I Am In Marvel

Chapter 637.

Even if half of the body is lost, Eddie still has not died for the first time, and the communal toxins on his body maintain his life. Eddie’s body is a little pumped, and the black liquid’s insane bag stops the bleeding, but it’s still irreparable.

His injuries are too serious, and normal people are already dead.

“Run! Run!”

On the hands of the giant ants, Eddie, the half-side body, opens his mouth, the hard words come out of the depth of his voice, and the only hand left goes to the forefront.

The giant ants and Deadpool went along with a desire to see only the springs park, the fire that surrounded the iron chain, the green flame bear burning, the right hand with a serious broken ax, the axe with the chimpanzee blood on the ax, and the left hand with the body on the other side of Eddie, dragging on the ground.

The truth is the same demon.

Hell’s fires have a cold eye, falling on ants and Deadpool, and both spies out of their backs. Even the strongest toxin agent among them lasted only a few minutes, directly cut into two and a half, and the strong fire in hell is desperate.

“I also know it’s time to escape, but this map is so big.” The giant ants are laughing, looking at the countdown, and there’s five minutes to go.

“No escape, only brace oneself. Agent Toxin, you just dragged it, and now it’s our turn.”

Deadpool said that, at the same time, two sodium steel swords on the ground had been tightened.

“That’s right, you lie here.” The giant ants agree with the head, and he says a word, and he puts Eddie, who is seriously injured, on the grass behind him.

He took a deep breath, turned to the forehead, standing side by side with Deadpool, a small two men, heading straight to hell over here.

“Now, your opponent is us!”

“I won’t let you go any further.”


ants and Deadpool put down a harsh word and tried to provoke the Fire, which turned out to ignore it, left the body behind, and continued to walk towards them with axes.

“No use.” Eddie opened his mouth, he had no heart, ants, and they didn’t know where the hell was going.

That’s a real god weapon!

“I come to the head, and you look at the timing, and give it a fatal hit.” The giant ants say it to Deadpool.

“No problem.” Deadpool handles the sharp edge, prepares for stabbing, and the next battle, I don’t know how many times the body will die.

“Let’s go!” The giant ants suddenly took steps, he dragged rochemical right hand, and the left hand tightened his fist.

In a few steps, the ants came to count beyond ten meters, that is, the fire of hell.

“Take my fist!”

The giant ants drank a storm, and left boxing to the front fiercely, which brought together the giants of all the power to shave the air under the bottom, blowing grass and debris.

Hell’s empty holes rise out of the flames of the ghost, and it sees no escape, just stopping, and it looks like a quick and timely rise in hand.

The ants are huge as the warheads of the stars, colliding with the fire in the left hand of the fire, which is disproportionate.

Next brake.

The garden floor on the feet of hell should fall down and crack as the spider spreads outside, and countless pieces of dust are shaken up and thrown up.

But no matter how powerful the giant ants are, left boxing can still be downward and a little bit more upward. At the same time, a feeling of burning pain comes from his fist.

The green flame looks like a clothing and bone, ignoring all defences and burning directly at the roots of the soul inside.

“Aaaaaah!” It is clear that it was an attack on his own initiative, and the giant ants, instead, screamed so hard, that he was forced to retrieve the painful left boxing and smash the rocked righthand fist towards hell.

Hell sets up the ax on right hand, and it wrecks the old ax, with the power to break the wind, and when the right boxing of the ants is shattered!

Only two fights.

The giant ants, with only half the right arm left, cried down and failed.

Hell is preparing to continue the chase, two points cold glow, blackout of the dead corner of the back, with a little aim at its back neck, with a little target on its underwater.

“Right now, die for me!” Deadpool brings all of its power and belief to this sword.

Hell does not have the meaning of evasion or defense, and leaves it with a sodium steel sword, stabbing itself to the point of weakness –


Two sodium steel swords have fallen on the fire of hell, like the hardest metal on the stab, with a flash iron echo.

There’s no breakthrough, that’s the fact of despair.

Hell’s expressionless side, empty eyes, staring at Deadpool on his face.

Deadpool, laugh, loose your hands and double swords, as if he said hello, “Hell, yeah, hello.”

It’s not finished, the ax on the fire, a level archer, cutting Deadpool’s head out of the air, and the dead body is pretty straight down.

Hell’s not funny to recover from Deadpool, look to the front, the giant ants and toxin agents who were seriously injured.

It’s lifting its feet, but the back feet are tightened by one hand.

Turn around, see Deadpool, who just got cut off his head, and he’s all right on the ground, grabbing a big foot of hell, regardless of the barbecue’s black hands.

“I told you. As long as I’m here, you don’t want to go any further. Forget to tell you, I’m one of the most disgusting people.”

Deadpool, his ability to heal continues to work, rehabilitating the damaged parts of the body at a faster rate than Vajra Wolf Logan’s self-reliance.

Hell seems to be interested, it’s down the body, it’s empty right hand grabbing Deadpool’s back neck and bringing him up from the ground.

“So close, you can’t see.” Deadpool barely opened his mouth, and things are still moving around with the face of hell.

The fire suddenly laughed, locked the chains around it, locked Deadpool’s body, and burned as green bear burned.

“No use, even if I burn black charcoal, I can…” Deadpool’s words are over, but he was shocked to see that the green flame not only stripped his body, but also gradually lost his ability to heal.

“No!” Soon, Deadpool, burned to the bone shelf, struggling in the hands of hell.

“Shit, we have to save him.” The giant ants lying on the ground, hear Deadpool’s scream, hard to climb from the ground, and the hands are seriously wounded, and you climb do not raise.

Eddie, who still has half his body, is packed with toxins, barely sustaining his life, breathing his energies, conveying his heart with his mind: “Toxin, now only you, can help Deadpool.”

“If I leave your body, you’ll die immediately.” Toxin is a simple response.

“Never mind. Come on, it’s too late.”

“Well, as you wish!”

Thousands of black wire liquids have been removed from Eddie, transcended the super elevator, and they’re shooting at Deadpool in the hands of hell!

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