See, this is the power of Synchronic Summoning. Brad said with a happy expression.

Although his own synchronized monster is gone, but looking at the other side.

Neither did the dragon knight girl on the field in Youmiao, and she even took away a cover card from the opponent.

So, this wave is a synchronic victory!

The field was swept away, and You Miao's expression remained unmoved. He wanted to see what else Brad could come up with.


Braid covers both cards on the field, and that's how he ends the turn.

The attacker reincarnated on You Miao's side.

Draw a card! You Miao inserted the drawn card into the magic trap area of ​​the duel plate without even looking at it.


Sun exchange! !

You Miao's operation was an eye-opener for Izayoi Qiu.

It turns out that duelists in the past didn't need to take a look at what cards were drawn, but knew it the moment they were drawn?

Strong, too strong.

Tombstone, You Miao discarded a light monster, and then filtered out two cards from the deck.

Very classic sun exchange → Light reinforcements!

Stack the top three cards in the deck and retrieve a light monster from the deck.

This series of piles of graves really frightened Izayoi Qiu and Brad.

Hiss. Is this a self-destruction style of tomb stacking?

I usually summon this monster. You Miao placed the monster in the monster area.


The power of brilliant light emerged.

She has yellow hair and black skin, but she is not the trainee magician of fantasy, but Luminas! !

[Light Summoner-Luminas, 1000 attack power, magician]

Discard 1 card from your hand and Special Summon 1 Light Path monster with level 4 or lower in your graveyard. You Miao sent a card into the graveyard.

Phew. Dong-dong-dong.

The Light Path Summoner raised his palm and saw a magic circle appearing in front of him, and the power of Light Path's resurrection was emerging.

The inner ghost is born! !

[Laiden, 1700 attack power, warrior type/adjustment]


It's actually an adjustment monster.

Why do you have such a monster?

Brad seemed to see something incredible.

The expression on Izayoi Akira's face is equally wonderful. The adjustment monster shouldn't have appeared in the past.

This is a monster from the new era, so why does You Miao have an adjustment monster in his hand?

This unscientific!

Science? You Miao's eyes were sharp. He raised the dueling disk and almost hit the floor, shouting: Believe in metaphysics!!

When you can't explain it with science, you can try metaphysics.

The opposite is true. When you can't explain it with metaphysics, try science.

Metaphysics and science are inherently inseparable.

Seahorses are the perfect example.


The inner ghost activates his skills, and You Miao continues to pile up two cards from the deck!

This time, the inner ghost board was very powerful, and he piled up two monsters that Youmiao needed exactly.

“A soul guides the light, a cleansing guides the angels, and in the end, light and cleansing create a path that has never been seen before.”

Synchronized summons, Lord of Light, Archangel Michael!!


After Deng Ge turned into the four adjusted stars, the Light Path Summoner was also mobilized.

This era belongs to the world with the best synchronization!

National unity is not just talk.

4+3=7! !


A synchronized monster from the Komichi family has officially entered the game.

[Light Master Archangel-Michael, 2600 attack power, dragon/synchronization]

Really accomplished Synchro Summoning. The picture in front of him broke Izayoi Qiu's perception. In this way, Yu Miao is actually the first duelist in the world to successfully synchronize Summon?

There should be a statue for You Miao at Duel Academy!

Damn it, it's really a synchronic summoning. In Brad's opinion, synchronization is the strongest, and fusion is rubbish.

The Dragon Knight Girl was very effective, but Brad still looked down upon her.

Because the Dragon Knight Girl is not a Synchro Monster, the reason is that simple!

Activate the Archangel-Michael effect.

Once per turn, pay 1000 basic points and exclude 1 card on the field.

[You Miao: 3000LP → 2000LP]

Michael waved the holy sword in his hand, and the powerful sacred-killing power cut through the sky.

What was excluded was a trap card, Sand Shield - Power of Dust! !

[Sand Shield - Power of Dust:: When the opponent's monster declares an attack, all attack position monsters on the opponent's field will change to face-down defense position, and the face-down position cannot be changed. 】

Oh, cover this dangerous attack hole.

Then I'll attack. Go ahead, Michael.

As the holy light emerges, Michael will ruthlessly crush the enemies in front of him.

It's not that simple. Brad's eyes were solemn as he activated the last remaining card.

Quick attack magic card, meet the beautiful demon Litan-Shiranui!

If there is a monster on the opponent's field, discard 1 undead monster from your hand to activate this quick attack magic card. Brad sent the last adjusted Shiranui monster to the graveyard.

Continuing to use the effect of this quick-attack magic card, I can select a Shiranui monster with a different name from the deck or the graveyard to special summon it.


The fire spread.

[Hermit of Shiranui, 0 defense, undead]

I didn't expect that at such a critical moment, the covered quick-attack magic card would have such an effect. Izayoi Akira completely brought You Miao's perspective to analyze.

Anyway, if it’s her words, this wave of people will definitely be extremely angry.

However, You Miao's expression remained calm, as if everything was still under his control.

The Hermit.

Haha, that's it.

You Miao said two incomprehensible words, and then he continued to attack.


Michael fell with his sword and shattered Shiranui's hermit.


The Hermit broke into pieces and landed in the cemetery.

I cover 2 cards and end the turn.

You Miao looked at Brad, who was already ready to defend and waiting for the opponent's counterattack.

At this moment, Michael's effect was activated, and You Miao sent 3 cards from his deck to the graveyard.

When he saw the last monster being sent to the graveyard, he couldn't help but smile.

In my turn, I will let you experience infinite terror. Brad drew a card. When he saw that the card he got was some kind of magic card, he immediately wanted to kill someone.

Uuhahahaha, this is fate!

I activate the magic card and shoot at night!

Whoosh, a powerful laser emerged, and the card on the far left of You Miao became the target.

Oops, are you drawing Night Shot at this time, which will definitely destroy a card? Izayoeaki realized that Brad wanted to use the move that killed Devine just now.

[Night Shot: Activate by targeting 1 magic/trap card on the opponent's field. The card that was set is destroyed. The opponent cannot activate the target card in response to the activation of this card. 】

I'm going to activate another trap card, Needleworm Lair! You Miao seized the opportunity and continued to chain-activate the trap card locked by Night Shooting: Chain Needleworm Nest is going to activate the second trap. Card, harming weight loss!!”

Start settlement.


A shield force surrounded You Miao.

During this round, all damage he takes is reduced by half.

After that, the Needleworm's Lair is settled, and the top five cards of You Miao's deck are sent to the grave.

Finally, the night attack is settled, and the damage reduction is destroyed.

It's so beautiful. The trap cards locked by Night Shooting cannot be activated, but you can activate other trap cards first, and then use the trap cards locked by Night Shooting to activate in a chain.

This avoids the blocking effect of nighttime shooting.

Izayoi Qiu took a deep breath. You Miao's operation made her very excited.

Because of this operation, she only saw it once in the textbook.

Damn it, you guy found a loophole.

Hurt slimming?

What a ridiculously useless move!

Brad begins to use Shiranui's true abilities hidden in the cemetery.

The undead can have the best effect only if they are stored in the graveyard!

In You Miao's last turn, Brad sent an Adjustment Monster on his hand to the graveyard through the Quick Attack Magic Card.

And this time is the moment when this adjustment monster shows its power.

Youblade - Shiranui, if this Tuner Monster Card exists in the Graveyard, banish 1 Undead monster from the Graveyard other than Tuner for Synchro Summoning, and hold 1 Undead Synchro Monster with the same level as the 2 combined levels. Special call.”

Boom, boom, boom~

Brayde's graveyard location unleashes seductive fire.

Yes, this is Shiranui's underworld synchronic power.

Normal synchro summons are done on the field, but Shiranui can synchro summon from the graveyard.

Is this kind of power coming again? Izayoi became nervous again, because Devine was instantly defeated by this weird cemetery synchronization just now.

The 4-star Shiranui Hermit and the 2-star adjusted demon sword-Shiranui were both eliminated.

4+2=6! !

Come out, Sword God!


White demonic fire emerged, and a monster holding a long knife was born.

[Sword God-Shiranui, 2500 attack power, undead/synchro]

The matter is not over yet. When the Shiranui Hermit in the graveyard is eliminated, you can bring a Shiranui monster from the excluded area back to the field.

Brad chose to return the 2-star Adjustment Monster, Demon Sword-Shiranui, which had just entered the exclusion zone, to the field.

This is the power of Shiranui. After the synchronic summoning of the underworld in the cemetery, he can continue the synchronic summoning of the upper world on the field.

Come out and bring me endless victory, God of War!!


This time, the demon fire slowly revealed a bright red light from the pure white color.

The God of War has arrived!

6 (Sword God) + 2 (Yao Sword-Shiranui) = 8 stars! !

[God of War-Shiranui, 3000 attack power, undead/synchro]

God of War - Shiranui If this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can only activate it by banishing 1 Undead monster from your graveyard.

The God of War's attack power is increased by the original attack power of the removed monster until the end of the round.

The monster that Brad wants to eliminate is.

A 6-star synchro monster, a sword god with 2500 attack power - Shiranui!

[God of War-Shiranui: 3000 → 5500 attack power]

Things are far from over. When the synchro monster Sword God-Shiranui is eliminated, Brad can reduce Michael's attack power by a thousand points.

[Archangel-Michael: 2600→1600 attack power]

5500-1600=3900 combat damage! !

Thankfully you activated the damage slimming, otherwise it would be goodbye. But let me take all the battle damage.

God of War, tear each other apart for me.

Shiranui style, kill with one sword! !


The knife struck with intense fire, and Michael was ruthlessly torn into pieces.

The huge battle damage began to bite You Miao back, and the impact even knocked him several meters away.

[You Miao: 2000LP→50LP]

Hahaha, your health is like a candle in the wind, what can you do?

As soon as he said these words of seeking death, Brad discovered that You Miao only had 50 health points left and began to increase to 950 points! !

This is the effect of Michael. When this card is destroyed, you can return the light monsters in the graveyard and restore 300 HP for each one.

Troublesome guy, cover a card, I end the turn! Brad still felt that he had a chance to win.

Izayoi looked worried at the remaining 950 health points. She originally wanted to cheer for You Miao.

However, they found that You Miao's face was still calm, as if what happened just now was expected.

At this moment, a dark little Tom appeared in the position of You Miao's duel disk. It raised its paws and said: I'm going to do it, You Miao!

You Miao nodded, he wanted to test this new skill evolved from BGM.

There are three card drawing skills!

③When the life value is less than 1000, a mysterious card is randomly added to the hand from the mysterious card pool. The card disappears after the duel.

Storm. Draw a card!! You Miao had a terrifying data storm wrapped around his hand, and then randomly pulled out a card from the deck (mysterious card pool).

Using this new card printing skill for the first time, You Miao was a little excited because she didn't know what she could print.

Is this card a true red-eyed black dragon?

You Miao's eyes widened, how could he print this crap?


Subconsciously, You Miao realized that something was wrong with this red-eyed black dragon.


The 4-star true red-eyed black dragon has an attack power of 4,000 points?

White Marry makes me cry when I see it.

Grass is a plant.

Isn't this the fake card that You Miao used to buy instant noodles at the convenience store in front of his elementary school?

If you take this card out to play with your friends, you will definitely be summoned to attack with fists!

Subconsciously, You Miao suddenly realized what this mysterious card pool was.

Could this card pool be the fake card pool that he himself had direct or indirect contact with?

This fake card is a real red-eyed black dragon with flashing scarlet eyes, as if telling You Miao: Hehehehe, use me, use me quickly, it's all printed, don't you use it?

Things were so outrageous that You Miao decided to keep this thing for the time being.

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