I Am In Marvel

Chapter 449

From the future of the Green Giant five years later, came to the present time and space, in order to obtain time gem and heart Spirit Treasure stone?

This is undoubtedly a fantasy, if not witnessed, Caesar really dare not think about things that pass through time and space.

Caesar is still thinking, and Master One has refused. “Sorry, the gems can’t give you.”

The future Hulk is not surprised at this, the hands clenched their fists with each other, with a rough and wild oppressive breath, moved towards Ancient One, the mage approached with a smile: “I am in a hurry, I did not intend Ask you.”

“Caesar, don’t you intervene.”

In the future, the Hulk will not forget to say to Caesar on the side.

“Reassured, I will not intervene, and it is not necessary.” Caesar boss hands crossed near chest, floating in the air silently, and shouted: “But I want to remind you, it is best not to do that, five years later, I don’t know anything about strength!”


In the future, the Hulk will show a strange expression and walk to the Ancient One Master, ready to take the eyes of Agomoto.

Master One Master shook his head and stunned. The left hand and the five fingers clasped together into a palm, fast and powerful, and slap on the dark green chest of the Hulk rock-solid.

Although this palm is just the strength of ordinary people, it contains boundless mana. In the future, the Hulk can’t wait to prevent it from tremble. As the vanity-like emptiness, it flies directly from the tall and sturdy Hulk.

The Ancient One Master extended another finger and flicked forward. The Hulk body that was tilted backwards flew up and rested on a sofa at the corner of the rooftop.

“What the hell is going on?”

The soul of Banner is floating in the air, in a transparent form in the sun, leaving no trace.

“I said, let you not do it with her.”

Caesar is sighed then said, the general structure of the soul, similar to a special energy wave, with natural energy as a nutrient, he can still see the soul of the current Banner.

Earth Master lineage, proficient soul spells are so unsolvable, you have a strong anti-missile, shredded Juggernaut’s strong body, the Master can directly ignore the body defense, and reinvent the inner soul of the biological life source.

What’s more, standing at their eyes at this time, but holding the time gem, specializing in spells for hundreds of years, absorbing some of the dark dimension of energy, the supreme wizard in the state of full strength!

Even if I rummaged through the entire Galaxy universe, I could only count one hand with her wrist.

“Now can talk to us in detail.” Master One Master looked at the soul of Banner, indifferently said.


Banna’s soul rises and falls in the air, looks at Ancient One, and looks at Caesar, and finally nodded helplessly. “Okay. But I can’t reveal too much, so as not to affect your current time and space, so I can only say a rough.”

“Five years later, we met a powerful force from outside the sky… In that devastating war, our Earth completely lost… a defeat!”

Banner has hidden a lot of information.

Can only listen to a few words, Caesar’s eyes revealed a few clear comprehension, started talking: “You are the enemy, is Thanos?”

Bangna soul startedled and blurted out: “How do you know that name?”

As soon as the words were finished, Benner suddenly realized what, and both hands hurriedly covered his mouth.

“Is it really? This is weird…”

Caesar frowned, don’t forget, he had just finished watching the Avengers three past.

But the real world, unlike the original film, has his own body Kyle, and the existence of Superman, and grabbed the opportunity to collect three infinite gems…

Under such a premise, the future Earth will be defeated by Thanos in the same way?

Banner didn’t expect Caesar to think about that many, and continued: “For some reason, our future six infinite roughs are gone. If we want to reverse everything that has happened and save the people who have already died, we Only by crossing time and space, go to several different time and space in batches and re-collect six infinite roughs.”

Caesar is silent.

“originally is this way.”

The Master One Master’s thoughtful dagger quickly shook his head again. “But I still can’t give you time gems.”

“Why?” Banner questioned.

The Master One Master did not answer, and with a single stroke, the mana was constructed into a golden stream, and the wrist was turned again to simulate six infinite gems of different colors, gathered in one of the golden streamers.

Ancient One indifferently said: “Infinite gems have created our current view of time and flu, not to mention that both of them disappeared in time, even if one left, it was a very cruel blow to our time and space.”

“She is right.” Caesar echoed.

After a while, Benner thought quickly and replied: “No! We are not taking away. We just borrowed. As long as we use up these gems and return to the current time and space, these gems are equivalent to not leaving, and everything is fine. “”

Master Ancient One still shook his head and said: “Your are all limited to theory, and there is one of the most important issues. Only when you succeed, can you return to the gemstones smoothly.”


Banner was speechless and said to himself: “Why, Dr. Strange, Lance, will give time gems to Thanos?”

“what did you say?”

Master Master One stunned, “I took the initiative to hand it out?”

“Yeah! Maybe he is wrong.” Banner is nodded.

Master One Master silenced for a moment and whispered: “Maybe I am wrong.”

She gently waved, and the Hulk’s body floated up, rushing toward Bangna’s soul, and the combination of soul and body was restored.

In the future, the Hulk touched his chest and looked up. He saw that Ancient One put his hands on the shackles and wore the eyes of Agomoto. As the green light slowly lit up, the pendant revealed the inner well-preserved green. Gemstones, also known as time stones.

“What are you?”

The future of the Hulk to see this scene, a bit aggressive, I do not know why Ancient One changed the attention so quickly.

The Ancient One spell is fixed. “Lester, it should be the best of us. In the future, his time spells are destined far more than me.”

“So he did that, he must have his reason.”

In the future, the Hulk will take the time gem seriously, and then look at Caesar, which has been suspended from the side. “What about your decision? Caesar.”

“Heart Spirit Treasure Stone can give you.”

Caesar took a deep breath and looked directly at the future Hulk. “I want to know one thing.”

The future Hulk said: “You ask, if I can say, I must answer you.”

Caesar narrowed his eyes and asked in a tender and powerful way: “In your future, five years later, I am not in Earth?”


In the future, the Hulk is silent, his lips are moving, and he has a sigh of expression. “You…”

“Okay, you don’t have to answer!”

Caesar interrupted its words, and the little face was slightly cold.

The future self is obviously not there, because if there is him, the future time and space will never fall into such a desperate situation!

Then, where is he going?

And what about the ontology Kyle?

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