I Am In Marvel

Chapter 387

Watching is about to disappear into the horizon where the horizon is visible, bathing in the dazzling glare energy, and the tail flame drags out the long straight Kyle and the others at high altitude.

The pursuit of the new star Legion is overwhelming, and the guards of the fighters are incredibly looking towards the display.

No mistakes, there is no mistake, the fighters that have been driven have started the maximum engine horsepower, and the flight speed has even reached the critical speed of light speed!

What is desperate is that the speed of the other side is far above them. The interstellar fighter that had the advantage of speed is only able to watch Kyle and the others continue to open the distance.

Really want to be escaped by criminals? Still good at the situation of the new star Legion in the field of air production?

Pride, such as the alien guard of the new star Legion, naturally cannot accept this fact, but the speed of both sides is still far-reaching, they can only brace oneself to die, chasing after the end of the trail of dust.

“The air force, has the criminal been intercepted successfully?”

When the ground forces saw the star of the sky, the Legion fighter did not respond for a long time, they contacted the channel of all the contacts. As a result, the channel did not have a guard to respond to a silence.

The air force of the new star Legion, the driving guards collectively autistic, is really depressed and can’t speak.

How to answer?

Can it be said that criminals are running faster than their newest state-of-the-art fighters? This is said, no new star people dare to believe!

At this time, someone needs to stand up. The Captain of the air defense unit is on the voice channel, and the cold instructions are given: “Give me the chase, never let the criminals escape, bet on our new star Legion. The Galaxy Alliance for hundreds of years. Dignity!”


The response of the air force to the spirit of the spirit, but the reality is cruel, no matter how they drive the engine horsepower to catch up, even the tail of the criminals can not see the vision, only the satellite surveillance display also shows the target cursor, in each The gap of a few kilometers opened the position.

Only continue to chase, even if it can not catch up with the facts…

Suddenly, there was a force that forced the channel to connect. Captain, headed by the team, calmly said: “I just patrolled outside the planet and chased the criminals? Do we need to sanction the troops to help?”

It is the sanction force of Nova Legion!

The air force chasing Kyle and the others was overjoyed, as if they saw the Savior. The new star Legion has a clear division of labor, with ground forces and air defense units for internal security, as well as sanctions for foreign campaigns and defense.

The Sanctions Force is the strongest Legion force in the New Star Empire, the first and last strong guard barrier!

According to common sense, let the sanctions forces participate in the arrest of criminals. This is unprecedented. It means a little bit of a small problem. At this moment, the new star Legion can’t take care of that many–the criminals flee in their face, that is the new star empire. A great shame that is difficult to clean up!

“Sanctions, where is your general position?” Soon, the guards of the air force said excitedly.

“A hundred kilometers ahead of you.” The sanctions forces quickly responded.

“That’s great!”

The guards of the air defense units were in a good spirit. It was like returning from hell to heaven. They were excited and excited: “We keep chasing after, the criminals are going to your side, please intercept now! Attention, the other party moves. Above the extreme flight speed of our fighters, please intercept on the spot!”

“To understanding.”

Far away from the hundred miles.

Thousands of sanctions troops were suspended in the air, and the fighters were all printed out in a mold. The whole body was covered with icy metal ash, and the wings were turned on, which reflected the golden glare. They are like a well-trained and flexible bee colony, starting with a row of adjustable hovering positions, from the top of the sky to the surface of Hirano…

‘call out–‘

Kyle’s body glows with fusion energy, with a few people from Lorna, like a meteor passing through the sky.

“Waaaaaa ……”

The whole person of Green Peak has been unconscious, on the wave of strong wind flushing, sometimes fainting in the past, and sometimes waking up, switching back and forth in these two states.

After Kyle turned and looked down, the original follower Legion had disappeared, and he whispered to Weiss, who was transformed into an electronic pendant. “It feels almost the same. Wiss, help me shield the satellite signal, I want to find below. Place, completely get rid of the tail behind you.”

Wiss immediately responded and responded: “Well… wait, Master, the front knows that there are local guards, the number is very exaggerated, far more than the fighters chasing us behind.”

“Is there in front?”

Kyle narrowed his eyes and kept flying at high speed, raising his head and looking forward.

I saw the end of the eye line, the golden light sparkling, and there was a huge and golden golden curved net!

The hunting nets woven by the previous three-legged Legion fighters were enough to wrap a medium-sized fighter, but now hundreds of thousands of fighters are connected. The woven mesh is like a giant wall connecting the world. !

The optical network not only seals the sky and the ground, but also extends to both sides, and it is almost impossible to see the end!

Green Peak’s confused eyes opened, Yu Guang saw the light wall in front, and shivered like a sober, horrified: “That is the unique interception and defensive function of the new star Legion model, look at this posture, I am afraid A thousand fighter planes are connected together, engine and energy sharing – not to mention the general interstellar spaceship, which is the strongest spaceship battleship of the current Galaxy Alliance can easily be blocked.”

“Being blocked by them in advance, the speed is no longer meaningful…” Green Peak finished, and once again, his head stunned and turned his eyes to the coma.

Kyle’s face is calm, looking at the more and closer golden net, there is no intention to reduce the speed, but the full extraction of fusion energy, so that more energy surges and condenses on the surface.

“Come, give me some more!”

Kyle screams in his heart, the glare overflows, the tail flame has been dragged into ten meters long, and the body is bright like a self-igniting push, exhausting the potential to hide the energy with the body.

One kilometer, five hundred meters, one hundred meters…

The closer the blocking optical network formed by a thousand new star fighters, the faster the Kyle’s speed is still rising. The contrast between the two is like a fierce scene of moths.

In the moment of Lightning Spark, the colorful streamer crashed into the center of the huge light net. The light net was slightly recessed inward with the toughness, and the streamer of Kyle fell into a quagmire like a knot.

“What is it?”

Just as the New Star guards collectively thought that when the criminals were finally stopped, several fighters, which were the cornerstones of the optical network, cracked and cracked with fierce tremors, and the cracks quickly continued on the golden light network…

‘bang! ‘

The streamer simply tears a gap in the light net, runs through the middle, and then the speed does not decrease. The sky is flying toward the blue sky behind the light net, and the blink of an eye disappears completely at the end of the sky!

Tenacious undestructible in the middle of the light network.

A gap that is enlarged by a footprint is clearly displayed on the top, deeply imprinted in the minds of the new star Legion guards.

One foot, broke the absolute defense of the new empire tens of thousands of years of top technology?

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