I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 165 Beyond, Between Rainbows

The whiteboard with 4000 attack power is kept in hand for now.

After another test, You Miao roughly understood the scope of his skills.

Only in a real sword duel can three card drawing skills be used successfully.

This mysterious card pool.

No, it should be called Fake Kaka Pool and it should have great mining capabilities.

Then... it's time to end this duel.

The anger in You Miao's brows gradually increased, and even her eyes began to become more cruel.

When Izayoaki realized this, she couldn't help but said to herself: Didn't you just use your true strength?

Real strength?

How can it be.

You Miao has been controlling the blood line. On the premise of ensuring a stable win, he just wants to test the limit and range of three card drawing skills.

If the person in front of him was Wang Xiang, who had 3,000 years of speaking skills, You Miao would not do anything to control the blood line.

Although locking blood is really fun, this behavior is actually very dangerous.

Of course, You Miao's graveyard already has several coolie waves to help him save his life.

This is why You Miao is so confident.

I usually summon the Tearful Elegy Tribe You Miao started to shed tears~

Puff, puff~

A mermaid monster lurking from the deep sea appeared. It has a small body and a flat chest, but it holds a huge hammer!

After Izayoi Qiu saw it, she really wanted to go over and hold this mermaid in her arms.

——She looks so cute, but her fighting ability is not that good, right?

This idea was born in Izayoi Aki.

Activate the effect of Merlot and send three cards from the deck to the graveyard.


Three cards were piled into the grave. Well, this is a unique skill.

Merlot, you are worthy of being the pride of the world of bad pearls! !



Brad discovered something even scarier.


The light of the rainbow emerged, and at this moment a powerful light emitted from behind You Miao.

It's so beautiful. Izayoi Qiu is a girl after all, and she naturally has little resistance to such bright, beautiful and shining things.

Beautiful like a gem.

Boom! !

A ray of light of seven colors fell

The Rainbow Dragon, known for its beauty, hovered from the sky and let out a dragon roar. This giant dragon is the apex existence of the seven colors confirmed by the Rainbow Stone. Its body is huge and majestic, and it slowly exudes a vast power.

[Ultimate Jade God-Rainbow Dragon, 4000 attack power, Dragon Clan]

What did you do to make this 4,000 monster come out so casually? Brad couldn't believe it.

Were all previous duelists that outrageous?

Can you just slap your palm on the ground and pull out a super monster with 4000 attack power?

If there are a total of 7 types of cards with the name Jade Beast on my field and in my graveyard, I can Special Summon Rainbow Dragon. You Miao used a wild way of piling graves and sent seven of John's family members directly to the cemetery. He was so kind.

Of course, the subordinates of Baoyu Beast are too salty.

What a beautiful monster. Izayoi Qiu once thought of a rumor.

It is said that in the history of the duel world, there once appeared a group of monsters named after rare gems. Each of them represents a kind of gem and its meaning.

And this duelist calls these Jade Monsters family! !

Izayoi Qiu, who was short of love, was really moved when I read this story.

Presumably the duelists who use these jade monsters must be very gentle people, right?


You Miao obviously sent these family members (seven precious jade beasts) to the cemetery on purpose.

This family love is so weird.

Izayoe Aki looked at You Miao with a villainous smile. She couldn't connect the man in front of her with the rumored duelist who called the Jade Monster his family!

at this time.

You Miao glanced at Brad's Gaika, laughed, and then asked the ultimate jade god - Rainbow Dragon to attack.

The Rainbow Dragon with 4000 attack power can easily crush the God of War Shiranui.


Brad was well prepared, he opened a powerful trap card.

Open the trap card, Shiranui-ryu - Tsubame no Tachi!

You can activate this by liberating 1 undead monster on your field and targeting 2 cards on the field.

Those selected cards are destroyed. After that, I remove 1 Shiranui monster from the deck.


God of War-Shiranui is released, and Brad chooses 2 cards on the field to destroy.

One of them is the Rainbow Dragon with 4000 attack power, and the second one is the poor Tears of Lament clan.

What, destroy me?

Merlot's expression was strange. She blew out bubbles and asked You Miao: Is there such a good thing?

You Miao touched the forehead of Merlot Mermaid and explained: My little Merlot, there are many idiots in the world!

Brad watched the interaction between You Miao and Merlot, and an unknown fire surged in his heart.

When death is imminent, are you still pretending to be calm?

Yan Zhi Tai Sword, blow it up for me! !

The demonic fire struck, and the rainbow dragon and mermaid, which were famous for their beauty and nobility, were instantly destroyed.


The moment when the Tears of Lament tribe officially entered the cemetery.

Everyone regrets one thing, and they all want to slap themselves in the face.

Let you experience the most advanced fusion, and it will melt when you pile up the tomb!

You Miao raised the duel disk and explained with a sunny face.

What happened next completely shocked Izayoi and Brad.

Because in their time, this kind of integration has never been seen

There is no need for fusion cards or fusion materials in hand cards.

Can this mermaid merge into the cemetery?

What kind of monster is this?

What kind of incredible fusion method?

You Miao said it was normal, and this was one of the terrifying features of Yu-Gi-Oh! 2.0.

Haha, the fusion condition is 2 dark monsters!

You Miao returned the Merlot Mermaid and a dark attribute monster to the deck for shuffling.

The seductive aura of deep purple spreads, and one of the terrifying four dragons is born.

[Hungry Poison Fusion Dragon, 2800 attack power, dragon clan]

Boom boom boom.

The power of one of the four dragons is obviously different from other monsters. This terrifying deterrent is even more exaggerated in the dark game.

Hehehe, Brad, how about it?

The fusion summons you said you looked down upon seems to have given you a lot of shock, didn't it?

You Miao's eyes were glowing with purple light. He was slowly being affected by the power of the ferocious hunger poison, and his tone began to become arrogant toward You Li.

Damn it, you bastard. Brad admitted that he was indeed going crazy.

Don’t forget, Shiranui-Tsubame no Tachi is a very scary trap card.

When destroying Merlot and Rainbow Dragon, Brad could also remove a Shiranui monster from the deck!

This excluded monster card is

Shiranui's Palace Secretary!

When this monster is eliminated, Brad can destroy a face-up card on the opponent's field.

Disappear, that ugly poisonous dragon. Brad roared!


A demonic fire emerged from the excluded area.

The Hungry Poison Melting Dragon was burned instantly.

It's a pity that since Brad doesn't have any monsters on the field anymore, You Miao didn't use the terrible effect of Hungry Poison Melting Dragon.

Well, no matter what monster you summon, your death will be the next round! Brad looked crazy, he will win the next round!

The battle was forced to end and entered the main stage two. Shiranui's Tachibana is indeed powerful.

What's the matter? Dokana? You Miao snapped his fingers at Brad, and saw another rainbow power appearing behind him that was even larger and more vast than before.

Impossible, what is going on? Brad couldn't help but tremble.

A Bridge of Rainbows rises, with the true Sanskrit sound and the light of creation crossing the sky and the earth.

The light of the rainbow illuminated the entire dark space into colors. Finally, this power slowly landed behind You Miao, and streaks of seven-colored rays of light descended instantly!

Roar. Boom! !

This is a monster that is more beautiful and noble than the rainbow dragon.


Beauty and nobility can no longer be described with these vulgar words to describe this monster.

[Ultimate Jade God-Rainbow Dragon-Transcendence, 4000 attack power, dragon/fusion]

Izayoi Qiu's little heart was beating crazily. She moved her lips slightly and said, Blessed!

What kind of duel this is, Izayoi Akira can no longer describe.

You Miao specially summoned the Rainbow Dragon with 4000 attack power, but he ate Brad's Sword of the Swallow with his backhand. The Rainbow Dragon and the Mermaid were destroyed.

At this time, things took a turn for the worse. The mermaid sent to the grave showed a fusion of graveyards that transcended the times, and a terrifying poisonous dragon appeared.

Under normal circumstances, Izayoi Qiu thought that You Miao had the upper hand in this duel.

However, he never thought that Tsubame's Taito also had the effect of excluding monsters from the deck. Brad used this effect to exclude Gongji and once again achieved a card explosion, destroying the poisonous dragon.

Yes, under normal circumstances, at this point, it is difficult for duelists to create miracles.

But You Miao did it!

How did you do it? The blood in Izayoeaki's body was boiling. She had never thought that a duel could be so exciting and had infinite possibilities. She asked again: The Ultimate Jade God - Rainbow Dragon - Transcendence It’s a fusion monster, why can you Special Summon such a beautiful monster when you obviously have no use for any cards?”

Brad was silent because he wanted to know too.

Where did this Ultimate Jade God - Rainbow Dragon - Transcendence come from?

Izayoi Akira, you are an excellent duelist, but the more you act like this, the less you can be bound by common sense.

Who said that fusion monsters must be fusion summoned before they can enter the field?

You Miao doesn't mind spending more time with Izayoe Qiu, he really thinks highly of this girl.

Her potential should be the one that You Miao is most optimistic about among the six heroines in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Well, that's not right either.

Xingzi has already started to want to learn dueling, but You Miao can't guarantee how terrifying this bad woman will be.

Fusion monsters don't necessarily have to be fusion summoned? Izayoi Akira seemed to be stimulated in her mind. She felt like she had a high C, and her face instantly turned rosy.

Great, is this a real duel?

Izayoi Qiu suddenly no longer wants to be a doctor, she also wants to be a duelist with various possibilities!

If I had specially summoned the Rainbow Dragon in this duel.

Then I can use this method to specially summon the ultimate jade god - Rainbow Dragon - Transcendence!

That's right, as long as you exclude the Rainbow Dragon in the cemetery and 7 family members, you can special summon the ultimate jade god - Rainbow Dragon - Transcendence!


Colorful colors dye this place into a rainbow.

[Ultimate Jade God - Rainbow Dragon - Transcendence: 4000 → 11000 attack power]

An attack of 11,000? Brad was frightened.

This attack value, are you kidding me?

Haha, when the Jade Beast monster that surpasses your banishment is 7 or more types, the attack power of this card increases by 7000. You Miao slowly explained.

This is a permanent attack.

Since the combat phase is over and you can't attack even if you transcend, I end the turn. You Miao handed the turn to the opponent.

Humph, haha, that's right, you can't attack, so what if it has 11,000 attack power? Brad suddenly woke up and drew a card from the deck: Let you see the top power of Shiranui.


The cemetery is in flames again.

The 2-star Tuning Monster, Demon Sword-Shiranui uses Underworld Synchrony again!

The object of synchronization with him this time is Shiranui, the god of war who was just liberated and sent to his grave.

Ah, the condition is that the undead are adjusted + 1 or more undead monsters other than the adjusted.

2+8=10! !

Ouch, boom boom boom.

In the giant pillar of demon-white flames, the rapid sound of horse hooves sounded, it was it!

Come on, big brother riding a horse!

[Fire God-Shiranui, 3500 attack power, undead/synchro]

When the Fire God is specially summoned, you can return any undead synchronized monsters in the exclusion zone and graveyard to the deck, and then select the same number of cards to destroy.

Moreover, Fire God himself has the ability of destruction. As long as the undead monster on his field is destroyed, Fire God can remove a Shiranui monster from the graveyard as a replacement.

Fire God, use your ability to destroy the rainbow dragon with 11,000 attack power. Brad seemed to see the hope of victory.

The God of Fire is invincible and cannot be destroyed!


Brad didn't pay attention to one thing at all, but Izayoi Qiu saw it very clearly.

When Flame God-Shiranui entered the scene, the scene in this space seemed to be distorted.

Reality is distorted.

Until the next second, something amazing happened.

Together with Fire God Shiranui and Rainbow Dragon - Beyond!

All cards on the field are gone.

Brad stood there for a long time. He had no idea what was happening, so he asked, What on earth did you do?

You Miao smiled and explained to the other party: Rainbow Dragon - Transcendence has a second-speed effect. As long as this card does not engage in damage determination battles, it can liberate itself, and all cards on the field will return to the owner's deck. !”

Fire God Shiranui's Daipa is really strong.

But undifferentiated bullets are stronger! !

This is the power of Honglong-Transcendence. The second speed can play without distinction in the whole field.

It's not over yet.

After Rainbow Dragon-Transcendence uses this effect, my family will be reborn.

Under Brad's incredible gaze, Youmiao's five monster areas were filled with various jewel beasts.

The sapphire Pegasus, the amber mammoth, the amethyst cat, etc., a total of 5 gem beasts.

Because Brad used the Fire God effect, he only returned one undead synchro monster card to blast Rainbow Dragon-Transcendence alone.

So he only had one blast left.

No matter which gem beast is exploded, there are four others on the Youmiao field

This explosion cannot change the outcome.

Izayoi Qiu couldn't bear to watch what happened next.

Brad was beaten to death by the remaining Baoyu Beast.


Brad's expression collapsed, and his withered body seemed to be incredibly twisted. He lost the duel! !

At this moment, the price of the dark game began to be settled, and at this moment You Miao was surprised to discover something.

Brad is dead.

The other person's ear hole keeps flowing out white mushy substance.

You Miao felt very strange. The dark game was still being settled, but this person died like this?

The dark game is fair. When you lose, you have to pay the price. Before you pay the price, the dark game will usually take your breath away.

In this case, it's like there is some kind of power grabbing food from the mouth of the dark game. After saying that, You Miao thought of the great guidance that Brad was talking about.

It is estimated that some kind of power gave Brad great strength, but everything was taken away the moment the opponent lost.

This settlement speed is actually faster than the Dark Game?

After everything was over, You Miao looked at Izayoi Qiu behind him.

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