I Am In Marvel

Chapter 394

At the bottom of Chien Prison, the prison area.

Dexter, who is a ruined man of the fighting race with thick skin and strength, completely loosened Kyle’s arms and back, curled up and slammed on the floor, and kept sucking in a cold breath. The sound of the sound.

His bare, strong chest, there was a trace of blackness, as if it had been grilled on the fire for a while, faintly scented with flesh.

On the other hand, the treeman Groot continued to retreat, and the mouth uttered the sorrow of the pronunciation of Groot. The tree vines that were formed by the arm also released Kyle, which was covered with a burning golden flame.

Despite the intense swaying in the air, or the slamming on the steel floor, the flame on the tree vines did not show signs of extinction, but instead spread more vigorously toward the tree body.

“Groot! Cheer up, Groot!”

The rocket squatted on Grout’s shoulder, and as the tree body swayed violently, it was anxiously looking towards the side of the Gemo La, “Hurry to find a way to save it!”

“You don’t have to say it, I know!” Ge Mo took a deep breath and suddenly jumped forward from Groot’s shoulder. The hand pulled out a new blade from the back, facing the fire tree vine. The central government slammed down.

‘chi! ‘

The four parts of the tree vine that were on fire broke off and landed on the ground. They were quickly covered by golden flame and quickly burned into a layer of black ashes.

Grut retreated to the corner of the wall, and the remaining trees and vines braved the blue smoke, and looked at Kyle, who looked back to the original human being.

At this time, Kyle wore a dark venom suit, and the whole body was surrounded by a faint golden flame. The silver hair was turned into a flame-like burning erection, and the body was filled with heart-rending oppression.

During the three years of the wandering journey, the venom was naturally not flame-resistant, but Kyle’s control of the Fire System’s power was more delicate, and the flames of the power of God could be output through the battle suit.

Of course, if the power is full, Kyle will be completely turned into a fireman, even with the body blood will boil, the venom is still not symbiotic attached to it.

However, the flame itself restrains the tree, and the destroyer is physically resistant. The two are not capable of defending and resisting the flames of thousands of degrees Celsius. There is absolutely no need to do the full power of the gods.

“Ge magic pull.”

Kyle stared at Ge Moola, so he took Shen Yan with a move toward the other side.

Ge Moola’s face was white, biting his lip, and firmly gripping the blade in his hand. Under the burning hot temperature nearby, the sweat continued to slide off his chin, and his eyes were watching Kyle not moving any more.

There is no need to escape, the huge disparity in strength, so that escape is a luxury.

“Ge Magic, hurry!” The Rocket stood on the head of Gruitt, pulled the trigger, and snarled at the muzzle to shoot a series of bullets at Kyle. But this time there was no chance of rebounding. The bullets arrived at the flames of Kyle’s body, and they immediately became red and hot.

“You can’t die now, die, it’s dead in my hands, you are a Luonan running dog…” Dex said, dignified a rough man, but slightly arrogant, with his hand on his chest Burning, struggling with a hand on the floor and slowly struggling to get up.

“You don’t have to say more.”

Ge Moola smiled and smiled. He went to the front of Kyle and simply threw away the blade on his hand. He replied with a slow voice: “Are you coming to me? My life can be given to you, but Please leave someone else to leave.”

“Oh?” Kyle touched his chin and seemed to be considering the proposal. The golden flame on his body swayed a little.

“Ge Mo La…” Rockets, Groot, and Dex, the face is not sad.

“No, never let them go!”

The passage behind the crowd, another team of armed prison guards arrived, after hearing the words of the conversation, the leader of the prison Police Chief anxiously said.

“I still haven’t talked about you.” Kyle brows slightly wrinkle, the palm of the hand went backwards, and the flames seemed to surge out, and all the prison guards behind them were swallowed up with guns.

Listening to the tragic sorrows sent by the large number of prison guards before the death, Ge Moola and the others are all discolored, and they really cannot understand the origins and intentions of mysterious men.

“Well, I promise you. You die, others leave.”

Kyle nodded, Ge Moola was relieved, gently closed his eyes, his mind passed his own tragic past, and the shouts of the rocket and the others could no longer be heard.

“Don’t worry, I will start quickly, you will die without any pain.” Kyle stretched out his fingers and became a sword-shaped one. His fingertips raised the golden flame and pointed at the forehead of Ge Moola.

The fingertips have not completely fallen, and the devil has a burning mark.

Seeing Kyle’s fingers will pierce his forehead, and as soon as the millennium begins, a steady male voice rushes: “Stop!”

Kyle hovered his finger at the eyebrows, the flames were extinguished, and the dark green blood swept down the calm face of Ge Moola.

Everyone looked up and saw a human man in his early thirties, armed with costumes clumped together with various technological products, carrying a bulging backpack, holding a robotic metal prosthetic, panting and standing in jail 2-Layer On the corridor.

Star Jue Quill, this Galaxy Guard is really Qi…

Kyle looked at the person, and thought in his heart.

“Guire, where have you been running for so long!” the rocket screamed in surprise.

“Get the prosthetic you want, and my backpack equipment.”

After Quill finished the rocket, he jumped from the second floor and moved towards Kyle. “Everything is good to discuss, who are you, why must you kill Ge magic?”

“I don’t need a reason to kill. If you really want a reason, you can only say that her life is not good, and the relationship with the Titans.” Kyle indifferently said: “In addition, my name is Kyle, from Earth.”

“Titan… Do you know Thanos?” Ge Moola suddenly opened his eyes.

Quel’s reaction is even more exaggerated. He blinks and looks at Kyle up and down. “I also come from Earth, fellow! Wait, the name Kyle, how come I have seen it… Kyle, Kyle… ”

Quel chanted a few words, his body trembled and blurted out: “Peace symbol, Major General Kyle. No, really is the deity?!”

“Guell, do you know him?” The Rockets and the others are a little bit awkward, and this reversal is really exciting.

“Of course I know him, no, it should be said that people on Earth know him, he is the Legendary hero in us!”

Quell was very excited. He was taken away from Earth by the interstellar hunter in his early years in the 1980s. Of course, he was familiar with Kyle, who had a heroic name in World War II.

“As a human being, how can you make a difference?”

The Rockets are screaming, and others are deeply recognized. After all, Kyle’s strength makes them feel powerless and fearful.

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