin elves of the two Beaker sisters began to persuade. Their next words were: You can't kill the phantom demon like this, let the hungry poison Wouldn't it be nice to come over and spray them, and then let them kill each other?


The three phantom demons who were beaten took a breath and looked at the twin elves with hatred.

Damn it! !

These two female elves are even more evil than that black-skinned girl!

A female elf who was born into the evil magician clan.

For weak elves like the twin elves, the three phantom demons could kill them both with just one blow.

However, the tiger was bullied by the dog.

They are now powerless to resist.

Bad fish, pretend to be naughty~ The female imp kicked the eyes of the three phantom demons out with a thunderous kick from the Nine Heavens.

The giant soldier became happier as he fought, and the fear inside him began to be swallowed up. In the blink of an eye, his eyes were filled with bright red.

Look at my little fist!! The giant coward was covered in blood. He held up the little devil with one hand, and used the other hand to use strong suction to pull the traitor dragon who was hiding in the dark and unwilling to come over.

Unlimited energy max! ! !

The female imp and the traitor dragon turned into two circles, and then formed an infinity symbol.

The golden phoenix and the traitor dragon exuding the power of thunder were respectively entrenched on the fists of the giant counselor.

Boom. This punch has a full 300 years of skill.

The three phantom demons regretted that their intestines were gone.

[Tip: The mission of saving Dade Temple is completed.]

[Tip: Congratulations on getting crystals*5000 and blank card*1]

You Miao took out this blank card and said slowly: Isn't this the one Dade Temple gave me on the Tianting?

As he said that, You Miao took out two blank cards and said suspiciously: That's how to use this thing. What is its use? Can it be turned into the Philosopher's Stone?

After some research, You Miao found that he couldn't find anything, so he simply put the cards away.

As for Daitokuji,

You Miao tied the other party to a tree and lit a fire underneath.

Hey, Mr. You Miao, please put me down quickly.

My body is gone, but I have to put in a lot of effort to get another one.

Dade Si cried miserably, but You Miao didn't listen at all, so he ran away.

The seal of the phantom demon has become loose, which may not be directly or indirectly related to Dade Temple.

You Miao would rather this guy lose his body than go around causing trouble.

For some reason, You Miao felt vaguely uneasy from the beginning.

This uneasiness does not come from the three phantom demons.

The phantom is not capable of giving You Miao such palpitation.

You Miao feels that a terrible crisis is coming in the future.

It's possible that this is the big crisis Izayoi said.

at this time.

Doshino City, which is far away from the island.

kc group.

Kaiba handed the latest rules to Keppei and asked him to publish them on the official websites of kc and International Illusion Club, and also use public resources to announce them.

Hey, brother, you have canceled the restriction that fusion monsters cannot attack during the turn. Keppei was surprised. He remembered when he first set up this rule.

That's what my brother said.

Huh hahahaha, my Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is so powerful. If I can attack in the same turn, then the opponent won't have to play at all.

This rule is my kindness, hahahahaha.

Why is my brother changing back now?

Keppei couldn't understand.

Hmph, Keppei, just do as you're told. Kaiba's face was indifferent, and he didn't explain any reason.

After Keppei left, Kaiba took a deep breath.

The card of the phantom god is gone.

If we still use this rule to restrict the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

How to play then?

Kaiba closed his eyes. He had been thinking about how to defeat the Phantom God for the past few days.

In the end, Kaiba came up with no solution.

Because the Three Illusion Gods are too powerful.

The whole city has Kaiba's spies, and he has learned that You Miao gave the Three Fantasy Gods to Yugi! !

How stupid is this?

Give the strongest monster to others with your own hands?

You Miao, what are you thinking about?

Damn it, how can I defeat the game that has gathered the three phantom gods? Kaiba couldn't help but say it.

No, Haima suddenly thought of something. You Miao is full of mysteries.

Since, You Miao can have a second Winged Dragon.

Is it possible that You Miao actually has three phantom gods, so he handed them back to the game so that he can play that boring memory-finding game?

There are three fantasy gods in the game.

You Miao also has three phantom gods.

Seahorse him.

I must find a monster that surpasses the three phantom gods. Kaiba gritted his teeth.

No, it must not be accepted. Kaiba cannot be abandoned by Yu Yu and You Miao.

When he thought of this, Kaiba could no longer sit still. He stood up, picked up the duel plate and entered the exclusive duel room.

Human machine starts! !

Kaiba got everyone ready and started loading Muto Yugi's data. At the same time, he also loaded the latest data of the Three Phantom Gods to the opponent.

An earth-shattering duel quietly began.

A game with three phantom gods (human and machine) VS Seto Kaiba! !


The test ended quickly.

As the Titan Soldier's heavy punch fell.

Kaiba lost to the three phantom gods, and unfortunately lost to the game (human and machine).

The more this happened, the more Kaiba became certain of one thing, it was difficult for ordinary monsters to fight against the three phantom gods.

The power of the phantom god is too terrifying.

How can we surpass You Miao and Yu Yu, who each have phantom gods?

Make a prohibition list and lock the Phantom God Card in a small dark room?

Kaiba was horrified by the idea, but unfortunately, his pride wouldn't allow him to do so.

Only by transcending the three phantom gods at the pinnacle can Duel Monsters move towards a greater future.

There is no use in escaping.

For some reason, Kaiba thought of the synchronized monster in Yu Miao's hand.

That white monster seems to be the new evolutionary direction of future duel monsters?

I wonder if the Synchronic Monsters can surpass the Three Illusion Gods if they are developed to the extreme?

What do you think of that guy Becas?

In two days, Bekas will come to Doshino City to launch a joint event.

Kaiba thought of testing the other party's tone when the time came.

According to Bekas's character, the opponent may have created a monster card that can match the power of the three phantom gods when creating the three phantom gods.

If this is the case, Seto Kaiba will do whatever it takes to get this card!

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