I Am In Marvel

Chapter 487

At this moment, away from the Dark World, the Earth of Human World.


In the bustling downtown area, the local area is still at 12 o’clock in the morning, but the sky is covered with dark clouds, black and downward, and there are signs of typhoons or thunderstorms.

Most of the people on the street looked at the wrong weather and started to sneak into the house. Only the entire group took the technology equipment, but instead went out against the crowd.

It is Jane’s astronomical research team. Darcy, Jane’s new assistant, and an old scientist with a bald head in the Mediterranean, Dr. Eric and professor.

“Fast! You two, hurry up with the instrument and follow me.”

Eric continually waved back, anxiously at the forefront, behind Darcy and the new assistant, carrying a scientific instrument like a receiver, followed closely behind.

When the three of them walked out of the square, a group of white pigeons flew over their heads and swung in the low air. In the gust of wind, the white pigeons are about to hit the building, and there is a circle of ripples in the air. The white pigeons disappear into the ripples and disappear.

In the next moment, the group of white pigeons came out inexplicably from the air hundreds of meters away.

“Professor Eric, did you see that?” Darcy looked like a ghost, looking at the sky and hiding, and constantly switching the white pigeons in the place.

“I saw it, that is what I have been pursuing in recent years.”

Eric took a deep breath and looked up at the dark clouds. His face was dignified: “It is said that every thousand years, there will be a collection of celestial bodies. At that time, different Worlds will be connected and the border will become blurred.”

The new assistant young dumbfounded towards Eric can’t help but say: “Professor, are you not a scientist, how do you believe in myths and legends?”

Eric hasn’t answered yet, Darcy is sighed, helplessly said: “If you see the God of Thunder flying in the sky, the hammer of the summon Thunder, and all kinds of magical magic, you will also be superstitious.”

Darcy paused, continue to ask: “So… Professor Eric, when do you refer to the collection of celestial bodies, when will it officially begin?”

“No, not when.”

Eric shook his head and looked at the tiny holes that gradually broke through the sky. He said: “Now, the collection of celestial bodies is already in progress!”

In the Dark World, the battlefield is low.

A light spot is like a very splendid comet, and with another strange scarlet light spot, at the amazing speed of casually generating a sound burst, the tip of the needle touches the awning, and then each flies out.

In the middle of the center of the collision, the intense collision of the two gemstones caused a burst of energy tides and blasts to sweep and rush.

Just below the God of Thunder Sol and the Cursed Warrior, it was also spread, and it was constantly eating sand.

In the harsh environment, the two huddled together in a fierce battle, and as they rolled down the slope, with a burst of rapple, Sol and the cursed warrior simultaneously out of the original battlefield. disappear.

Above the low ground.

Kyle didn’t notice the situation of Sol and the cursed warrior. He burned the blazing double star energy, the glaring and hot rays of light, like a superman constructed of energy, the body comes with engine brakes, forcibly stops the impact. The aftermath, stopped in the air.

Malekas was not to be outdone, and he fell to the ground, and his body was surrounded by powerful etheric energy, picking up a black sandstorm, and stood up quickly without any problems.

Malkesie looked at Kyle slyly and slammed on the ground. The entire hill collapsed with hong long long, and he re-shot into the sky like a shell.

Realistic gems are the existence of distorted reality and fantasy, so the strength of the body of the increase, the etheric energy or the slightly higher space energy. Of course, the speed of space energy is far more than the energy of the ether.

Six infinite gems, each with its own characteristics.

“Not bad. The warm-up officially ended, and then the real battle.”

Looking at the Malekes flying towards him, Kyle’s mouth was slightly raised, and he clenched his fists hard. His hands just made a preliminary action of punching, and he turned into a colorful streamer to dive down.

Near speed of light, the distance of single hundred meters, is only a moment.

Kyle’s double fists fell on the chest of Malekas, continually going down against each other, and the sand beneath the moving towards came crashing into the past.

The moment before the touchdown, Kyle and Malkes disappeared with a burst of ripples.

The dark world, which was originally a fierce battle, suddenly became very quiet, and only the wind and sand continued to roar.

‘rustle! ‘

Under a pile of broken steel parts in the sand, a small robotic arm was extended, and then the intelligent creature was crawling out from underneath.

Wiss climbed the steel parts and looked at the area where the silhouette was not seen. Even the intelligent thinking was a little more responsive.

Wiss muttered to himself: “What about people? Master, Sol, and the enemy? Where have you gone?”

Earth, London.

The Eric trio also followed the detection equipment in the square, but the sky was smashing a thunder, then wearing a silver armored blonde man, and a human armor wearing a bone armor, huddled together from the sky, straight Falling on the square fountain, splashing countless splashes, scared many pedestrians nearby to scream again and again.

“Professor, look, it’s Sol!” Darcy recognized one of them, aloudly loudly shouted.

The new assistant youth was shocked: “Where did they fall from, will not be a god domain?”

Eric manipulated the equipment and seriously said: “More than they, and there are more massive energy streams approaching!”

The voice just fell.

Kyle’s fists were on the chest of Marekes, and suddenly appeared on the height of the square. Like a hot red meteorite, it slanted down the museum. The seemingly sturdy building suddenly fell into ruins. Many people screamed. Escape to all around.

Dark World’s battleship grave sand, Human World’s Earth London city, the two regions are almost seamlessly connected, so the battle continues.

“Hah!” Sol waved the God of Thunder, and the red cloak hunted. He wanted to add a blow. The result disappeared in the next moment, leaving the God of Thunder hammer to hang on the spot fountain.

“This is… back to Earth?”

The inexplicable switch of the spatial location, Kyle looking at the familiar street scenes and humans, is also a bit embarrassing.

Suddenly, his flash of light flashed back to the celestial congregation theory that Odin had said before.

In this short period of time, the Marvel Jiujie is connected for a long time? !

Not waiting for Kyle to think more, Marekes, who was slammed into the underground, jumped with a storm of wind and dust.

Kyle’s eyes are cold, energy and strength converge on the hand, and continue to face the punch with Marekes and the frontal collision of energy and energy.

In just a few seconds.

The houses in the center of London have collapsed and broken, and the area within a hundred meters of the area has been repeatedly smashed by the aftermath of the battle.

Eric three people are messy in the wind, watching the doomsday scene that is better than special effects, what is the god fight, this is the real god fight!

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