I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 114 Xia Di’s sneak attack (4000)

Chapter 114 Xia Di’s sneak attack (4000+)

Not affected by trap card effects, attacks all monsters once.

The effect of Blue Eyes Tyrant Dragon is very powerful.

On the duel stage, Jonouchi was half-kneeling, his whole body trembling and his face pale.

[Jouchi Katsuya: 0LP]

Winner: Seto Kaiba!

I declare that the winner of this duel is Seto Kaiba!! Isono read loudly: The second candidate has appeared. Please wait patiently for the third duel to begin.

On the stage, Seto Kaiba looked at Jonouchi who looked unwilling, and he gave a tentative compliment:

To be able to do this, you have indeed grown a little bit more than before.

This is enough for you to brag about for a lifetime.

Kaiba meant these two words sincerely. He didn't expect Jonouchi to be able to go to this extent and force him to use the new power of Blue Eyes.

I have to say one thing, the blockade just now was indeed dangerous.

But Seto Kaiba was destined not to fall here.

Damn it, who would want such praise!! Jonouchi lost, and he admitted it. After all, he was not someone who couldn't afford to lose.

What's up with Kaiba's alms-like praise?


Mortal Bones, just continue on the path of a duelist.

Hmm hey hey, hahahahahahahaha.

Kaiba walked down with a proud victor's attitude, his white cloak constantly fluttering, completely violating the laws of physics.

Leave the duel stage.

Jonouchi touched Shizuka's head and apologized: Brother lost.

Shizuka hugged Jonouchi tightly. She was very happy today. Her brother was really outstanding.

Inside the city, you have really become a lot stronger.

I'm relieved for you.

An Yugi stared at Jonouchi with an old father's expression on his face, his eyes a little moist.

Uuuuuuuu, father Jonouchi was about to blurt out, but immediately realized that something was wrong with his words.

An Yuxi smiled. He turned around and left this place for the time being. The next duel was his.

For Daitokuji, the game doesn't know what deck the opponent will use, so it is even more important to be fully prepared.

Jonouchi used this duel to prove one thing.

Playing the target card to defeat another duelist, although the method is despicable, but it is really useful! !

Jonouchi and Honda simply stood there, waiting for Yami Yugi to return.

Anyway, the rest time is only 30 minutes.

Hey, where is You Miao? Jonouchi suddenly asked.

Don't forget, the red-eyed black dragon is still in You Miao's hands.

Jonouchi also wanted to ask You Miao, when will we have another duel? Do I have the qualifications to get back the true red-eyed black dragon?

That's right, where did You Miao go? Xingzi looked confused. He was obviously with her just now, so why did he disappear after the duel ended?

Subconsciously, Kyoko looked to the other side and found that Isis was still here.

——The two men did not disappear together.

Kyoko secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

You Miao stood in front of a vending machine and took out a bottle of drink from the container.

This bottle of stuff is marked with the pattern of Blue Eyes White Dragon.

Large words are engraved on the top.

Blue Eyes Sprite.

You Miao couldn't help but think, did Haima want Bailong's logo to crazily penetrate into the city's daily life?

Will Tongshiye City be occupied by the Blue Eyes White Dragon in the future?

Just when he thought this, You Miao suddenly realized something, and he threw the drink in his hand behind him.

This bottle of drink is entangled with the power of the true silent magician and can attack strange spirits.

However, this blow failed.

A figure appeared on the glass of the vending machine behind You Miao.

This mysterious man is wrapped in a white robe, his blue eyes reveal coldness and ruthlessness, and there are two unknown golden objects hanging from his earlobes.

Xia Di! !

I saw Xia Di lifting the Millennium Scale and starting to use the effect.


Golden light emerged.

The Millennium Scale can detect the inner darkness of anything

With a brief peek, Xia Di glimpsed the huge darkness in You Miao's heart.

This evil force frightened Xia Di.

——This man is too dangerous and must be dealt with first, otherwise it will affect subsequent guidance.

Xia Di did not hesitate to use the Millennium Key ability. He opened up You Miao's inner world and locked him into his inner world through reverse guidance to perform an alternative seal.

After completing this matter, Xia Di showed a liberated smile on his face.

He had been observing You Miao since Duel City, and it was only now that Xia Di made up his mind to take action.

With the disappearance of You Miao, the original trajectory will inevitably return to the right path this time, and the Pharaoh's soul can return to the underworld to rest in peace again.

blue world.

Countless fluctuations are jumping.

You Miao stood in this familiar yet unfamiliar place. He seemed to have been tricked by Xia Di.

The first time he saw Isis, You Miao knew that there was a malicious look on him, and he guessed it was Xia Di.

It could only be this guy, but You Miao didn't expect that this guy who was only half-corporeal would be so bold.

How dare you take action against yourself here on the Tianting.

If Seto Kaiba catches Xia Di, how can he be crushed by a magical fist with a scientific outlook?

Directly teach the other person how to behave! !

You Miao couldn't contact his elf, and he felt that his current situation was very delicate.

Is it the Millennium Key?

This stuff can open up other people's hearts.

In the original work, Xia Di tried to use this artifact to open up Dark Game's heart, and then threw himself into the street.

Can this artifact also open someone else's heart and then reverse it and choose to lock that person in?

Xia Di, this grandson is very playful.

[Life and death speed mission: Prison break! ! 】

Details: You have been sealed in your inner world by Xia Di using the power of a thousand-year artifact. Please pass this trial and escape from this place.

Goal: Please pass the duel endgame in front of you within the limited time.

Reward: Escape from this inner world, obtain Mysterious Powerful Card Pack (optional)*1, card dust*1000

Punishment: Successful sealing (you cannot escape your inner world)

It can still be like this. You Miao said to himself.

There is no option to refuse this task, so You Miao can only give it a try.

Success can leave your inner world.

Failure is sealed here.


The world before our eyes began to change.

The duel area began to appear, and You Miao even saw the Ex area.

Yes, it is the area where link monsters are placed, but the rules were changed later so that even fusion, synchro, and super monsters can be placed in this location.

To be precise, this area is equivalent to your extra monster-exclusive area.


The venue began to change.

You Miao began to observe the situation of both parties

For example, both sides' fields, hand cards, extras, and graveyards.

Here comes the problem.

There are two true gods on the opposite side!

Lion Wizard + Titan Soldier (real card version), and the health value is still 21150 points.

It is indeed difficult to win in one round in this situation.

What about my side? You Miao checked the cards in his hand, the extra deck, and the graveyard.

The cards in the hand include Black Magician, Electronic World Tool, Predatory Plant - Bee Orchid Scorpion, Ally Next Generation Bird Soldier. There is also a Overlord's Dragon in the graveyard and so on.

You have a covered double chance on your field.

Finally, You Miao was surprised to discover something!

These cards span from the first Yu-Gi-Oh to the sixth Yu-Gi-Oh!

I understand, this is how the endgame turns out to be!

If so, that would be easy to handle.

The endgame mode started, and You Miao glanced at the countdown of the mission.

You must successfully tell the story within this time.

I activate the effect of Overlord's Dragon - Dark Dragon.

This card exists in the Graveyard. It can only be activated when there are no monsters on your field. This card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard.


You Miao has assembled the puzzle pieces for victory.

Overlord's Dragon activates its effect, and the deck searches for Overlord's Gate pendulum monsters!

Overlord Gate is placed in the P area on the left, and the pendulum monster Black Fang Magician in your hand is placed in the rightmost P area.

The value of p area is set successfully, 0~8! !

Normally summons the predatory plant - Bee Orchid Scorpion, and activates the effect. The Black Magician in his hand makes a grave, and special summons the predatory plant - Snake Plant Cobra from the deck!

Effect search Bright Fusion!

Come out and guide my future circuit.

Wow, the two predatory plant monsters on the field become the Link values ​​of both sides of the link.

Link summon, the pretty magician of the void!


[Void Pretty Magician, 1700 attack power, Link2]

This Link Monster is Special Summoned successfully, and all monsters in the area this card is connected to are returned to the owner's hand.

You Miao calculated the position, and in front of the pretty magician in the void in the direction of the arrow was the real card version of the God Card Giant God Soldier.

Just like that, the God Card was bounced back to the hand by the effect that did not take the target.

Next is the classic storytelling operation, which is very long.


In short, using the existing resources, You Miao began to sort out the monsters. He first synchronized summons of Yu Xing's ace monster.

Stardust Dragon!

Then he summoned Yuma's ace monster through 4-star super summon.


Relying on the p zone (1~8), summon the tenth generation ace monster of the city that was obtained through search.

Elemental Hero-Xinyuxia!

Then there’s Yuya Sakaki’s ace monster.

Pendulum dragon with heterochromatic eyes!

Relying on the free gem monster on the field, Xiaoli, and the Decoder Whisperer in the link area, Fujiki Yusaku's ace monster is summoned.

Fire dragon!

Finally, the Black Fang Magician effect from the graveyard is used to specially summon the monster that was originally discarded from the graveyard, and is also the ace monster of Muto Yugi.

Black magician!

At this moment, You Miao used his own storytelling to fill his field with 6 monster cards.

The ace monster that is the protagonist of the 1~6 Yu-Gi-Oh!

Let the heterochromatic-eyed pendulum dragon attack, and let Hope pull out the material to stop his attack.

Open the opportunity to double! !

Relying on the double combat damage effect of the heterochromatic-eyed pendulum dragon to deal higher combat damage, the True God Lion Wizard, the only remaining attack meter on the opposite side, was knocked out by You Miao for 8650 combat damage points.

[Endgame: 21150→12500LP]

The remaining 5 Yu-Gi-Oh protagonist aces all have 2500 attack power.

2500*5=12500 combat damage.



boom! !

Just like that, this endgame was declared over.

You Miao passed this trial and walked out of his inner world.


The trials that occur in the inner world do not even last a second in the real world.

Xia Di had just sealed You Miao, but the next moment, You Miao reappeared in front of him.

He looked at You Miao's expression, which was more cruel and ferocious than the nameless Pharaoh, and Xia Di immediately realized that something was wrong! !


Xia Di must leave this place.

Smash Varudo! !

You Miao got the upper hand this time, and he directly summoned Lao Ai to stop time.

After being tricked once, how could You Miao let your grandson run away?


Lao Ai wrapped around Heimu's empty arm, punched the glass and pulled Xia Di, the half-spirit out from inside.

Beat me, beat me to death, it doesn't matter if you beat me to death!! You Miao ordered directly.

Lao Ai's eyes turned red.

I'm just a tool wizard who ruthlessly beats people up.

Euler la la la la

You Miao looked at Xia Di's twisted face and the splattered blood. He said curiously: It turns out that semi-spiritual bodies can also be injured and in pain.

Finally, time stopped and there was no more.

Xia Di was even punched in the chest by Lao Ai! !

The whole process was extremely cruel.

You uh uh Xia Di wanted to say something.

Unfortunately, I can no longer say it.

The next second, Xia Di's spirit body dissipated directly.

You Miao looked at this scene unmoved. He didn't know whether this guy was dead or not.

One thing is for sure.

As long as he sees Xia Di once, he must kill him.

What happened? Keppei ran out from the other side.

You Miao didn't know how to explain it, so he directly put the blame on Dark Malik.

Malik wanted to buy a drink here just now, but he found that he couldn't use it, and then he got so angry that he turned the place into this place.

Can I tolerate this?

I immediately started arguing with the six-year-old, but unfortunately he ran away in the end.

Guiping gritted his teeth, and his resentment towards Malik increased:

This Malik is so arrogant.

That makes no sense.

at this time.

In the bathroom.

Dark Malik looked at himself in the mirror and began to stick out his tongue and lick it. He was thinking about how this action could make it more perverted and beautiful.

He had no idea that You Miao had already put a blame on him.

And this black pot is perfect.

First of all, there is no internal surveillance on the Tianting.

And Dark Malik is indeed a pervert, and it is very reasonable and absolutely understandable for him to go crazy over a vending machine.

Hehehe, I've decided, it's best to lick your tongue in a clockwise direction.

Just one more thing.



An Malik is very happy now, You Miao is also very happy to take the blame, Kei Ping is very happy to find the murderer, and everyone is happy in the end.

After dealing with this episode, You Miao quietly left Xiao Guiping. He wanted to see what this mysterious powerful card pack that he could choose was.

First, the card dust of 1,000 is entered into the account.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Xia Di is a treasure-delivery boy to a certain extent.

But You Miao still wanted to beat him every time.

Successfully received this optional card pack.

[Mysterious powerful card pack (optional): After opening, 5 powerful cards of S~UR quality will be born. You can only choose and receive one of them as a reward. After selecting the card reward, powerful elves will be born 100%. 】

Judging from the description of this item, You Miao knew that this mysterious and powerful card pack was a good thing.

You Miao regretted one thing very much. Why didn't he bring Leopard Girl with him?

But that's okay, at least Isis is not with him now.

Turn on! !

0 0 The story is very long, so I can’t write it completely.

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