I Am In Marvel

Chapter 343

Three days later.

The departure time of Kyle’s original plan finally arrived as scheduled, which is the beginning of April in the 2009 era of the Earth Epoch.

On this day, New York is as peaceful as ever.

In the morning, the sun is bathed in the economic capital of this steel, and the office workers in suits and uniforms are active in the streets. The car motorcycles of various brands are constantly flowing on the highway.

The Emgrand Building in the downtown area has been rushed by media reporters who have been guarded daily. There is no news report recently that can push the topic of ‘Caesar’ to the second edition of the newspaper. Almost all journalists want to know about the son of Kyle. (Individual) Caesar has more first-hand information.

Soon, the media reporter who came here was shocked to find that the office on the first floor of the Dihao Building was not operating normally.

Not only that, the open space in front of the main entrance was also built by the American soldiers who were actually armed with live ammunition. The heavily armed special army blocked all areas of the Dorsett building and prohibited others from entering and leaving.

The reporters are puzzled and indiscriminate, three bullet-proof cars with prominent signs of swords and shields, and more than a dozen suit agents driving motorcycles on the left and right sides, the mighty level of the armed army Stop at the front square on the front of the Dorsett Building.

Kyle and Tony and the others’ things that go to the universe, although rarely known, are inherently impossible within the Carl family, the Avengers, and the SHIELD high-level.

So now, the newly built cores of the Avengers and SHIELD have come to bid farewell, and Shiryd Director Fury has arranged for the army to blockade and alert in advance.

This is because Kyle is strictly forbidden to come back from the local card, otherwise it is only fear that the three circles inside and outside the open space of the Imperial Building will be full of vehicles or helicopters.

A tall, youthful man walked out of the motorcycle’s agent team and took off his safety helmet, revealing a blond hair inside, and a handsome face with a sharp face.

This is not Captain America – Steve.

He dressed up as a casual top and jeans, looking around around the tight military blockade, shrugging and shouting at the SHIELD vehicle headed by the team said: “Isn’t it a low-key point? Why are you still doing such a big scene, Kyle is not going to be I am happy.”

The door opened, a black windbreaker with a majestic cold, and a fur-necked Fury walked out of the co-pilot position. The calm opening said: “In his capacity, he wants to be low-key and low-key, and every move will be closely related to the city of New York.”

“Captain, early.”

Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Barton, who were consistently wearing combat uniforms, and the two men came down from the third car in the back, and they waved and said hello to Steve.

Steve nodded, the second car sandwiched between two cars, and the rear door suddenly opened.

Under the attention of several female agents, Dr. Banner is like a programmer who often stays up late, with a hand full of wrinkled jacket pockets, another hand swaying his own messy hair, and a few excited outside the car. People ask: “Kyle and Tony really want to leave Earth? Looking for such a good thing in the stars, why don’t you bring me along? I havein the body, maybe you can help!”

Fury’s frowning reminder said: “Small voice, although this thing can not help the outside world, but the people still know the better.”

“I try to be.” Banna spread the hand.

“I think it’s too boring to stay in New York.” Natasha beautiful eyes flattered Bangna and let Bangnao touch the back of his head.

“Banna. You go with Kyle, are you sure you are helping, not messing up?”

Steve ridiculed with a smile, the Avengers are now a few heroes, and the relationship between them is very harmonious.

Of course, when they talked and laughed, they were also deliberately hiding their inner uneasiness and anxiety.

After all, the current Avengers is still too weak. Once Kyle and Tony leave Earth, it is too difficult for the unstable Hulk Banner to stand alone for high-end combat.

At this time, everyone is also aware of the importance of Kyle, as long as the man is in Earth one day, not only the ordinary people, even a superhero will feel relaxed and safe.

The symbol of peace is not just a talk, it has become the cornerstone of Peace unique and unmatched!

From the age of 80 to the age of eight, all children know.

The sky fell and there was a tall man. And Kyle is too tall, higher than the sky, so Earth’s days will never fall.

But if Kyle left Earth, everything would be said.

Just as the Avengers and SHIELD executives were standing in front of the main entrance of the building, the black hair youth wearing the uniforms of the non-natural office walked out from the doorway and walked to the front of the crowd with an unexpected gaze. The welcome greeting: “Everybody Good morning. I am the 001 temporary worker of the firm, just call me ‘Eddie’. Boss let me come and take you up.”

The Imperial Tower is on the top floor of the towering sky.

The ready-to-go eagle-style interstellar fighter is like a steel giant beast. It is in the middle of a wide rooftop. The silver painted shell is in the Blink of the rising sun. Some of the cadres are still filling the cargo to the fighters. Gold Energy.

On the side, this three-person team that formed the interstellar out, Kyle, Tony, and Lorna, was surrounded by a group of people to make a final farewell speech.

Although this time it is only going out to find people, the starry sky is too vast, even if it is the estimated Galaxy Union civilization, it is ten times more than Earth’s solar system.

The risks, the way through the planet, and the time required are not judged by current human technology.

Suppose the leader is not Kyle himself. Everyone will think that this is a death trip that is better than suicide and has no return.

Kyle talked with one of the acquaintances who came to say goodbye. When it was Fury’s turn, Fury’s serious black face was tight, and he sighed with a bit of blame: “How long have you been here, less than a year, you have to step on foot.” The universe. Don’t do it for decades, I can’t wait that long.”

“Reassure, once I find Lucy, I will return immediately.” Kyle smiled and patted Fury’s shoulders with both hands, half jokingly saying, “The responsibility for maintaining World peace is left to you.”

“You are really.” Fury shook his head, coldly snorted and said: “If you encounter something you can’t cope with, don’t blame me for borrowing from your Carl family, or first transfer the temporary worker named Eddie to my SHIELD. ”

“You guy, don’t think about digting people on my side all day.” Kyle swears.

Until the end, when Tony and his girlfriend bid farewell to each other, Yu Yu’s slap on Lorna all ended.

Kyle looked towards the only Steve who didn’t go farewell. He couldn’t help but walk over and hammer his sturdy chest and asked, “Man, what are you thinking about?”

“Thought a lot of things.”

Steve looked deep and stared at Kyle. He said firmly, “Kyle. Bucky, I will find it, and bring him back safely. You must also find Howard and return to Earth safely.” !”

“This is a must.” Kyle solemnly beheaded.

Steve gave Kyle a bear hug and promised: “You can rest assured that Miss Yu Yu and your child, I will take care of them. I will not let them suffer any harm!”

“This, this is no longer necessary?”

Kyle’s stiff tears, not to mention the meaning of this sentence is very problematic, but Yu Yu and the avatar Caesar seem to really need no protection from others.

The two don’t bother others, it’s already very good.

However, Caesar has been slumbering since I absorbed the rich dark energy.

Kyle didn’t think much more, glanced at the familiar face, and said: “So everyone, we should set off, hope to see you in the near future.”

After that, Kyle took Tony and Lorna and headed back to the rear deck of the interstellar.

Goal, Galaxy Alliance!

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