I Am In Marvel

Chapter 368

In the field of manufacturing of technology products, if only by himself, Caesar can’t do the same level as Iron Man’s Tony Stark, even if his intelligence growth is much higher than the average human.

Tony’s near-explosive creation mind and engineering manufacturing capabilities are already considered to be a ‘super power’ of the technology branch, or a special super power that cannot be used to reclaim the card system!

But this does not mean that Caesar can’t take over the technology research and development burden of Stark Industries. He has the artificial intelligence ‘main god’ far beyond World’s technology level, and he holds all the top manufacturing factories of Stark Industries and the Carl family. Resources, plus the unique thinking of another Earth from previous generations…

Caesar only needs to provide complete product requirements and ideas, leaving all the theory and research and development to the main god operation speculation, and then to the research and manufacturing team and workers of Stark Industries to improve the manufacturing.

At this time, Tony’s private private studio.

Caesar is the chief commander, sitting at the desk, and the computer is under the table and under the table. The main fan and water cooling are cooling down. Several monitors are lit with a blue screen, which shows the blue ball logo unique to the main god. .

The door opened, Eddie stepped in, the sleeves rubbed the sweat on his forehead, and gasped and said to Caesar: “It should be no problem, the three supercomputers in the Stark Industrial Technology Park are all open, plus Carl. The two on the other side of the family are a total of five supercomputers in standby.”

Caesar nodded, instructed to the side of the display: “The Lord God, check it first.”


The main god responded by the speaker, and several displays flashed a series of data codes immediately. After a while, as the drip sounded, “the five supercomputers have been successfully connected, and the data can be processed at any time with its performance and storage. “”

“Good.” Caesar tapped a finger.

Next to Eddie Lanna asked: “Is it necessary to use five supercomputers at once? Is this going to invade a large country’s military database?”

“Don’t be kidding. On the military database, the Lord God can’t use two supercomputers.”

Caesar didn’t rub his hands in a good mood, and he tried to do a big job. He said with a deep smile: “The next thing to do, I am afraid that five supercomputers are not enough.”

“Then I will wait and see.” Eddie curl one’s lip, sitting down on a chair, wants to see what the little devil Caesar wants to figure out.

Since everything is ready, Caesar is not dragged, directly started talking: “First. Lord God, I need to set up a confidential database, no one can invade or modify the database, including Weiss and Jarvis.”

The main god almost never borrowed a super computer and gave a response plan in a flash. “The solution has been solved. The database is located in the super computer equipment room of the general base. I set up a firewall and watched online. No one has the right to invade.”

“Slow, I haven’t finished yet.” Caesar’s finger pinched the stick of the lollipop, moved towards Void, tapping beyond his age: “The database must be large enough.”

“How big is it? Trouble to give an example.” The Lord God said with a cold voice.

Caesar was very casual, and casually threw out a shocking condition, “the amount of data that can put down the information of all things in Earth.”

“Young Master, what are you doing?”

Eddie was a bit dumbfounded, and the main god did not expect it. The monitor screen image was slightly stuck.

Caesar blinked and said: “Nothing, a very large virtual World. If the realism is sufficient, the amount of data storage required must be large enough.”

He looked at the screen and asked, “What can’t I do?”

The main god did not answer. After a few seconds of silence, the speaker re-sounded: “There has been solved, the storage base is set at the total base, and the compressed memory chip can be equipped. It is expected to accommodate the data of twelve Earth everything. From now on, it will take only 19 hours for the card to carry out hardware transformation of the base.”

“Not bad.” Caesar faintly praised him for using theory and current technological level to study the conquer, which is absolutely impossible.

The artificial intelligence of the main god is different, with the level of science and technology of Earth native, kawada, and Saka planet, as long as the proposed conditions do not exceed a certain difficulty category, the main god can try to calculate the technology.

Caesar was not polite, and put forward his own requirements as envisaged: “I want to cover the super strong network signal of at least one large city.”

Half an hour of operation, the Lord God responded coldly: “There has been solved, an extraterrestrial signal tower is built in Stark Industries, and the network signal is enough to cover the whole city. The upload speed per second can reach 100G. From now on, to Stark Industries The human resources estimate takes three days.”

Caesar thought about it and continued: “In addition, build a very large virtual World framework in the database, first divided into several areas, to meet the system infrastructure framework from the reality, game fantasy and other elements…”

In this regard, Caesar said a long period of content, including some areas of the virtual space and setting ideas. He mainly puts out the effects that he is required to achieve, and the specific theory and reality are given to the Lord God to make calculations and judgments.

It didn’t take long for the Lord God to analyze very plausibly: “According to your requirements, every virtual world area framework with perfect system, macroscopic detail and high realism needs five supercomputer computing codes for three days.”

“Slow down, don’t worry.” Caesar smiled, but comforted the Lord God.

Eddie always felt the fog in the clouds, until I heard it now, and finally understood it. I was surprised to say: “Young Master, your new research product to save Stark Industries is a Game? Simulated reality game?”

Nowadays, in the 2009 year of the 21st century, video games and other electronic products are popular, and video games are indeed a hot spot.

But Stark Industries is going to develop games? Again, this is too downgrade. After all, Stark Industries is the leader of technology and weapons companies!

Perceived Eddie’s doubts, Caesar was not angry. He said in a confident and determined tone: “What do you know, I want to create more than just a game, but a World.”


Eddie muttered to himself and didn’t understand it for a while.

Caesar did not explain too much, and dignified at the Lord God: “The Lord God, and the last technological problem that must be overcome – I need to make an instrument, preferably a helmet-like model and size that allows humans to use it as a medium. Let the five senses and the perception hub connect to the virtual space we create.”

Eddie was stunned and contacted everything before, and suddenly he realized that there was a black technology product that was going to be born.

The studio is silent.

The main god did not pick up the first time, but the display continued to pass the data code. If you are in the super computer equipment room at this moment, you can see that countless chips and hardware are heating up at a very high speed, and the water cooling equipment is running wildly, huge data torrent Undercurrent on the cable network.

After a long time, the Lord God responded: “The solution has been solved, and the equipment development is tentatively set as ‘holographic VR helmet technology’!”

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