I Am In Marvel

Chapter 591.

The Gods’ lifespan is a thousand units, genetic strength and potential, located in the forefront of the universe race, and the weapons and forces that have been manufactured are at the bottom, and, more importantly, the rest of the universe’s nine communities cannot be beautified.

Thor had previously thought that, as long as he had a father, the gods would be at the forefront of the ninth world and would not be shaken by any force. This is true for thousands of years, and Odine really didn’t defeat anyone else until he was old and he failed to himself.

Thor was reminded that the gods had been invaded by external enemies, and that they were about to sit on the throne of the kingdom that had dreamed of before.

As a child, Thor thought that the kingdom of the gods was full of honor. Now, he gradually understands that the throne is just an invisible shackle, and once a man sits on that throne, all actions must be considered in detail, alone shouldering the burden of peace in the nine world towards the future.

“Live well, enjoy it now. There’s no one to say about the future. I just hope that if Kyle comes out of time, we’ll drink together.” Thor laughs, without mind, a Flag.

“My wedding with little peppers is also under preparation, and if I can’t be next to the priest, there are daughters and grandchildren.”

Tony blinks, publishes himself at will, and it’s enough to make the world media crazy.

“I can be a grown-up.” Steve is active in a heavy atmosphere.

“Forget it, then, with my father on the table.” Tony laughed.

The rain breathes deep, and says, “Don’t worry. I’ll always be next to the boss, and now, the future, too, will never let him go down alone.”

When Kyle came down from the top of the T. Tower and returned to the base hall, it was found that people had not completely lost their faces, as if they had just talked about very serious issues.

“What’s going on, you guys?” Kyle, look at the rain, Steve, and Tony and the others.

“Nothing. We were just talking about dinner.” Steve walked up and shot Kyle’s shoulder, dressed up.

“cough cough, yes.”

“Most of them Dr. Banner’s skin is almost familiar, and that meat smells, it’s not going to work on the battleship.”

the Avengers group, facing Kyle, was busy picking up Steve’s words.

“Real fake?” Kyle fox’s scanning of people, with the ultimate eyes on the rainbow and cherry, will never lie to him, nor will the cherry, a girl who has never been a girl, have no idea what lies.

Kyle, they just…

Cherry was just trying to say something, and the rain was rushing to save her arm and conveyed a word in mind. Cherry’s white face became red in the instant, biting cherry’s lips, sneaking eyes on Kyle, and never talking again.

Kyle’s getting more confused.

The Rainbow Drive: “All right. Boss, it’s time to use the Twitter tower and the Lord’s system to find out where O’Orange created them. After all, Orange was also the top scientific and technological creature, and took the steel Legion, without knowing what action and conspiracy would be done in the dark.”

“And there is. For twin, it should be Hydra’s brains, so that the Avengers will be enemies, and for Lona, we will find them as soon as possible.”

The right issue of the rainfall this time, let Kyle Nodded, not rectify the people’s hearts.

Orange, while only a little threat, almost destroyed Earth, in order to give some respect.

Plus. Lona’s relatives are Kyle’s relatives, who will find them and guide them back to the right path. That is the comfort that he has not been able to bring Lona back now.

Kyle thought, lightly ring fingers, giving voice instructions to the main system responsible for the operation of the THT tower: “Lord. Now on a global scale, search for Orange, Red Witches and Fast Silver twin’s signals and intelligence.”

“Yes, master.” The Lord reacts very quickly.

With the attention of Kyle and the others, the Earth projection, flown in the lobby, suddenly doubled and the Twatchtower played a real role.

Just see. The Twatchtower in the outer space universe, rotating towards reorientation of the base, pushing the tower to the bottom of the blue planet, and launching an invisible and strong signal from the tower to the bottom.

It’s like going to Earth’s lake, throwing a stone, signals like water waves, covering the past to the entire world map, all scientific and biological creatures, and the information generated is invisible.

At the forefront of Africa continent, South African countries.

Local, in a underground research room.

A number of steel Legion mechanical soldiers, at the door. The staff here are all under control of their minds, with an orderly and orderly order to strike a metal and create a large, special mechanical body.

A robot stronger than an ordinary mechanical soldier, Blink, looks at the body that has gradually been completed on the platform. It is next to it, with red women and silver young people, the Red Witch and Fast Silver twin, which was used by Hydra’s legacy.

“Don’t you have a body, why do you want a big chapter here to get the metal to be rebuilt?”

The beautiful face of the Red witch flourishes into curiosity, looks at the machine-growing body, and looks forward to the creation of a steel Legion who betrays the Iron Man.

“What do you know?” O’Maldly snorted, “as far as I’m concerned, it’s also quantified according to the Iron Legion standard, and it’s a good quality, and it’s a good deal for the Avengers monster, and it’s just unable to withstand a single blow.”

“So you’re making this one differently now?” Quick silver is called a nursing sister-in-law, when it’s not a pleasant objection.

“Of course not, it’s a natural difference.”

“Vibranium metal, have you heard? Earth is the rarest, most expensive, and the hardest special metal, and Captain America’s shield is built with it. This piece of my hand is hard to get, and only by making it a mechanical body, I have absolute control over the Avengers.”

“Now, it’s almost done.” O’Hard to cover emotions.

The Red Witches and the Fast Silver look at each other, and they feel like they’re helping the wrong people?

The Red Witch chose to continue to watch.

Ten minutes later.


mechanical bodies made of Vibranium as the main material are perfectly lying on the front desk, and the outside looks like a very strong man, without hair and a significant part of men, painting the bottom of the silver Red Crescent.

Under the lights, Vibranium’s body is surrounded by the luxury of Vibranium, like the most sophisticated scientific and technological creature.

“Come on! Help me. Send your mind up to Vibranium’s body!”

O’Orange can’t wait to lie next to the desk and command the staff of the Institute, which is controlled by the mind. Staff members follow orders that when data lines are approached, the body of Vibranium and the machinery created by O’Orange will be interconnected.

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