I Am In Marvel

Chapter 590.

Around 22300 kilometres above Earth, located on Earth’s synchronized orbit, is a silent outer space edge, as is the same difficult line. Again, it is an unknown space that humankind cannot specifically explore.

Only a small, fragmented satellite, circled around Earth. The sun transports the sun’s grace to Earth from a far away place.

When a few sunlight looted a region on the edge of outer space, it seemed that transparent things were isolated in general, slightly slowing down the rate of dissemination of light and continuing to surrender to Earth from the other side.

If someone can come near the Earth’s outer space, it must be seen that area that is close to transparency reveals a giant space station base of the tower.


existence of this base is completely secret, and the Earth super-Power is completely unaware of the existence of such a supermodern scientific and technological creature under the eyes of its own satellites and space stations.

“This is the spacebase of the Karl Castle – the T-shop tower.”

When the rains carry Kyle people and move through the ‘doors’ of the mother to this space base hall. Through three windshields, we can see the nearest moon, as well as the great space universe of the stars, Blink rays of light.

“It’s too exaggerating.”

This time, a crowd of superheroes was really completely towed, standing on the brilliant steel floor, looking at the most advanced equipment in the lobby, with visible projection techniques, silver energy, artificial intelligence systems, and advanced artificial mechanical warfare.

Seeing how wide they are, it’s like being the first rural person to enter the city.

“This is all done as required by the boss.”

“In order to build this spacebase, almost all the people and money artefacts of the Karl family have been brought together for nearly three years.”

“The focus parts of the space base, where the shells are embedded in Vibranium metals, can easily be hit by enemy artillery shells. The full supply of the Base is provided by gold, so it can strike a very superior artillery positioning. There is no other presence here, and the main God system is in charge of management, and artificial mechanical assistants are in charge of all regions and ensure that space bases function properly.”

Hear here, even Tony shook the head, “How luxurious.”

Without the expensive Vibranium and construction materials, the single base, which consumes daily gold energy, is sufficient to meet the energy needs of a small city.

But who gives the Karl family money!

Even the Stark industry is just one of the Karl family’s subordinates, and money is just a series of irrelevant figures for the Karl family.

“This is the most important thing.” The rainbow shooters, the Lord’s system, will be willing to put Earth blue’s three-dimensional projection in the middle of the hall.

Earth projection is working in a timely manner, while countless blue lights are coming out of the Earth’s map, and numerous wireless networks are being organized across the air that allow people with intense fear to see panic.

“Radio signal?” Tony picks up his eyes and sees cats.

“Yes.” Rain nodded, go on: “The entire space base is equivalent to a signal tower. When the Lord’s system operates here, it enables all electronic information collection in Earth to be monitored and all information is analysed and processed at the same time. Outside, the area beyond ten light years can be detected and, if there is an alien invasion of the Earth, can be detected for the first time and feedback to the NYS.”


Captain America Steve has no idea what to say, except to be surprised, and here’s the world view of his World War II veteran.

The rainfall concludes: “This is the space base at the Karl family headquarters, with the 10,000 meters high altitude, and Dragon Turtle Island on the sea level. The location of the three is linked to one another, with each other connected to each other, resources, intelligence and the full coexistence of the forces of war. It is a defensive backup reserved for foreign enemy incursions.”

“If Director Nick comes here, he’ll be crazy.”

Natasha’s mouth sucks. This spacebase, just Director Nick, has been dreaming of the Earth’s defense line.

“Indeed. If I knew the priest had the back hand, I wouldn’t even think of making an orchestra.”

Even Tony, the Earth’s top engineer, saw the bases built on such a scale, not to mention the others.

“It is a shame to say that it is a symbol of peace.”


Eagles and Hawkeye, the heroes of the two agents, expressed their sentiments.


Kyle was surrounded by a bunch of exaggerated and worshipping words and touched his nose without a trace.

In fact, when he was just talking about the rain, he didn’t expect the rainbow not only to be remembered, but also to work hard to complete it.

The results of this T.T. tower are better than his theory was, at the moment, a well-deserved first line of defence for the Earth.

It’s all rainy work.

“Well,” Kyle coughs, shifts the subject: “Since it was built, then use it here to find Orange and twin.”

The rain blinks, blinks and leaks, “Boss. Don’t worry, there’s a complete ceremony.”

“Complete ceremony?” Kyle’s gone. Then he saw the Lord’s system, and suddenly opened the ceiling in the base hall to an excuse, with a passage that could go straight to the tower of T. ‘s base.

And above the tower, that is, outer space, there is a noble gold chair.

When you see the chair, Kyle seems clear comprehension, you look like a twin shape, and when your body is surrounded by superficial energy, you take a slight step and squeeze 100 meters off the road. He flew out of outer space, sitting directly on the gold chair at the tower.

That brake.

The whole T.T. tower is like a royal seat, where Kyle of the twin shape sits, where dual star energy and metallic energy from the base are integrated into each other, as the only bright light that Earth sends to the outside world.

Like the Lord of Earth, he looked at the blue Earth and the universe.

The superheroes in the base look at Kyle’s bright eyes and relax his body and body.


long as Kyle is here, Earth will be fine, as is the constant rule of truth, which is convincing.

“I suddenly understand what father said.”

Tony looked at Kyle and said, “He said. Even in the Galaxy, he didn’t want to die at all. Because he knew that if he died, there would be no way to be accompanied by a priest. A followers are also missing by the priest.”

“Imagine. If, after years, we are all dead, there is only one priest, sitting alone on King T. ‘s throne, looking at conservative Earth and the unlimited space of crisis – a scenario in which I can’t even think.”

No hero in the Al-Qaida Lobby has spoken, and even God of Thunder Thor, who has lived span for thousands of years, is difficult to contest.

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