I Am In Marvel

Chapter 369

Three days later.

It’s been nearly half a week since the release of Caesar’s press conference, and the last four days of the week’s deadline.

During this time, the urban area of ​​New York City was calm, the terrorists did not worry about Caesar, and Caesar did not announce the positioning and concept of new products. Both parties seemed to be in a quiet period of confrontation.

The employees of Stark Industries have been working overtime for the past few days. Like the busy research and development, Iron Pagoda has been created in the industrial interior. The specific use is unknown. The media wants to go to some senior staff. In the interview, the senior staff refused to disclose on the grounds of a confidentiality agreement.

Everything fell into the silence of the storm and rain.

As God’s Son Caesar appeared to set off the flag, Stark Industries stopped the downturn, and the stock even showed signs of rising warming, but this is because most people maintain a high expectation.

Everyone wants to know if Caesar can replace Iron Man Tony and continue to develop obsessive black technology products. Perhaps even the terrorists hiding in the dark are watching.

at this time.

North America, Tennessee.

Snowflakes with large goose feathers fall from the wind at ten thousand meters, and the city is covered with a thick silver coat. The wind and cold winds make a very mournful sound through the streets.

A luxurious duplex villa on the outskirts of the city. Armed bodyguards wearing sunglasses are guarded inside the house. One man and one woman are facing each other in the lobby on the first floor of the warm fire.

The man in the suit and squats is sitting on the leather chair with his legs crossed. About 40 is about the age of his face. His face is slightly nicked by the years. The dark gold hair is smooth and straight, and the face is filled with gentle and elegant smile.

About three meters from the opposite side, Potts also sat in a chair, beautiful eyes sly looking at the suit man, the beautiful face is covered with disgusting color.

The middle-aged man was beckoning, and the blonde immediately went to the side to give him a drink. He took a goblet and sipped a bite of red wine, moved towards Potts and said: “Miss Potts, you don’t have to Looking at me, I don’t want to hurt you. Maybe we can sit at the table and enjoy the conversation with the wine while enjoying the conversation.”

“Oh. Kelian, you have used these dirty means, don’t pretend to be a gentleman.” Potts expressionless raised his hands, his white hands were locked by a shackle, and even with the chair he was sitting on .

Basel showed a surprised expression, a thief shouted to catch the thief, and shouted to the side of the bodyguard: “Well, what have you done to the respected Miss Potts? Still not come to solve the chain!”

“You don’t have to be awkward!”

Seeing the bodyguards coming forward, Potts glanced at them coldly, and then he watched Kelian calmly say: “What do you want to achieve for me, and Stark Industries?”

“What purpose? Of course, personally destroy everything that Tony Stark has!”

Speaking of Tony, Kelian finally unloaded the normal gentleman’s mask, his face was slightly distorted, and the ugly state screamed: “He is not very arrogant and conceited. I want to see, when he loses everything, it is a What kind of expression is it.”

“You are a crime.” Potts responded with no feelings.

Jilian opened his hands, as it should be by rights said: “What happened to the crime, as long as there is strength, it can be above the law, this is what the group called the “superhero” role told me “”

“Unfortunately, you will never be a superhero.” Potts laughed softly and looked at Kelian contemptuously. “Even if a one-year-old can become a superhero, you will never have that chance.”

“Using the Ultimate Bio Project, I can master the extraordinary power and create a powerful force that does not require anyone to admit it.”

Kelian chilled and retorted, put down the goblet, and narrowed his eyes in danger. “I know that the appearance of the so-called God’s Son Caesar has ignited a glimmer of hope in your heart and made Stark Industries stand firm on its toes. There is no real product release, and Stark Industries is always on the edge of the cliff. You don’t think that a one-year-old can really replace Tony Stark?”

Potts bowed his head and didn’t talk. He had been with Tony for so long. There were so many geniuses and scientists he could see, but he could compete with Tony in the field of technology manufacturing, but he couldn’t find even one person.

Dr. Bangna is half, but he is a scientist in the biological field…

“Boss !major event is not good!”

At this moment, a bodyguard pushed the door and rushed into the hall, letting the base who had just drank the red wine smashed.

“What, yelling!?”

Kelian took out the towel, wiped his mouth, and glared at the bodyguard.

The bodyguards can’t take care of the beggars, and quickly report: “Boss. Stark Industries really released new products! Just five minutes ago, it is still pre-sale on the official website!”

“what did you say?”

Kelian’s eyes widened with shock, and he didn’t have the heart to think about Potts. He jumped directly from the chair and hurriedly grabbed the bodyguard’s hand: “Go, take me to see!”

The bodyguard immediately took the company to the basement. When he first entered the room, Kelian waved away the scientific researcher on the computer chair. He sat down and manipulated the mouse to open the official website of Stark Industries.

When you first enter the official website, there is a color layout that takes up all the computer screens. It is really a publicity and introduction of the newly released products. The size of the headline is simple and rude:

[Social Games, Virtual Reality – Skynet]

[This is a game, but it is not a joke! 】

“Game? Stark Industries has fallen to the game? It really is a child’s boring trick.”

Kelian smiled and pulled the mouse down to continue the tour.

In the middle is a question, let Kelian be one of them, can’t help but whisper:

“Are you disappointed with reality and want to have a new life experience; whether you are unwilling to be mediocre and want to be a star-studded person; if you are imprisoned in your environment, you want to do as one pleases to see the fantasy world and Cosmic style.

In Skynet, you can get everything, equal and free to start a new game life. ”

I have to say that this is even a bit tempting, but following the hostile stance, he sneered: “It’s better to say it, not just a game.”

The web page is pulled down again and is a small video about the product introduction.

Baseline click to play, the video appears a three-dimensional product model of the technology helmet style, three hundred sixty degree rotation, accompanied by mechanical cold voice explanation:

“In today’s 2009 year, Stark Industries has broken through the advanced technology of the human body and information to create a holographic VR helmet that can transmit the five senses of the human body and the simulated hormone. Through the holographic VR helmet, players can access the Internet and virtual world. Get connected, get rid of the human bondage, and come to the new World to realize the experience…”

“Virtual World, is this really just a game?”

The base of the palm of the hand trembled slightly, and the unpredictable hunch in the heart, the web page was pulled to the lowest, which is about the pre-sale of the holographic VR helmet.

The pre-sale price is 5,000 US dollars. This price is enough to buy a good car in the current price, and Skynet is only open to New York City for the time being.

The number of pre-sales of holographic VR helmets, which was released less than ten minutes, has already broken through the thousand thousand times, and the number is still increasing continuously!

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