I Am In Marvel

Chapter 511.

The gravity of the earth is compounded by hard and fragmented sand, with brown bodies of small mountains and without any effort bringing a strong sense of oppression to people.

Typhoon elements are stereotyped by a vivid, unshake-free wind, body swimming between virtual and physical entities, and spillover cyclones continue to flush on items inside the company.

Hydraulics, for their part, are condensed by water drain from the pipe, and its bodies are growing up and completely blocking the way back on the side as water flows grow.

“Is there three of these energy monsters?”

Scott opened his hand to Holp, and he looked around, looking at the elements and mysterious customers who were surrounded, and he swallowed the saliva with deep tongue.

A single element is already very difficult to cope with, initially, Scott, a second generation of ants, and, in a single case, there is no need to win one of those elements.

Moreover, Scott must also protect the wounded Hop, while responding to three super monsters of different elements, as well as to the mysterious guests next to glare like a tiger watch his prey.

“This is really troubling.” Scott’s eyebrows are tightened, and there’s no way out of the way. Even if Hopper became smaller, she could take Antony with her, and the wind monsters who were good at the airfield would tear them into pieces.


Hopper’s face is pale, blood, fibre’s hands are on Scott’s shoulder, and his tongue is strong, and he says, “You should know, with me, it’s impossible to escape. Now you get out of here, and once the mirror clothing falls in the hands of the bad guys, that’s the world’s disaster.”

“Hop, stop it. I’m definitely not going to leave you alone, especially…”

Scott and Hopper just said half, and they looked forward to the mysterious guests flying in the air, and laughed, and then he said, “He’s doing his best to get this situation, and now you think he’s gonna let me get out of here?”

“I’m tired of you.” Hopper grabbed his fist and bit his lips.

Scott’s mind flipped through the silhouette of daughter, and finally struck his shoulders and laughed at teased: “Everything is too late, unless miracles appear in the sky. But it doesn’t seem the worst thing to die with you.”

The mystery listened to what the Scott two said, swapped hands, chuckled, “Yeah, now, you’re only praying.”


At this point, as if the mystery guests were printed, on the top floor of the Pim Science and Technology Corporation, the blast was blown up like what graves were, and a loud, deaf bombardment was made.

“Is this it?”

At a time when mysterious customers were discrediting, the lights hanging on the ceiling on the fifth floor had just fallen on his glass helmet, but the lights were as if they hadn’t hit the entity, directly from the head of the mystery customer to the feet, and continued to fall down the stairs without hindrance.

“Scott, do you see that?” See this strange scene, Hop eyes shined.


Scott Nodded, staring straight at mystery customers, whispering, “Say, I just saw bee clothing in the show hall, and the projection scenario created by an intelligent aeroplane.”

“You mean” … “Hop surprise looking towards Scott.

“We’re not allowed to get out of here.” Scott brought her mouth close to Hopper, whispered in her ear, breathed hot on Hop’s face, and drowned her pale face with fresh pink.

“What are you talking about?”

The mysterious visitors flying in the air looked at two, and then said with a sneer: “All means of plotting appear to be pale in front of absolute power. What are you waiting for? Come on!”


three main elements of the soil wind water heard the order, and each blast shouted down in order to surround the situation towards Scott and Hope.

Scott and Hopper kept moving, as if they were waiting for something, and at a moment before the meteorology came close to the front, Scott shouted to another channel, saying, “Antarctica brothers, right now!”

Within the pim Science and Technology Corporation’s central hub, climbing to the server, the yellow monsters who have been on standby, and having heard Scott’s late instructions, started biting and directing the server cable.

Almost half a second later, the entire Pim Science and Technology Corporation stopped supplying electricity, all security and hydroelectric systems collapsed, and temporarily formed micropulse fluctuations, which were spreaded from server centres to the company building.

On the fifth floor corridor.


three elements of soil wind water are about to hit Scott, and their actions are suddenly blocked by the spread of pulmonary fluctuations. As it had just been broadcast to half a moratorium, the formerly huge, horrible body of monsters had gradually been transformed into dozens of projections, the source of which was, of course, an intelligent aeroplane that was invisible in the eyes of the original meat.


There are 20 smart aerial vehicles sufficient to fly in the air within the company, and the projection set out as elements, respectively.

“That’s it!”

Scott looked for mysterious guests in the air, and at that time the body of mysterious guests, the phenomena of cartoons and snowflowers, were clearly also false projection fantasies.


Scott screamed, and after Antony flew off the corner of the wall, he quickly threw a dart, and after he hit Anthony’s body, Anthony had a tiny body, and it became even bigger than a man.

“Come on! Take Hop away!”

Scott pushed Hop behind Anthony, saw intelligent aeroplanes shooting at him, kicked Antony’s ass off and let it take off, while he was using the lower control button in a timely fashion to avoid clandestine shootings in the form of small ants.

Pearl Technology Corporation, some hidden room.

With a high-tech helmet, a leisure Quentin, the face is a little vague, throwing a remote control device on the ground.

I didn’t think it was broken by the other side, and those elements were just the second wave imagination of the pilot.

“I would have wanted to rely solely on my abilities and not to spend too much energy on my Lord, but now I can’t take care of that many.”

Quentin, sighed then said. He opens his hands, and the two extreme fog energy are gathered in their hands, and continues to rotate.

Number two.

It’s also a high-tech, high-tech, curtain to fake, really centuries of technology, but this fantasy technique, once matched, can make fantasies more specific in terms of energy (real gem power), it can be completely different.

The big craftsman Anthony fan moves wings, moves hunting fans, carries the glass on the fifth floor of Hopper, fails to enter the night sky outside.

After the smooth transfer of Hop from the Pim Science and Technology Company, Scott was relaxed and avoided shooting, while stimulating from the corridor, it would temporarily restore its body to its original form, smash down the aircraft in several shots, and then slip down into a mirror and sneak downstairs.

Scott, with an intelligent aircraft, moved towards a bunch of security guards downstairs, has been looting from their feet.

When intelligent aerial vehicles and company security collide, an artificial war inevitably erupts.

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