I Am In Marvel

Chapter 395

Despite the episode of Stars, the atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent has not eased.

“Mr. Kyle.” Star Jue Quaid looked at Ge Moola and looked at Kyle again. He said, “I must kill Ge Mo La, you must not be a person from Luonan.” , because of the sake of someone in the Titans, is it for revenge or bounty, or something else?”

Kyle is silent.

Explanation? How to explain this clear!

Could it be that he came from another World and knows that in the future Thanos will make six infinite gems after making infinite gloves, and Gemo La is the only sacrifice of Thanos to get the soul gems (the most important thing to sacrifice).

Once Thanos has enough six gems, a ring of infinite gloves will make the entire life of the entire nine worlds smolder!

Ge Moola smiled awkwardly and said: “The Titan galaxy. It is my young and old place. It is also the place where I bear the burden of humiliation and suffering. The man he said should refer to my adoptive father, Thanos.”

“Thanos?” Everyone is one of them. The name seems to have a suffocating magic and oppression.

“Yes.” Kyle nodded, looking at Ge Moola, said: “Georra. I know, you have the intelligence of the location of the same thing, that is the secret that you have to hide from Thanos, and that once the thing is obtained by Thanos This cosmic galaxy will break into the cruel catastrophe.”

Gregory was struck by lightning and looked at Kyle incredulously. “How do you know that!”

Kyle indifferently said: “Not only that, but I also know the purpose of Thanos, this time you understand. Your existence will indirectly help Thanos. So, it is better for you to leave this World forever.”

Ge Moola’s face was pale, he bowed his head and was convinced that he was nodded. “Yes, you are right. If my sacrifice can successfully stop the man’s behavior, then everything is worth it.”

From the appearance of the name of the Titan Thanos, to the willingness to die of Ge Moola, the rocket and the others are all in the fog of the clouds, always feeling the things that Kyle and Ge Moola think, complicated and serious far beyond Their imagination.

“I understand!” Quel’s boss hands crossed near chest, his face full of self-confidence, which makes the Destroyer, who is still lying on the ground, laugh out loudly, “I can understand what you are.” ”

“Hear me out.”

Quill lightly snorted, said to Ge Moola: “You know the whereabouts of the same thing, that thing must not be discovered by your adoptive father, otherwise the consequences are very serious. Is it?”

Ge magic pull nodded.

Quill sideways, said to Kyle: “Mr. Kyle, you don’t want Thanos to get that thing, so you want to kill Ge magic who knows the secret. Right?”

“Almost.” Kyle shrugged.

“That’s not enough.” Quill’s palms are in the same breath, and the words are not surprisingly endless. “As long as Ge Mo pulls you to lead the way, let’s take the thing out and hand it to Mr. Kyle for safekeeping. This is not enough! Kyle Sir, we have seen your strength. Is it weaker than the so-called Thanos? I am afraid that things will be grabbed by him?”

Ge Mo La stunned, she never thought of going to get the gems, because even if I got the hand, I would only find a place to continue to hide, not let the righteous father Thanos succeed.

Kyle also shook a little, his mind suddenly opened up, feeling that he had a bit of a sneak peek.

Perhaps it was because I had just seen the Avengers three, and Kyle had been jealous of the existence of Thanos, afraid of the end of the world, so that he did not consider himself to collect the gems.

Now reminded by Quel, Kyle suddenly changed his mind.

First of all, Thanos is not invincible!

Before the Thanos were made into infinite gloves, it was just an ordinary high-dimensional life. Without the blessing of the six gems universe Profound Truth, his combat power is no better than the Protoss.

Today, Kyle has Protoss Fire System, adult venom, artificial intelligence, and the ability to manipulate light energy. The cultivated talents are not lost to the Titan forces. Why can’t we collect six gems in advance and stand at the Peak and wait for Thanos to send the heads?

“It’s better to take the initiative than to sit down and wait…” Kyle muttered to himself, and the broken golden scorpion became more and more vivid, rekindling the fighting spirit.

Ge Moola looked around at everyone and said in a cold voice: “If you look for that thing, we will stand on the opposite side of Thanos. First of all, let me remind you that even Ronan should please Thanos. Are you prepared to fight against the man?”

Rocket and the others look at each other in dismay, Kyle said lightly with a smile : “You have got one of them, there is no way out.”

“What does this mean?” The face of the people changed, and Ge Mo La was staring at Kyle, waiting for his answer.

“Quael. Cosmic spirit ball, are you still carrying it?” Kyle reached out to Quail directly.

“Of course, it is, I am so easy to get the hand, Luo Nan’s men and Ge Moola, want to compete for it. If it is not, I will not come to this ghost place. Ge Moola said, this thing Very valuable.” Quill said, reaching into his backpack and throwing a golf-sized embroidered silver ball to Kyle.

“Be careful.”

Kyle solemnly catches the cosmic spirit ball, and a few fingers press on the outer shell to feel the indestructible hardness, and then hold the breath and converge the energy to cover the palm of the hand.

The glare of the light circulates, his fingers suddenly make a force, and in the face of everyone, the cosmic spirit ball is crushed!

“Wow, five 1 billion!”

The lack of money, Quel, the Rockets, and Ge Moola, seeing this scene, I can’t help but feel pain in my heart, but soon they can’t speak.

I saw that the cosmic spirit ball was broken, and there was a crystal nucleus inside. The crystal clear like a gem was caught by Kyle on the left hand, and a circle of purple halo glowed constantly, and the devastating terrifying breath overflowed. The whole prison.

Kyle’s face was calm, and the purple jewel was firmly held in his hand. The fusion energy was surprisingly effective, suppressing the pressure and ray of light.

Gemo Lahu looked at Kyle’s left hand and whispered to himself: “It turns out that it is no wonder that Thanos wants Ronan to hand him the ball of the universe.”

“What the hell is that?” Quill asked the rocket and the others.

“It’s something that Ge magic pulls desperately to hide, but this kind of similar thing, there are a total of six in the universe. Everything left, wait for the prison and talk to you slowly.”

Kyle holds the purple jewel and instructed the electronic watch that he wore: “Weiss, tell Tony, we are now ready to break out.”

“Yes, master!”

After Wiss was ordered, he immediately sent out waves and contacted Jarvis on Tony’s upper level.

Kyle walked away from Ge Moola and turned to Quay and said, “Take someone with you and follow me. I will take you out of here and find a safe place to explain.”

“Listen to him.”

Quill gave everyone a look, the rocket lightly sighed then said, patted Grout’s shoulder, and Groot took a few steps forward, and the Dex, who had burned to the ground, was on his back.

The crowd followed Kyle and broke into the outer layer of the prison where the interstellar spaceship was parked.

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