I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 115 Mermaid? (4300)

Chapter 115 Mermaid? (4300+)

[Mysterious powerful card pack, congratulations on successful use]

Boom. Boom! !

5 shining cards were born.

You Miao must choose one of them to take away, and there is a 100% chance that a powerful elf will be awakened.

The first one: Effect monster card Pure Love Fairy·Night Fairy (UR)*1

You Miao opened her mouth, but she didn't expect it to be a pure love fairy.

This deck is very powerful, it is a deck that focuses on the Ultra series.

And the monster-themed series are all these pet series.

The eldest brother is a big ass with full resistance, and he can also bounce cards like crazy during the opponent's turn.

Each magic card of Pure Love Fairy can obtain different effects when used as material by its own super monster.

Draw cards, combos, and cards opposite cows as materials

In short, Pure Love Fairy is a competitive deck that often takes the cake in the environment map.

It's a pity that the more powerful the deck is, the more it relies on its own system.

A single night elf is useless.

You Miao didn't intend to take this night elf, so he set his sights on the next card.

Second card: Effect monster card Black Hole Dragon (UR)*1

It's actually this card? You Miao's tone did not change, because this monster is closely related to the Magic Card - Black Hole.

First of all, this black hole dragon can be activated when it is specially summoned.

At the end of this turn, the controller can add 1 Black Hole from the deck to his hand.

[Black Hole: All monsters in the field are destroyed. 】

Black holes, are they strong?

To some extent, it is indeed very strong.

This magic card is also a god card in the DM era.

Moreover, Black Hole Dragon itself also has a resistance, that is, this card on the field will not be destroyed by the effect.

There is still one thing that is not to be taken, and that is the prestige resistance.

To be honest, taking Black Hole Dragon alone is at least better than taking Night Elf.

Third card: Effect monster card Zhanji-Yuanwu (UR)*1

Fuck, O!!

You Miao was shocked, it turned out to be Yuanshen.

There’s nothing much to say about this card, it’s a magic card for single-card activation in the electronics world.

Use one card to create a field, one card to kill, or even use it to run, O God can meet your needs.

Of course, when killing, don't forget O God's single monster attack and just be careful.

O God, must be the ace in the electronic world.

Unfortunately, the back is restricted.

In the future, there will probably be no cards as supermodel as Enshin in the electronics world.

Still the same as Pure Love Fairy, if there is no corresponding system and matching cards, O God is not worth mentioning.

It's not as practical as the black hole dragon in front.

The fourth card: Field magic card Fountain of the Monument (UR)*1

Good guy, the monuments are here.

It's really inappropriate.

You Miao has nothing to say about the sacred monument. Just play it online and be careful of being beaten offline.

Moreover, the card Fountain of Divine Monument was later restricted to 1.

Just one Cosmic Whirlwind is gone, it’s too painful.

You Miao ignored this Fountain of Divine Monuments. He found that many single cards required the operation and cooperation of his own system.

Black Hole Dragon is already the best here.

Or, it would be more practical to give You Miao a card from the newly released Black Witch sin treasure series than these Fountain of Divine Monuments, O God and Pure Love Fairy.

5th card: Effect monster card Tear of Lament·Mello Mermaid (UR)*1

You Miao looked at this mermaid and hesitated briefly.

It’s so annoying. What’s the use of a mermaid?

Even if I jump from here, I won't choose a mermaid that I can't use!

Moreover, the Merlot Mermaid is N rare in Master Duel and is banned. Why did it become UR here?

There is no need to say much about this deck of Tears of Pearls.

Just like the Kshatriyas, they were all printed by the K Society with their buttocks.

With 5 cards, You Miao judged based on the strength of his deck that it was most practical to take Black Hole Dragon.

Because there is a black hole here in DM.

Black hole dragon cooperates with black hole.

It's a very powerful killer combination.

In the end, You Miao decided to take away the Black Hole Dragon, and he stretched out his finger.

Then for some reason, his fingers suddenly crooked, and You Miao took the Merlot away by some strange means.

[Congratulations on getting the effect monster, Tear of Lament Mero Mermaid (UR)*1]

What, I still chose the mermaid? You Miao looked shocked.

Why, a mermaid’s hair is useful!

You Miao looked at his trembling fingers, he couldn't understand.

Finally, You Miao came to a conclusion.

It's all Malik's fault! !

It must be that he often said in front of me that Kimoji caused harm to You Miao's mind, and he chose the wrong card at this critical moment.

Malik, you are really guilty.

You Miao quickly found a reason for herself, and then added the Merlot Mermaid to the deck with peace of mind.

He found that the Merlot Mermaid was not unusable, although there were no other Mermaids or fusion cards like those from Xiaomi.


You Miao quietly spent another amount of card dust, and he slightly adjusted the deck.

It wasn't until someone appeared near him that You Miao came back to his senses.

The next duel is yours. If you don't prepare for it, what are you doing here? You Miao looked at Dade Temple and asked.

At this time, Daitokuji's expression seemed different from usual.

He looked at You Miao and said:

The things that exist in the lower world exist in the upper world, and the things that exist in the upper world exist in the lower world.

After watching the duel just now, it's clear that Kaiba Seto's fusion technology is very powerful, but I don't feel any emotion at all.

Finally I figured something out.

That is.

The Blue Eyes White Dragon is too strong.

The blue-eyed white dragon, said to be immeasurably capable of destroying dragons, is a very powerful monster in its own right.

When two or more powerful monsters fuse, no matter how powerful the monster appears.

Even Daitokuji thinks this is normal.

On the contrary, if weak monsters are used for alchemy to create powerful monsters, this is what Daitokuji hopes to see.

This is how You Miao demonstrated the Synchro Summon.

The 1-star miscellaneous fish coolie wave can turn into a powerful monster like a big snake. It is incredible and beautiful.

You Miao paused for a moment, then looked at Dade Temple's serious face and asked, Are you planning to challenge me here?

Dadeji nodded seriously and said:

Yes, that's right, please accept my challenge.

This duel is important to me.

You Miao hesitated for a moment, then looked at the other person and said, Your duel is about to begin, are you planning to...

Dade Temple immediately interrupted You Miao, but he replied: I have nothing but alchemy.

For this reason, You Miao agreed.

The two put some distance between themselves.

Each opened the duel disk.

Duel*2! !

Dadeji Temple: 4000LP

You Miao: 4000LP

First strike is mine. Daitokuji drew a card. He covered one monster on his field, and then covered two cards.

End the round!

An ordinary start, but it reveals an unusual flavor.

You Miao draws cards from the deck.

I usually summon, the Assassin of Light - Raiden!


Brother Deng enters.

[Laiden, 1700 attack power, warrior type]

Oh, it's that kind of coordination monster card. Dadeji said excitedly, with inexplicable intentions flashing in his eyes.

At this moment, I activate Raiden's effect.

Send 2 cards from the top of your deck to the graveyard

Hearing this, Dade Temple narrowed his eyes, and You Miao's terrifying tomb-piling tactics began.

Dali's duelist was driven crazy by You Miao's tomb stacking move.

There are a bunch of coolie waves and weird cards in the graveyard. Who can withstand this?

Wait a minute, this time I activate the permanent trap card, Big Universe!! Dadeji's eyes were sharp, and he had to go all out against a duelist like You Miao.

Otherwise, I don’t know how he died.

You Miao, you are too careless.

After the big universe is activated, cards sent to the graveyard will not go to the graveyard but will be eliminated.

Dade Temple has been preparing this move for a long time, and even Dali's world-destroying tactics can't defeat You Miao.

It can be seen that the cemetery is very important to You Miao.

Coincidentally, Daitokuji's Great Universe Tenke is a deck that relies on graveyard resources.

Try not to let You Miao pile up tombs. This is the idea of ​​​​Dade Temple.


The cards in Deng Ge's pile are directly excluded without entering the graveyard.

Big Universe

You're such a good guy.

You Miao's tone was complicated. He didn't expect that Dade Temple would have a big universe at his fingertips.

Who can withstand this special cat?

It's not over yet. After the big universe is activated, I can special summon 1 Primordial Sun Helios from my hand or deck.

After saying that, Daitokuji waved his arms, and a wave of distortion appeared on his field.

A bandaged monster appears. This monster has no head and is replaced by a small sun.

Am I the sun?

【Primordial Sun-Helios,? Attack power, Flame Clan]

The original solar attack power and defense power become the number of monsters removed from the game x 100.

Laiden just piled up two monsters, so the original sun attack power is 200 points.

[Original Sun:? →200 attack power】

If it's just like this, so what? You Miao entered the battle stage and asked Brother Deng to smash the primitive sun.

Brother Deng took the order, and he began to sneak sneakily, which was very suitable for his identity as an assassin.

When the attack was about to be established, Daitokuji launched the second Gaika.

Quick Attack Magic Card - Puzzle Star Lineup!

Activate when there is a (Big Cosmo) on your field. Destroy all monsters on your opponent's field and inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent.

Boom! !

Brother Deng was brutally murdered, and he was directly crushed to pieces by the power of the universe.

Ha, my family is a one-sided black hole. You Miao said, It's awesome.


The damage comes back.

[You Miao: 4000LP → 3700LP]

I cover 1 card and end the turn. You Miao said.

Returning to Daitokuji Temple, he drew cards and then opened the covered monster card.

The Lady of Flame Assassin! !

[Female Assassin of Flame, 1500 attack power, Flame Tribe]

When this card is reversed, remove 3 cards from the top of your deck from the game. Inflict 800 points of damage to your opponent's base points.

The top three cards of the Dade Temple deck were excluded, and then the female assassin sprayed a stream of flames directly towards You Miao himself.

Wow, hot, hot, hot. You Miao shouted.

[You Miao: 3700LP → 2900LP]

Maybe he heard You Miao say it was very hot, and a mermaid appeared next to him.

This mermaid has a delicate and cute face, a silver crown on her head, and a hammer in her hand.

The mermaid immediately dropped the weapon and spit water from its mouth.


The Merlot mermaid is spitting on You Miao!

Maybe it was Daitokuji's hallucination. When this mermaid spit, pearls fell out.

But once these pearls fall on the ground, they quickly turn into colorful foam and disappear.

This reminded Daitokuji of something he said.

The foam under the sun is colorful.

Merlot seemed to be addicted to vomiting. He sprayed saliva frantically around You Miao in 360 degrees.

It seems that this is the nature of their race.

Only in this way can we prove that this thing is hers.

You Miao wiped his face and found that Merlot's saliva tasted quite sweet.

A bit like Sprite?

It's not that You Miao is too perverted, it's just that the Merlot Mermaid has too much water. It's normal for him to take a lick inadvertently.

Stop throwing up.

You Miao couldn't help shouting stop, he was all wet.

Merlot's expression was very expressive. She seemed to realize that she was disliked, and immediately rushed over and hugged You Miao: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(I'm banned, the little black room is so scary, why are other mermaids being banned in other places? Forbidden, did I die first in the master duel?)

Wow, I'm so pitiful! !

Merlot tries to use her tragic experience to get through life cutely

Congratulations to Merlot, she succeeded.

You Miao felt very sad that Merlot was banned.

At this moment, the tears flowing down the mermaid's face immediately turned into pearls and fell to the ground. This time the pearls were not broken!

It's actually true?

With a smile on his face, You Miao picked up various pearls from the ground.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to get rich.

The painting style was getting weirder and weirder, and Daitokuji couldn't bear it anymore. He weakly reminded: Well, we are dueling, why don't we be more serious?

Stop picking pearls.

Can you leave one for me?

Daitokuji was also very interested in the pearls from the mermaid elf stream. His instinct as an alchemist told him that these pearls seemed to be extraordinary.

But it has a magical effect.

Okay, after You Miao finished picking up the pearls on the ground, he stuffed them into his right pocket and continued the duel! !

Daitokuji activates a magic card from his hand:

The Yellow Process

Sacrifice 1 Primordial Sun Helios. You can then special summon 1 Twin Sun Helios from your hand or deck to your field.

Daitokuji sacrifices the original sun of the site.

Then, he draws a monster from the deck and places it face-up on the field.

There is a big difference between the Gemini Sun and the original Sun. First of all, the original Sun is a slender model, while the Gemini Sun is a 300-pound fat man who is full of food, and the sun on his head is particularly fat.

[Twin suns,? Attack power, Flame Clan]

Two of the three cards excluded from the Flame Lady Assassin are monster cards. Counting You Miao, you have five monster cards here.

The attack power of the Twin Suns is equal to the value of the excluded monster*200.

[Twin Suns:? →1000 attack power]

It's not over yet, I activate the magic card, a bitter choice! Dadeji activated this forbidden card.

With a bitter choice, Dadeji selected 5 monsters from the deck, You Miao picked one to add to his hand, and sent the rest to the graveyard.

Due to this red sticker of the big universe, the remaining 4 cards will only be excluded.

Therefore, Daitokuji's move is actually to increase the attack power of the Twin Suns.

[Twin Suns: 1000→1800 attack power]

I will launch an attack directly. Dadeji entered the combat stage.

The attack of the Flame Lady Assassin is established! !


You Miao took two steps back.

Health continues to drop.

[You Miao: 2900LP→1400LP]

In the last attack, the 1800 Twin Suns pounced on You Miao.

At the critical moment, You Miao activated the trap card.

Wall of power! !

Discard three cards from the deck to the graveyard, offsetting 1,500 combat damage.

However, the cards sent to the graveyard are directly eliminated due to the big universe.


[You Miao: 1400LP→1100LP]

Staring at the evil-doing big universe, You Miao felt very unhappy and said, This sticker trap is the real slayer of saints.

With a smile on his face, Daitokuji said, Big Universe is my biggest asset against you.

Otherwise, Dade Temple would not come to ask for a beating.

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