I Am In Marvel

Chapter 510

Under the night sky and moon, above the roof.

Eddie, standing on the wall of up to 100 metres, looking at Spiderman from the shadow, showing the color on his face, “So you’re not writing homework, what are you doing here?”

“Do you know me?” Peter was directly cognizant of identity and conscious of the way forward, both surprising and awkward.

He was trying to go out and hit luck, and whoever didn’t meet the mystery of the arson, found Eddie, and then sneak up behind him.

Eddie laughed and didn’t speak.

More than because Kyle was concerned about Peter, toxins had been in contact with Peter alone, and he had studied spider innate talent repeatedly. After the last New York War, toxins have handed over everything to Eddie.

For a variety of reasons, even though Peter’s real man has never been seen, Eddie is well aware that Spiderman’s harsh mask is just a big boy who just entered high school with science of mothers milk not yet yet dried.

“Student, I don’t have time for you right now. You better go home and sleep well.”

Eddie blew his mouth and looked down, and that was a bunch of pim technology companies. He wrapped Peter’s derivative hand, and then his body went back to the back, and he planted it directly from the roof.


Peter saw a big jump, and even before he was busy, his hands were on the wall and looked down.

See only the fall in Eddie’s natural landslide, halfway to the sky, suddenly spreading out of black wire liquids, and darkness tenacious’s biosphere meninguishes the surface.

In less than three seconds, Eddie, the original common man, has become a powerful and dark human monster, with a narrow and white twin of wild and cold light.

“Hehehehe hey! Let’s go!” Eddie laughs a little bit, and his legs slight, and then one foot goes down the wall on the side of the building.


With hard walls falling to the interior, several windows of glass were broken, Eddie was like a loaded shell, and the outbreaks of a riot went towards the Pim Science and Technology Corporation.

“Great! Who the hell is he?”

Peter was surprised that, at this point, the scanner was dropping out of the clothing, and a pleasant woman was ringing, “The employee of the Institute of Non-Natural Affairs, the internal staff of the Karl family, the associate member of the Avengers – Eddie. In the New York War, he worked with the Green giant Hulk to crack down countless alien battleship, but for multiple identities, personal information was not known to foreigners.”


And that was the day before, Peter didn’t mean to find out, and Tony obviously didn’t worry about him, and he put a nanny smart AI on his clothes.

“Karen, I almost forgot your presence.”

Peter looked at the silhouette, far away from Eddie, and later learned the retarded path: “He was from Mr. Kyle. Wait! Anyway, I’m still being considered a child!”

Remind me of Edison’s exhortation, Peter’s not from gnashing teeth.

“Peter, you’re about 16 years old, you’re a minor, you’re really a kid.”

“I’m not a child! I have to do something to show Mr. Stark and Mr. Kyle a good look!”

Peter, deep breath, moved towards the next step of the building, medium spraying spider, moving towards Eddie.

At this point, the Pim Science and Technology Corporation is inside.

The sharp alarm ranges, with security personnel carrying guns and rushing towards the third floor of the alarm hall.

Not good, we gotta get out of here. ”

Scott’s face is pale, smashed the drone in his hand on the ground, on the other side of the radio.

“Scott, don’t worry about me. Get out of here!”


rhetoric of Hope’s response was extremely weak and alarmed.

“What’s wrong with you?” From Hope’s weird tone, Scott suddenly has an unknown feeling.

“You go. I’m fine.”

On the

fifth floor of Pim Science and Technology, in the office of the director, Hop backed up in the room, and she was right at the entrance, and she stood by a man like Kross.

“Who are you?” Hopper’s cold staring at the man at the door.

“You’re here.”

The mysterious man hit Hopper and looked forward to the rotten body on the office chair, and smiled weird, “You can call me mystery guests.”

The mysterious guests, while talking, have been distorting the shape of the disguised Kross.

In the midst of a scarlet fog, mysterious customers quickly turned back into an external image with glass helmets, wearing armor.

“What do you want to do?” Hopper has to calm down, keep asking.

“You’ll know soon.”

The mysterious guests reach out to their hands, and a scarlet fog sprays out, will keep back to Hop. On the occasion of Hope’s struggle, he manipulated energy-efficient aerosols and took away the micro-organisms on his body.

“You!” Hope beautiful eyes open and look at him as angry as ever.

The micromathematics fell into their hands, and the mysterious guests didn’t pick up Leop, but they were heading towards the speaker: “If you want to save your girlfriend, bring the mirror clothing up to the fifth floor!”

Without Scott’s response, mysterious customers crushed the microphones and looked forward to the continued struggle in the scarlet fog.

“Damn it!”

In the third floor of the exhibition hall, Scott pinned too much fists, yelling at “Anthony”, and then pushing down the lower armoured button.

“Go to the fifth floor!”

Scott turned around and sat behind Anthony, and, under his command, Antony flew out of the wings, left the hall of the demonstration, and flew in the direction of the fifth floor without fear.

On the way to the security of the arrivals, the smaller Scott will be able to reach the fifth floor of the company without hindrance.

Anthony just flew to the fifth floor corridor, and Scott saw it, soft down at the office entrance, Hop. He jumped out of Anthony’s back, turned out to be the size of the original human race, holding up the body’s soft Hop.

“You shouldn’t come here, it’s a trap.” Hop hardly stood up from the ground, breathing.

“Even if it’s a trap, I’m coming!”

Scott looked straight at Hope, and his eyes were firm. Hopper was warm in his heart, and he just wanted to say something, and he was next to the monster yelling at the bottom.

You can see a brown molecule, crawling out of the office, an azure wind monster, blocking the stairs of the fifth floor, a blue-water monster, and coming up at the end of the corridor.


“Four to two, are you giving up your clothes or buried here with Chris?”


winds move, mysterious guests float in the middle of the fifth floor, looking down at Scott’s two people at a high altitude.

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