I Am In Marvel

Chapter 448

New York battlefield, Stark Industrial New Building.

The Tesseract of the Universe In the portal instrument, as the nuclear reaction energy is irrigated, the crack on the outer shell of the Tesseract continues to extend, and the force of the inner residual space continues to inject into the sky.

When the space wormhole in the sky spreads to the maximum, the space vortex has been faintly formed, and the sky seems to be completely torn apart.

The huge gap of the space vortex is enough to make the aircraft carrier-sized alien battleship easy to pass. When this top-skilled civilization battleship group is unreasonably fully invested in the lower battlefield, the human army snuggles the armed Juggernaut, military helicopters, fighters, All ushered in devastating damage.

A messy street.

Steve, who was covered in blood and smoke, once again waved his shield and slammed the steel head of a mechanical soldier into the earth.

He kept panting, looked up into the air, slammed and bombarded the Kunst-style battleship in the neighborhood, and the upward altitude of the kilometer, the alien armed forces that sneaked out of the space vortex, could not help but beside Not far from Natasha shouted: “Natasha, we need to find a way to turn off the portal, or else these guys can’t kill!”

“I know.” Natasha glanced at the red hair and looked at the top of the head. The source of the portal from the top floor of the Stark Industrial Building looked at the small shuttle that kept sweeping from the top of the head, taking a deep breath. ,”help me!”

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Steve squinted at the endless shuttle, quickly understood her thoughts, and exchanged his hands to carry a five-star shield.

“I’m sure it must be very exciting.” Natasha dried her lips and suddenly rushed toward Steve. Steve sank and matched the round shield as a pedal.

At the moment when Natasha flew on the round shield, Steve helped push up, Natasha jumped straight up ten meters high, just grabbed a shuttle flying over the head, together Disappeared at the end of the street corner.

Steve sighed softly and said to the communicator: “There must be someone to block the space transfer port, and don’t let the follow-up force of the alien Legion continue unimpeded on the battlefield in New York.”

“I go!”

With a rough and arrogant response, in the sky, the God of Thunder, the silver-red cloak, was frantic and swiftly swayed Hammer of the Thunder God. From the sky, he trembled with the electric light that rang straight, and rushed to the space vortex.

As if conforming to Sol’s summon, the black sky of the sky is dense and thundering.

“Hah! ”

Saul climbed the lightning rod of the modern Iron Pagoda, and the Hammer of the Thunder God in his hand lifted it up, hitting the sky and pulling the lightning in the thundercloud against the space vortex.

The scene of this moment is like the wrath of the sky, the thunder and lightning like the twisted formation of the power grid, the small shuttles that will continue to flow from the whirlpool, including the Kun-style battleship, so they are smashed on the spot.

“This is the God of Thunder hammer I am familiar with!” Sol tsk tsk sighed and looked at the Force of Thunder’s God of Thunder hammer. Somehow, the energy of the God of Thunder hammer core was lost. It is almost impossible to maintain the power of Divine Artifact.


Steve saw Sol blocking the portal, did not relax his vigilance, and glanced at the Kunst battleship and the small shuttle that had already descended onto the street. “It is still necessary to remove some of the alien aliens coming to New York. Colonel Rhodes, Army Is there a follow-up reinforcement army on the side?”

The communication channel received a question from Steve. The war machine fired at the same time as the alien soldiers, and gnawed his teeth: “Yes, but it takes time to deploy.”

“Is it.”

Steve raised his brow, and at this moment, on the road behind him, the sound of the motorcycle was suddenly heard, and the sound was far and near.

Steve looked back and saw a dilapidated motorcycle, slowly coming from the smoke-filled streets, driving the motorcycle, it was Eddie who left alone.

Dr. Banner also sat in the back seat of the motorcycle and waved at him. “We are not coming late?”

“Just catch up. Without you two monsters, those things are really hard to solve.” Steve couldn’t help but smile, raised his thumb and gestured to the Kunst-style battleship in the air.

“How to say, I am a hero, not a monster.” Eddie mixed his mouth, patted his chest, confidently and confidently said: “Give us the best, yes, toxins.”

The voice just fell.

Eddie’s body surface emerges as a black liquid, expands and entangles, and quickly combines into a dark horny membrane. The flame-like white striate blossoms from the sturdy chest, and the white and narrow scorpion visually flies to the battleship. The bloody mouth of the fangs is big.

“Don’t grab the limelight, it will be angry.”

Dr. Banner shrugged and stepped forward. The muscles of the body began to swell and turn green. The tops and shoes were split at a visible speed, leaving only a tenacious pair of pants on the waist of the bucket.

Toxins moved towards numerous battleships, and the Hulks thundered wild beast roars.

“You can really be finished now.”

Steve let go aside and cast a little mercy on the alien battleship.

Toxins and Hulk, but were recently stopped by Caesar, and now it is estimated that they are desperate to find objects to vent.

Just outside, alien Legion crashed into the muzzle.

On the other side, Brick Street, New York, was covered by a spell on the roof of the temple.

“He is from the future.”

The words spoken by Ancient One not only surprised Caesar, but the future Hulk was even more shocked.

In the future, the Hulk will release Caesar, and look at the Ancient One mage in a dignified manner. He asks: “Who are you?”

“We have never seen each other in the future.”

Ancient One mage faintly smiled, calmly said: “I am the master of this house. You as an uninvited guest, don’t introduce yourself first, and ask me who I am?”

“I came to Dr. Strange Stance Lance.” The future Hulk avoided self-introduction and scratched his head.

Caesar frowned, and it is reasonable to say that Dr. Strange has not yet appeared in the current time period.

There is also the Hulk in front of him, not only perfectly controlling the mood, but also Dr. Banner’s consciousness as the leading, and with a warm and flexible feeling that is far from the rough appearance.

Can it be said that he really comes from a distant future?

Ancient One Master pointed to the street not far away, indifferently said: “Sorry, you have been here five years earlier. Ster Lance is now a surgeon in a hospital on these four or five streets.”

“What is your intention to come here?” Master One Master continued to ask.

In the future, the Hulk does not hesitate to point directly to the pendant worn by Ancient One.

Ancient One Master bowed his head and looked at the faint green glow of the chest. It was the eye of Ago Moto, guarded by the Master, and the supreme instrument with time gem.

“There is that.” The future Hulk sideways, pointing to Caesar himself.

“I?” Caesar said strangely at his nose.

In the future, the Hulk is shaking his head and squinting: “No, of course not. It is something in your stomach.”

“My stomach…”

Caesar touched her stomach and quickly cleared the comprehension. The future Hulk pointed out that it should be the Spirit Treasure stone that he had swallowed before.

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