I Am In Marvel

Chapter 388

this day.

The new star is strange, and the new star does not know what happened, so that the high-level order temporarily blocked the entry and exit of the new star, and sent all the new stars Legion to dispatch. For a time, the sky and the ground were full of patrol robots, and each alien armed guard was red-eyed for a carpet search inside the planet.

On the other side, somewhere on the outskirts of the New Star Empire.

An eagle-type fighter parked in the dense forest, opened invisible mode, and the top of the technology creation of Weiss, not to mention the global satellite and aircraft scanning, even if it is close to the front can not be detected.

Kyle uses the fusion energy to greatly increase the body, casts the speed of flight, and breaks out surrounded by the new star Legion. With the help of artificial intelligence, the summon card-type eagle fighter lurks here, and it can be regarded as avoiding the outside frenzy. Lively limelight.

The interior of the eagle fighter.

Under the care of Lorna, Bai Bo bandaged the wound, and with a quick-acting nutrient, he quickly recovered from the body.

Lounge bed. The white wave slowly got up, and the beasts of the claws looked at the inner environment of the strange fighter. When they saw the Kyle standing on the side, it slammed into the shivered.

Lorna was shocked. She thought that Baibo had to launch an offensive. She was also prepared to use her ability to block. The next moment she was stunned. I saw a pair of white paws clinging to Kyle’s thighs, and a nose and tears. “Kyle. I am not dreaming, I am still able to meet you, this is great!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Kyle was a little didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

In the case of the Saca star, although the white wave is timid and cautious, it can still be used as a scavenger. It has not been thought that it will fall to the present, and the thief who is not enough to eat in the new star.

Kyle had doubts, pulling the white wave off the thigh, lifting it back to the bed, watching it directly and asking: “You are not in Saca, how come here?”

“It’s a long story.”

The white wavelength sighed then said, “I don’t know. At the beginning, you were on the interstellar duel field of Saca Star, and you finally decided to win the battle with the devil, but suddenly fled with the eagle fighter, but it was triggered. The unprecedented sensation of Saqa Star.”

“and then.”

Kyle nodded, in the situation at the time, fleeing Saca Star is also the best choice for being forced to help.

“Grandmaster dispatched all the men and wanted to catch you back, but then you took control of the aircraft and flew into the wormhole, completely lost.”

When Bai Bo said it, he still had a shudder of trepidation. He was afraid to say: “The strongest duel champion and the guard Captain were killed, and the winner was escaped. The Grandmaster was naturally angry. He spared no effort. I sent people to investigate and arrest all the people on the Saka star who have had an intersection with you. I, both An Li and my brother are included.”

“How did you escape?”

Kyle was a little surprised. Grandmaster knew this. He couldn’t hold the sand in his eyes. He had to eat such a big loss, and he would definitely not give it a good taste.

“You don’t know. I was scared at the time. They were locked in a cage with An Li. They will replace you on the same day and rejoin the life and death of the duel.”

Bai Bo sighed again, this patted the chest, and sighed: “On the day before the duel, it was night Ji, she secretly saved us out, and arranged for us interstellar spaceship, let us entire group driving Spaceship flees out of the wormhole.”

Night Ji?

Kyle showed a blank look.

Night Ji is the first person he met, the first person with a rare purple ability card, as a hybrid of the light elves and the dark elves. At that time, because the bloodline ability was not fully awakened, it was impossible to extract, and did not know the specific ability and power.

If there is anyone who can rescue the white waves from the Grandmaster, only the night singer has the ability.

“Isn’t Night Ji also on the new star?”

For Kyle’s question, Bai Bai was shook his head and replied: “At that time, Grandmaster’s men pursued it. We and Yuji were divided into two fighter spaceships. In order to give us the escape time, Night Ji deliberately took the chase. Later, we successfully passed the wormhole vortex and moved to the area of ​​the Galaxy Alliance.”

“originally is this way.” Kyle dagger, looked at the white hair of the dark and sullen hair, surprisedly said: “Then you are now…”

“So you are so embarrassed.”

Bai Bo took his words and wanted to cry without tears: “Although we fled the Saca star, we came to the Galaxy Alliance and were unfamiliar. We wanted to find a peaceful and stable literary star. Who knows? Bad luck hit the interstellar hunter group. I and An Li’s two brothers and sisters, the property and the driving spaceship were searched and scraped, and sold as a slave to the traffickers – I went through a nine deaths before slaughtering at an interstellar I escaped from the field.”

Kyle was speechless for a while. It seems that Bai Bo’s encounter was only described as a ‘mistaken’ word. After leaving him, all he experienced was suffering life.

No wonder now that when I saw him, I cried again and hugged my thighs.

“So, do you know where the two brothers and sisters of Anli were sold?”

Kyle thought, since it was his involvement, if you know the position, you have the ability to take it with you.

“I don’t know, we are sold separately and they are more valuable than me. They should be sold to some high-end alien customers.”

White waves are extremely depressed, and they are classified as edible taxonomy, but they have always been worried.

“Boss, look at it very poor, it is better for us to take it.” Lorna blinked, and the relatives shook Kyle’s arm.

Kyle nodded, facing the white channel: “Then you will come back to me.”

“Good! I must be a weapon in your hands of Mr. Kyle! I have confidence!” Bai Bo excitedly held his paws and said with determination.

No, you just want to be a mascot called “nice” next to you.

Kyle smiled in the heart. At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the lounge. He told Weiss to open the door, and Green Peak walked in a humble hoop.

“Master, about the mediator…”

The green peak words have not been finished yet, the white wave of the Turkic hairs jumped up and quickly hid behind Kyle. The shiver coldly probe looked toward the green peak, and the frightened screamed: “How are you here!”

Green Peak also recognized the white wave, his face was very embarrassing, and he wanted to stop.

Kyle saw this scene, clear comprehension started talking: “White wave, what you just said, will not be the interstellar hunter group where Green Peak is located?”

“Yes! It is him, I know it when I turn it into gray!”

The white wave hair is straight and staring at the green peak.

“White wave brother, this is a misunderstanding, you listen to me.” Green Peak said: “I was only obeying Captain Leo, I really didn’t mean to arrest you.”

“You bastard!” White wave gnashing teeth, a pair of sleeves to pick up the shelf.

Lorna stretched out her hands and hugged the white waves, and said, “Okay, the interstellar hunter group has been destroyed by us. The remaining green peak is also the slave identity.”

“Let’s say, what happened to the intermediary?” Kyle looked towards Green Peak and asked coldly.

Green Peak experienced the noon, and he was more convinced of Kyle. He said: “The agent of the new star knows your feat about the new star Legion and expresses that you really want to see you. The time is about this evening, and the place will decide with you!”

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