I am not a human being in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 111 Isis’ coercion (4000)

Chapter 111 Isis’ coercion (4000+)

You Miao stopped running, and with his innate ability, he successfully performed an epoch-making Synchronic Summoning.

A golden mecha exuding a little bit of crystal light. Orochi!

At this moment, this white monster (synchronized monster) is right in front of him.

[Crystal Machinery-Central Orochi, 3000 attack power, machine family, synchronization]

What is this? Seto Kaiba has never seen this kind of monster before. He has seen monsters that do not require fusion magic cards to fusion summon, but this summoning method of adding levels is unheard of.

A white Katu monster? Yami Yugi thought thoughtfully.

As we all know, fusion monsters are all purple cards, but this white card monster is completely different from the fusion monster.

It should be a new series of summoning methods. I didn’t expect You Miao to pioneer such a thing.

Shizuka and others couldn't understand, but they were greatly shocked. She clenched her hands and said:

What a beautiful monster. This Synchro Summon is so beautiful.

Seeing the goddess's speech, Ryuuji and Honda immediately answered, and they said firmly: Shizuka, I can do this too!!

Seeing that everyone was surprised, Kyoko asked, Is this a new type of fusion summon?

Peacock Wu couldn't stand it anymore, so she covered Xingzi's mouth because no one could give her an accurate answer.

White synchro monsters do not require the fusion of magic cards. They seem to be powerful monsters that can be born only by meeting star conditions.

This incident is destined to be recorded in the legend of history

Yes, Kaiba thought so, and his fists clenched loudly.

As the father of monsters, Becas did not see this scene. It is really sad for the other party.

You Miao, you did a good job, you did a great job, hahahaha. Haima's expression became more and more uncomfortable.

Keiping broke out in a cold sweat, this was not the brother he knew! !

Yugi and others are limited to the boundaries of Duel.

But someone is different.

Dadeji looks like a fanatical believer, his face is covered with veins

It's so beautiful, so beautiful.

Several completely unrelated monsters can actually form a monster that is so full of miracles and beauty.

Isn't this a kind of alchemy?


This alchemy requires no fusion.

Dadeji relied on his alchemical vision to discover one thing: fusion and You Miao's Synchronic Summoning each have their own merits.

It's a pity that they currently have too little understanding of synchronization, and You Miao is the first duelist in the dueling world to hold a white monster.


Synchronic Monster

Dazi's expression was dull at first, then turned to confusion, and finally turned to relief.

This strange monster carries a dangerous smell. This smell does not refer to the monster's own power, but to a relationship that even Da Zi cannot explain.

As the owner of Oliha Gang's power, Darzi's spiritual sense is constantly ringing, and he has an intuition that maybe the world will be in great crisis in the future because of this synchronized monster.

You Dazi said one word and then didn't speak.

Because Dazi remembered something that he had heard many, many years ago when he was still the monarch of the Atlan Empire.

The mysterious Mayans believed in a god. At that time, the king of the Mayans was called the King of the Stars and his people were called the People of the Stars.

The god this group of people believe in seems to be called the Red Dragon and his name is Kukulkan. This god provides the Mayans with protection and good harvests.

Later, there was no later, Dazi's palace encountered great changes.

I don’t know why, but such unrelated memories appeared in Dazi’s mind.

Maybe it's this synchro monster, maybe it's You Miao?

Or maybe it was the changes brought about by new things that reminded Dazi of this faith legend from back then.

At least, Dazi didn't think this red dragon really existed.

The so-called legend. It is precisely because something that does not exist deserves to be called a legend.

You Miao, do you think this big snake can bring you victory? Dazi was still stubborn. He also had two ritual monsters on him. A mere big snake with 3000 attack power could not defeat him in one round.

And You Miao's health has been reduced to a number more pitiful than a candle in the wind.

As long as Da Zi scrapes hard, You Miao will fall to the ground hard.

What's wrong? You Miao showed a confident smile, which was an affirmation of the snake's power.



The big snake released a brilliant crystal light. This light made Dazi subconsciously cover his eyes. He asked in confusion:

What are you doing?

This force is

Impossible, my ritual monster will not be destroyed by the effect!!

You Miao pointed at the two ritual monsters and shouted:

So what if it won't be destroyed by the effect?

Activate the big snake effect!

If this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, it can only be activated by targeting monsters on the opponent's field or in the graveyard up to the number of monsters used as Synchro Materials.

Except those monsters for me!

After You Miao explained the effect of the Orochi, the duelists present realized what was about to happen.

Yes, it won't be destroyed by effects, but that doesn't mean it can't be excluded.

Destruction and exclusion are actually two concepts.

And this white monster with powerful special powers, the big snake!

To actually have such a powerful power of elimination?

One thing you need to know is that in the summoning material of this big snake, there is a super trash fish that Kaiba has despised for a long time, coolie wave! !

Even miscellaneous fish mixed in can exert such a powerful force. Synchronous summoning is really incredible.

Kaiba was itching to see it.

Dazi, eat my big snake's stunt.

“The sun is shining!!”

The bright sunlight fills all the space.

The big snake didn't know what his master was shouting, but he knew it was time to become a saint.

At this moment, the God of Destruction and the God of Beauty on the Dazi field were all illuminated by this bright sunlight, and after a second they were all removed from the game.

Seeing this result, Dazi's eyes were filled with shock: My monster is gone?

You Miao looked at Dazi, and he issued an attack order.

you lose!

Orochi clasped his hands together and condensed a powerful energy cannon.

boom! !

Dazi was covered in it, his expression was ferocious, but he was helpless.

at last.

His health points were wiped out by the big snake.

Winner: You Miao!

The first duelist to advance to the semi-finals appeared.

At this time, on the duel stage, Dazi's body was crumbling.

The Oliha on his forehead was no longer hidden. Dazi looked at the tall and tall You Miao and said:

Hehehe, that's really interesting.

I didn't expect that there is actually a duelist in the world who can defeat me.

You win this time, but we'll see you again soon.


I don’t know if it was because failure gave Dazi too much stimulation, but she actually started to show signs of hippocampal transformation, and she started to have a high-pitched voice when she called You Miao’s name.


A burst of green energy dissipated, and the mark on the forehead of the woman's body was shattered, as if something had disappeared.

Dazi left.

The shame that failure brought to him made it impossible for him to stay in this place with peace of mind.

Yes, Dazi is actually a person who values ​​victory and defeat.

To be precise, no duelist likes to lose.

Dazi is no exception.

This is the first time he loses, and it must be the last time!

Hmph, what are you still doing? Kaiba looked at the stunned Isono speechlessly and shouted, Announce the result.

Don’t you want to do it anymore?

The company recently had an expedition project to Antarctica, and Isono began to be included in the expedition list.

Hey, I declare the winner is You Miao!!

The next duel will take place in half an hour. It will be between the great and great President Kaiba and the unknown Mortal Bone Castle.

Isono immediately raised his right hand and began to read the results aloud.

Damn KC Group!! Hearing that he was called Mortal Bones again, with a nameless one in front of him, Jonouchi was so angry that his teeth hurt.

NMD, Haima, I'll tell you later!

Brother, this woman named Dali seems to have lost consciousness. What was that green supernatural energy just now? Guiping asked the medical team to lift Dali down.

But what happened just now was so magical that it was hard not to think of something.

Who knows, Kaiba snorted coldly: It's just a boring trick. This guy thinks that two patterns on his forehead can fool people?

This Dali must not be able to afford to lose, and then she performed such a funny trick and then passed out with peace of mind.

Haima, who believes in science, despises this kind of funny magic stick behavior.

A true duelist should believe in the duel disk in his hand and what is about to happen in front of him!

For example, he was going to brutally torture that mortal Huangmao who only knew how to play dice later.

Having said that, Jonouchi and Kaiba left the place temporarily at the same time.

Before leaving, Haima stared at You Miao with cannibalistic eyes.

Have you ever seen a hungry beast?

The kind that eats people without spitting out their bones.

Yes, You Miao felt that Kaiba was looking at her with this look.

You Miao was supported by Isis. The duel just now was very draining on him, and the synchronic summoning was also very draining on his physical strength.

Even if You Miao is not a normal person, it would be difficult to maintain such exaggerated consumption.

If a duelist doesn't have good health, he really can't do it.

If You Miao had run out of energy just now, he wouldn't even be able to do the extreme run.

It is possible to run and jump on the street.

Hold on tight. There was still some time before the next duel, so Isis helped You Miao to rest first.

Xingzi looked at the backs of Isis and You Miao, her eyes were focused on the position where the other person was supporting You Miao's arm and she curled her lips.

It seems that I feel a little uncomfortable.

She looked at Isis's curvy figure, plump and like a gourd shape.

The strange feeling in Kyoko's heart became more and more serious. She wanted to follow her, but Peacock Wu and Shizuka were sandwiching her next door.

It's hard to move! !

At this moment, in his room, Jonouchi had a beautiful expression on his face.

This level of facial expression is terrifying, and Jonouchi is still smiling at the same time.


Kaiba, my uncle in the city, must make you feel real pain immediately.

After that, Jonouchi stuffed a few red trap cards into the deck in a very villainous manner.


Kaiba on the other side didn't know this kind of thing yet, so he spread out his deck

The Kaiba deck is more aggressive, and most of the monsters are dragons.

Having witnessed You Miao's grave-piling technique just now, Kaiba felt itchy in his heart that those miscellaneous fish and coolies in the grave could actually serve as such a good shield.

It was so dangerous, I almost missed it. Kaiba opened his eyes wide, and he almost went to Keipei to bring those fish monsters over to watch.

so horrible!

Even if I, Seto Kaiba, jump from here, I will never use a fish monster like Kulibo.

After that, Kaiba began to adjust the deck normally.

Yellow-haired mortal bones?

Kaiba didn't take it seriously and adjusted his deck just to confuse Malik and the others.

Soon, time passed slowly.

And You Miao is also counting the rewards.

After defeating Dazi, You Miao was promoted two levels in a row, from level 25 to level 27.

Crystals are starting to come into the account, and it’s not far away from buying Lao Ai’s pre-group.

It's more than that.

After defeating Dazi, there are three exclusive card packs that will drop.

Dazi’s exclusive card pack?

What can this offer?

You Miao is very curious. After all, Dazi’s real deck is the Oliha Gang series.

Too curious, You Miao didn't think much and just started tearing it apart! !

Pack 1: [Congratulations on obtaining, the effect monster card Orichalcum Goddess (SR)*1]

Seeing this card, You Miao felt like nauseating on the spot. What kind of crap is this?

I bother! !

That's right, this Orichalcum puppet is actually the O-shaped version of the monster in the Dazi animation that looks like the ancient mythical beast.

For this thing, You Miao can only describe it as a salty fish.

It is similar to the real card version of Oliha Gang's barrier, and it belongs to the category of unclear meaning.

As for using the card dust to evolve this real card version of the Orichalcum God Doll?

You Miao was not interested and had no need to worry.

Too salty.

Pack 2: [Congratulations on obtaining, the effect monster card Orichalcum Goliath (SR)*1]

You Miao pinched his face, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

Why is this broken card again?

Gua, ancient mythical beast, stay away from me.

Wait a moment, You Miao thought of a possibility.

He looked at Mai Fumei, who was sitting next to him. This woman applied the potion and planned to help You Miao deal with the scratches on her arm.

In a duel in the Yu-Gi-Oh World, even if it is not a dark game, it is inevitable that friction will occur during a normal duel and a small injury will occur.

Isis touched You Miao's arm with her fingers, and the latter shrank.

This was You Miao's instinctive reaction. He wanted to stay away from this idiot.

But Isis's eyes widened, and she held down You Miao's arm faster with her palms, and yelled: Come here, don't move!

You Miao didn't dare to move.

Isis looked proud. She looked at You Miao and raised the corners of her mouth:

Humph, You Miao, you don't want others to know what happened at the girls' hot spring last night, right?

Especially that Kyoko Masaki.

? ? ?

You Miao's face was full of shock. Isn't this the move he used to threaten Isis' netizens before?

How could this rich woman from the tomb-guarding clan master the essence of it so quickly and even use it on him?


This woman launched a fierce campaign.

After a while, Isis helped You Miao paint the wound, and her face became serious.

Malik's duelist and I have no idea what will happen.

If I lose

I hope you can stop this little brother of mine.

If things cannot be controlled, even if Malik is buried by his own hands, Isis will be very painful but she can understand.

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0 0 Thank you also to the book friends who have been voting monthly. I have been too busy recently and I finished writing very late. I have never had time to write a single chapter. Thank you very much for your support.

0 0 Of course, there are also the big bosses who give rewards, such as Happy Book Man, Passerby Without Smoke, Luoshui Yun Tianyi, Heaven and Earth Punishment, Where Are the Promised French Fries, Belief Poisoning, and Glycosylated Salted Fish z book friends for their support.

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