I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 112 Snake God (4000)

Chapter 112 Snake God (4000+)

Thumb thump.

On the duel stage, a group of muscular bodyguards in black were cleaning and maintaining the venue.

As KC employees, they are so versatile.

Keppei smiled and walked above with a microphone, and loudly announced that the duel had officially begun.

At this time, Isis and You Miao also came to the scene.

The duel between Jonouchi and Kaiba was actually just one in the original work.

Although Jonouchi was defeated miserably, Kaiba also recognized that this guy had the ability to duel.

It's just Kaiba's character and mouth. He mocks Jonouchi every day, and it seems to have become the law of the universe in the Yu-Gi-Oh world.

Just like Kaiba's card game, he must lose.

Kaiba stood on the duel stage. He looked at Jonouchi with his nostrils and praised in Kaiba style: Being able to stand here and compete with me on the same stage, mortal bones, is something you can brag about for the rest of your life.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Jonouchi clenched his fists, and he almost went up to have a real duel.

Although Honda and Ryuji verbally support Jonouchi, they know that most of this duel will be won by Kaiba.

One thing I have to admit, in the eyes of Honda and others, Kaiba is indeed the game's old enemy.

The two have been entangled until now.

So how could Kaiba lose?

Brother, come on. Shizuka stood on her toes on the ground. She jumped slightly and waved, hoping that Jonouchi could feel her shout.

Oh, Shizuka, look at your brother showing off his power, Gossamer Kaiba! Jonouchi was proud and showed that wretched facial expression again.

Hey, come on inside the city.

What the hell are you doing to steal my lines?

You get out of here!

The two licking dogs Honda and Long Er began to fight, and they didn't know where to go.

Kyoko felt embarrassed for both of them.

After that, Xingzi took advantage of this gap to sneak up to You Miao and asked in a low voice: What did you and Isis do just now?

You Miao looked at Xingzi, who pushed her hair away from her face, looking a little guilty.

Speak quickly. Xingzi bent down slightly.

[Jie Jie Jie, the master’s evil eyes began to look at Masaki Kyoko]

As expected, the minotaur was easily triggered around Kyoko.

The moment the narration appeared and before he finished speaking, You Miao immediately seized the opportunity to summon Lao Ai and let him punch the tauren away.

Very good, You Miao finally took revenge for last night! !

It is not a gentleman not to retaliate when one has a grudge. Forbearing for a while will not bring peace to the situation, but will only make you more and more angry.

As expected, the tauren couldn't hide his true nature, and You Miao immediately took revenge.

Ever since Kyoko fell into the sea last time, she felt that her hearing and vision had become more sensitive than before.

She seemed to have heard a cow howling just now?

It seems very miserable.

It's nothing, Isis just chatted with me for a while. You Miao told the truth.

Oh, that's it. Kyoko took a deep breath and seemed to be in a much better mood.

Then, Kyoko came closer and sniffed with her nose.

——Well, there is no strange smell.

Okay, I believe you. Xingzi made a scissor hand and said with a smile.

Peacock Wu has been watching secretly, and based on her experience, it is not difficult to see the complicated relationship diagram.


In fact, she wasn't much better.

Jonouchi never understood his thoughts and hints.

To be honest, Peacock Dance is very tiring.

With Mai Fumei not around, You Miao seized the opportunity to use the last Dazi exclusive card pack.



It must have been shipped, right?

[Congratulations on getting the effect monster card Zombie-Gate (UR)*1]

You Miao took a deep breath. He didn't expect it to be this card.

Good guy.

As a super villain in anime, Dazi actually doesn't have many cards that are transformed into O.

In addition to the stupid barrier and the stupid ancient beast, this Snake God-Ge is also an o-version of the Dazi deck.


The card Snake God-Ge corresponds to Dazi's infinite attack ace, the Snake God Yi! !

Although both are snake gods, the O version of Snake God-G is completely different from the animation effect.

Except for appearance

The O version of Snake God-G is actually pretty good. In terms of the power of a single card, this card is quite a super model.

You Miao thought for a while and put this Snake God-Gate into his deck.

It's a pity that the talent was not triggered to awaken the elf, otherwise You Miao really wanted to see Dazi's face that broke through the defense again.

Poor Dazi, she never thought that she would give You Miao such a big gift, right?

The duel begins!!

At this moment, the duel between Kaiba and Jonouchi is also in progress.

Duel*2! !

Within the city: 4000LP

Seto Kaiba: 4000LP

Very good, I won the first attack. Jonouchi drew a card, and he quickly inserted the magic card to activate: Holy Grail Ace!!


Everyone is familiar with the effect of this magic card.

I bet on a dog's card. If I win, I will pick up the pot of lust for nothing.

If you lose, give your opponent a Pot of Desire.

When You Miao was playing duel link before, he encountered a duelist who bet on dogs. As long as the A of Holy Grail is tails, he immediately performs a 5-speed escape in the upper right corner.

Regarding the Ace of Holy Grails, Kaiba showed no expression, as if he knew what the outcome of this coin would be.

Jonouchi's family was torn apart because of his father's gambling, but the gambling cards were cheap, so he had to use them.

But after experiencing the duel city, Jonouchi realized one thing.

Growth means overcoming your immature self in the past!

He has defeated his cowardly self!

Kaiba, the duelist in front of you is the reborn Mr. Jonouchi. Jonouchi put on a professional Ginyu team pose.

Highlight the weird and wacky! !

I can’t stand the peacock dance anymore.

The coin stopped and it was heads

Therefore, Jonouchi can draw two cards from the deck.

Hmph, mortal bones. Kaiba said this.

Hahaha, Kaiba, let's have a little more excitement. Jonouchi placed a green sticker on the field.

Continuous Magic Card, Dangerous Machine Type 6! !

Is Jonouchi trying to carry out his gambling tactics to the end? Kyoko looked weird, why did she feel so unreliable?

As long as you are lucky enough, the cards will help you. You Miao said this, while An Yuxi nodded, thinking that the former was right.

There is a duelist with strong luck in the castle.

Usually summons the Iron Knight.


[Iron Knight Kia Freed, 1800 attack power, warrior type]

Cover a card and end the turn. Jonouchi smiled sinisterly.

Kaiba ignored Jonouchi's smile. He looked at the Danger Machine Type 6 thoughtfully.

However, this doesn't change the way you play.

Fusion!! Kaiba raised the magic card in his hand.


After An Yuxi and You Miao saw it, they immediately took a breath of cold air.

It’s actually a fusion! !

When ordinary people use fusion, it naturally doesn't count, but this person is a seahorse.

Kaiba fuses first?

What's next?

Haha, even a fool can guess it.

Mortal Bones, let me show you the true power.

Send the three blue-eyed white dragons in your hand to the graveyard.

Let the form of the evolved strongest dragon be imprinted deep in your eyes, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!!


The three-headed white bride appears.

[Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, 4500 attack power, dragon clan]

Daitokuji, who had been silent for a long time in the corner, murmured when he saw the birth of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon: He is indeed the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and his power should not be underestimated.

However, this kind of power is full of domineering and powerful, but there is no miracle that Dadeji wants to see!

You Miao was really afraid that Kaiba's next card would be Fusion Release, followed by the superior summoning of the Titan Soldier.

If so, You Miao has absolute reason to suspect that Haima has glued these 6 cards with 502 glue.

Because it's so beautiful.

Mortal Bones, feel the absolute difference. Kaiba took out the magic card and activated: Quick attack!

Oops, this magic card allows the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to attack now. Yami Yugi immediately felt a cold sweat on Jonouchi's hands.

With the power of quick attack, Ultra Dragon begins to attack

The ultimate blast bomb, ejected immediately

Hey, Kaiba, you have really been fooled. Jonouchi looked proud, and he knew that Kaiba would definitely adopt a strong attack and quick attack strategy.

Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is very strong, so Jonouchi needs to activate this continuous trap card.

[Dragon Sealed Pot: As long as this card is on the field, the face-up Dragon monsters on the field will be in defense position, and the position cannot be changed. 】

Damn Becas. Kaiba saw this trap card and immediately remembered what happened before.

At that time, Bekas's thing was a monster card. Unexpectedly, International Illusion Society later launched a trap card version of the Sealed Pot.

Although the effect of Bekas's sealing pot is different, its intention to target the dragon clan is too obvious.

Kaiba, I specially selected this trap card for you. This card was Duel City's trophy, and Jonouchi wanted it immediately when he saw it.


It just focuses on one target, the ruthless gauze seahorse.

For this trap card, Jonouchi gave up the opportunity to take other rare monsters.

It shows how much Jonouchi wants to defeat Kaiba.

The effect of Dragon Seal Pot works normally

The Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was immediately forced to defend, and the attack obviously failed.

Mortal Bones, you guys seem to have done enough homework. Kaiba said in a displeased tone. He covered a card to end the turn.

At this moment, Kaiba had used up all the cards in his hand.

This is the power of the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the charm of the invincible 4-for-1 fusion.

The Dragon Sealing Pot, this card is too restrained against the Dragons. Maybe Jonouchi can really win. Peacock Dance said with an excited expression.

If Jonouchi wins, then Kaiba's Titan Soldier will change hands...

Even so, Isis is not optimistic. She feels that Jonouchi is not qualified to use gods.

Very good, I'll beat you in one go.

Draw a card!

At this time, Danger Machine Type 6 activates its effect.

You will roll the dice once during your preparation phase. Different numbers will have different effects.

1. Discard 1 card from your hand.

2. The opponent discards 1 card from their hand.

3·Draw 1 card yourself.

4·The opponent draws 1 card.

5. Destroy 1 monster on the opponent's field.

6·This card is destroyed.

555. Jonouchi shouted, hoping to shake a 5.

This will destroy Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.


The number is 4! !

Jonouchi's simple expression collapsed.

Haha, it seems that bad luck always favors fools. Kaiba smiled and then drew cards from the deck.

Don't get too proud too early. Jonouchi activated the magic card, The restraints are lifted!!

[Restraint Release: By sacrificing 1 Iron Knight Kia Fried on your field, you can specialize 1 Juggernaut - Shirtless Kia Fried from your hand or deck. call. 】

I special summon the Sword Master from the deck. Jonouchi opened the deck and accurately retrieved a monster card.

Click, click, click

Because of the power of this magic card, the armor of the Iron Knight on the field inside the castle began to decompose.

Finally, the armor pops open and the restrictions are lifted! ! !

[Sword Master-Shirtless Kya Freed, 2600 attack power, warrior type]

Hmph, I didn't expect you, a mortal, to have such a powerful monster. Kaiba crossed his arms, suddenly finding things interesting.

Although Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon is sealed into a defensive state, the defense power of 3800 is very high, and the Sword Master's attack power is not enough to penetrate this line of defense. Yami Yugi saw through the matter, and he felt that Jonouchi had another move.

Jonouchi glanced at Yugi and raised his thumb.

As expected of a game, he immediately saw through his own thoughts.

Kaiba watched the interaction between Yugi and Jonouchi, and he began to feel unhappy.

Kaiba, let you see the power of the Sword Master. Jonouchi pressed the button and the equipment cards covering the field lit up.

The power of the guardian! !

Good guy, the strongest N-card? You Miao blurted out subconsciously.

A ray of holy light shone on the Juggernaut, triggering its effect at the same time.

Hey, when the Sword Master equips the equipment card, 1 monster on the opponent's field is destroyed.

Destroy it for me, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

After saying that, the sword god released a terrifying impact, and the target was the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

That's great, is Jonouchi going to win? Peacock Dance said excitedly.

That's not necessarily the case

You Miao looked at Kaiba, who had a calm face. Maybe the cover card was

Stupid, Mortal Bones, turn on the quick-attack magic card and dissolve the fusion. Kaiba activated the quick-attack magic card.

Seeing that the fusion was released, You Miao smiled in confusion.

Kaiba must let Fusion + White Dragon*3 + Quick Attack + Fusion cancel, they are so stuck together.

If Jonouchi hadn't played a targeting card, the Dragon Seal Pot.

He was defeated by Kaiba in the last round.


Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon splits.

Three blue-eyed white dragons enter directly!

[Blue Eyes White Dragon, 3000 Attack Power, Dragon Clan]*3

Unfortunately, due to the Dragon Sealing Pot, all three white dragons were transferred to defense.

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: 3000 attack power → 2500 defense power]

Then I'll let the Sword Master attack. Jonouchi ordered the attack.

At this time, the power of the guardian begins to increase the counters, one each time the equipped monster attacks, and each counter increases the attack power by 500.

Not only that, each counter can be consumed once to perform replacement destruction. Jonouchi looked satisfied. This Guardian Power is the strongest equipment card in his current deck.

none of them!

[Juggernaut: 2600→3100 attack power]

boom! !

A blue-eyed white dragon was killed by the sword master on the spot.

End the round!

After destroying a white dragon, Jonouchi started Yan Yi again: Cover a card and end the turn.

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