I Am In Marvel

Chapter 636.

Less than five seconds.

In the area of the top ten meters of arrogance, the flowers that were raging were all rocked into grey and hard-won work.

“Forget to tell you. This is the arrogant devil, the symbol of the power that comes to me – the stone curse.”

“Any soul or item that I touched will become stones for a certain period of time and cannot act.”

The wind in the garden blows, and the ants are still missing.


this case, the arrogant tongue is slight and self-confident: “Has it been fossilized? Failure to act, in accordance with the rules of the competition, is also defeated.”


anger behind arrogance is still on the ground, and he has struggled to stop the blood, and the result is that, as trauma is caused by sodium steel sword, blood is not only stopped, but the more it goes on… The feeling is as much as a woman in the physiological phase, and it makes life intolerable.

Don’t be angry, your face is pale, cold and hard to say: “Don’t be surprised. Watch out, according to each other’s abilities and personality, he may well have other methods.”

And arrogance didn’t think he looked at him like, “Come on, just say it yourself. You look ugly now. It’s not too big for you, how could it be so badly hurt.”

If the former cartels were naturally united and cautious, it was regrettable that their bodies were attached to seven evil spirits, and that, while being strong, and capable, their sexuality would be altered by evil.


advantages and disadvantages of borrowing the power of seven evil spirits are clear, and that is why Kyle does not need seven evil spirits. He has occasionally had a toxic liquid on him, and if seven more evil spirits were added, it would have been over the body’s party.

Neither anger nor arrogance have noticed that over the sky there is a flying ant flying over their heads, almost 20 meters in the air.

On the back of the fly, the ants are sitting on it, observing the movement of the two underneath.

“Just in danger, thanks to bringing you here, Anthony.” The ants are surprised that he has a low tone, that he has his hands torn the body, that the flying ants have a pleasant circle in the air, that its size is too small, and that no one can find it in the sky, just like a dust.

“Now. Let me see how to deal with those two.”

The ants breathe deep and look at the arrogance and anger that depend on together.

The anger, though negative, is not yet phased out in accordance with the system’s rules. And their side, Deadpool, can no longer die, and he can only continue fighting.

The arrogant fossil power has witnessed that the distance is not her opponent, and that the only way to overcome them is to carry out a raid or a plan of attack that must be killed.

“Only by using that one, I hope it will be successful.”

The ants think about it, and he’s determined to use his right fist, put his left hand on the belt, start adjusting the parameters, and then jump directly from the back of Anthony.

It’s only about 20 meters, in a small view of the ants, but it’s like two hundred meters jumped from high altitudes.

The graves fell down, looking forward to nearer arrogance and anger, and in the air, he turned the button to the maximum value.

“Success and failure will look at this!”

Next moment. The body of the ant, which was the size of the ant, suddenly expanded, beyond the size of the human being, continued to grow to 20 meters, until it was as exaggerated as the size of the mountain.

Micro, you’re a monster, you’re a giant!

With the habit of crash, right hand made every effort to strike himself down the bottom.


The arrogance and anger have noticed the difference from the top of the head, and they look up and see a giant, meteorological fist!

“Damn it!”

The anger of anger, despite the downward wounds, barely stood from the ground, pushed the hands upwards of gnashing teeth. The excess human power added to the wrath of the evil, and the shock blocked the boxing of the giant ants.


On top of the artificial fist, the wrath of two feet is like a stake, the thighs fall directly into the land, and the underwear wound starts to bleed out.

“Angry, just hold on to me!”

The arrogant reaction was fast, and she stretched her left hand to the mirror’s fist, under the stone curse. The giant fist of the ants begins to rocate rapidly and spreads to the whole giant right hand arm.

Soon, right hand wrists are stalled down.

Half right hand lost consciousness, and ants only continued their strength, but fists were uprooted and halfway into deadlock.

“This way, my body is going to be completely rocked.” The giant ants have nothing to do with it.

“It’s over, big insect.” The arrogant ticket is in possession, continues to stretch right hand, hands and hands together to build capacity to accelerate the pace of the stone curse.

The whole right hand arm of the ants was rocked, and the stone was coming to the chest and head, and a breakthrough of the wind was ringing behind the critical moment.

Pu chi!

The sharp sword was stabbed behind his arrogance, across his body, from a slightly larger chest, with the blood of passible to see.

“Who?” The arrogant eyes, the spit blood, the loss of hands and the downward decline.

She’s been kind of uprooted, and since back, a bitch silhouette got up again.

The anger on the gravel fist, looking forward to attacking arrogant enemies, is unbelievable: “How can you be solved by my own hands, and bones are crushed?”

“Whoever says the bones are broken, he dies. In my dictionary, there is no word” dead “.”

Deadpool chuckled, he walked out a few steps, picked up katana, when he was thrown into anger as lance, the target was his body.


The anger broke a rude, intolerable man, and finally hold out of hand to receive the sword, and was completely bombed into the land by the giant and rochemical boxing of the ants.

“Cocoa, it worked.”

The ants hung their rocking right hand, looking down at Deadpool, shook the head: “I knew. A whore like you, if he doesn’t have a special life-saving capacity, I’m afraid he’s already killed.”

“You’re exaggerating or yelling at me.” Deadpool made a mess.

The two people were not allowed to talk too much, and in the fountain park next to them came the sound of deaf ears.


A black silhouette was thrown up from high springs parks, and the giant artificial eye quickly picked up the silhouette with a steady left hand. He must have seen it in his eyes. It was a toxin agent – more accurately, a half-body of a toxin agent.


body of toxins has become countless black lines and continues to weep, with only half of Eddie’s body wrapped in it, and the black line bleeding in blood, bringing ants and Deadpool suck in a breath of cold air.

Agent Toxin, we’ve failed!

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