I Am In Marvel

Chapter 486

Dark World, above the ruins of a battlefield.

“Where did you hide the woman?!”

The dark elf Captain, who was still fighting with Weiss, couldn’t help but see Kyle a dozen meters away.

Kyle turned back and stared at the dark elf Captain, the chilling gaze, letting the dark elf Captain fall into the ice bank, and all subsequent words were stuck in the throat.

If you said that Kyle was just holding a playful mind, now he is really a little angry! Loki, the guy actually, in front of him, took the slip of Solto!

The anger that is about to break out in this heart can’t find Loki venting, and it’s only the dark elf that vents in front of him and slams into the muzzle.

“You, damn it.”

Kyle whispered softly and suddenly extended the right hand palm. As the five fingers held hard, the bright flame immediately ignited, and the double star energy wrapped a whole right hand arm.

Continuously practicing Kyle, which controls the shape of the double star, can not control the whole body, and can control the power precisely, and extract enough dual-star power.

“that is……”

Marekes, who stood 100 meters away and never did it, saw the change of Kyle right hand’s arm. His eyes shrank and his heart burst into a storm.

It’s too much like it, it’s like a powerful increase in the energy of infinite gemstones.

Marekes used etheric particles a thousand years ago, so I know very well how exaggerated the increase in the power of infinite gems.

It’s just that the power that human men use in front of them is not borrowed from infinite gems, but rather is their own derivative power!

“How can this be.”

Malekas is unbelievable, and humans can have the same power as infinite gems.

“Danger, that human being is very dangerous, his breath has changed completely!”

The dark elves near Kyle are more intuitive to feel that the Kyle right hand is overflowing with a devastating horrible atmosphere.

“The target person has disappeared, retreat first, retreat!”

The Dark Elf Captain decisively issued a retreat command immediately, but it was a slow step.

“Since it is here, don’t leave.”

Kyle reopened the right hand fist, put a gun-shaped hand in his hand, and two fingers in the food and made a sword, quickly aiming at the dark elf Captain.

The double-star energy began to flow and condense. When the energy was concentrated on the two-finger end, it began to emit a dazzling bright star.

‘call out–‘

Kyle right hand twitches and emits a laser with two fingers. This laser that condenses the double-star energy is at an astonishing speed as the ordinary laser. It spans two distances between the moments and lasing through the dark elf Captain. Back of the head.

The dark elf Captain was stiff and unresponsive, and the entire head was evaporated into an air mass, which became a headless body and fell on the sand.

And this is just the beginning.

Kyle Gold is cold and indifferent, and the right hand continues to swing, aiming at its dark elves, and the two fingers constantly shoot out a bunch of singular lasers, like the living life of the Death Scythe.

But for a while.

No one can be spared. The bodies of nearly 30 dark elves are wrecked, all in disorder is on the battlefield, and the face of the head that has not been headshot is still frightened and desperate.

Under the gap of great disparity between each other, this unilateral crushing slaughter is often produced. Like an elephant, going down is the disaster of ants.

“The game, is it over?” Kyle stepped forward and headed for the white-faced Marekes.

Malkes can’t help but step back. Just then, he seemed to hear something, inexplicably turned around, and there was a cloud of space in the air there.

at the same time.

A small group of scarlet turbid mists flowed out of the fog of space, drilling into the body of Malekes from the pores.

‘call out–‘

A bunch of bright lasers came from a distance, straight across a distance of 100 meters, running through the left shoulder of Malekas, then to the scarlet of the scarlet, and then extended into the fog of space.

There was a pain in the fog of space, and the fog of space quickly dissipated in the air.

I don’t know how many light years, somewhere on the planet of the universe.

“Aaaaaahhhh !”

The screams stunned countless birds in the forest. Loki’s face was pale and squatting on the ground. His right hand grasped the Tesseract of the universe, his left hand clenched into a fist to stop bleeding, and the left palm was burned through a blood hole, such as a spring eye. It seems to be pouring out blood.

“Live it!”

Not far from the injury Loki, Jane sat on the stone, moved towards Loki sarcastically.

Loki sucked in the air and looked at the blood hole in his left hand. “Good risk, good risk! I was almost through the heart. The man is really a monster. In the case of early warning, it is even faster than the original stone!” ”

“But it was finally successful. I sent some of the power of the ether to the hands of Malekas. Then there was a good show.”

Loki reveals a slightly far-fetched evil smile.

“You this person is really bad.” Jane frowned deeply and looked at Loki contemptuously.

Loki can’t stand it anymore, moved towards Jane: “You know what, I am saving you! You stay there, ten lives are not enough for you to die!”

In the dark world.

“Or let him run away?”

Kyle calmly retracted the two fingers, looked toward towards Marekes, and perceived the familiar devastating energy from him.

Ether particles?

“Ah Hahaha! That’s right, it’s this power! After a few years, it’s still back!!”

The eyes glowed with blood light, and Malekas laughed wildly, spreading his hands out, and the scarlet energy was faintly discernible outside his body. The increase and blessings are in the tough body of the elves, and the violent atmosphere makes the surrounding dust raging.

The same is the gem force, who is afraid of who?

Now, Malekas, not only the strength of expansion, but also the self-confidence, and dare to face Kyle!

“Want to challenge the Master, let me pass this level!”

Wiss screamed, speeding forward, and pushing the back engine to make it hit the Mallequet like a battleship.

“It’s just right!”

Malkes is still laughing, only to see his feet move, and immediately behind him, a powerful explosion broke out, and the whole person disappeared from the place.

So fast!

In the heart of Weiss, I was shocked, and I couldn’t see each other’s silhouette. Marekes moved to his front and slammed it on the chest.

Under the impact of the etheric power, the steel texture is directly fragmented, and the huge mechanical body of Weiss is divided into four or five sections, and the unclear parts of the ding ding dang dang are scattered.

Malkes did not stop, and continued to fly towards Kyle on the hillside, raising the dust all the way. He slammed out the punch of the etheric power, but was blocked by a palm that ignited the flame.

The ether and space, the collision of the energy of the two gemstones, is like the violent reaction between sodium and water.

‘bang! ! ‘

The energy tide swept across the two sides, picking up the dust of the sky, and the Sol and the cursed warriors who were still in the battle were thrown away.

“You want to fight, then as you wish.”

In the tide of energy, the silver hair is flowing, Kyle’s eyes are opened a little. He grabs the fist of Malkes, and the whole body is lit up with a sacred and powerful flaming flame.

Double star form!

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