I Am In Marvel

Chapter 342

Stark Tony decided to embark on the cosmic journey for Father, and Kyle couldn’t refute it. Plus the most likely objection to Pepper, Pepper, also publicly supported Tony’s departure from Earth.

On this part, Kyle could only help but agree, and Tony was ready to go, and he planned to gather at the top of the Dorsett Building three days later.

Tony naturally promised, and let Pepper help Kyle, and turned around and rushed to the underground studio.

Although I have been rushing for three days, I can work hard to stay up all night.

At least the tools, materials, and energy that make the steel war armor are indispensable.

Kyle didn’t stay in the seaside villa for a long time. After drinking a few glasses of red wine, he left with the rain that hugged back to Caesar.

Pepe accompanied and just walked out of the main entrance of the cliff house by the sea.

Kyle looked up at the extraordinary and keen, looked forward, and saw the dust rising on the wilderness road, accompanied by a roaring engine roar.

A silver motorcycle that contrasts with the sun, after decelerating, finally turned from a fuzzy black line to a clear and stylish motorcycle body.

More suffocating than the price of a million-dollar motorcycle is the seductive curve of the female driver in the whole suit.

The female driver braked with extreme speed and stopped with an extremely beautiful drift. He parked the motorcycle in front of Kyle, took off his helmet with both hands, and shook a dark, dark shawl with a short hair and revealed an as cold as. The delicate face of ice and frost.

“Lona, how come you?”

Seeing the coming, Kyle unexpectedly showed a surprised expression.

Since looking for the Hydra residue to be rooted in Earth’s hidden base, and to trace the whereabouts of the blush witch and the fast silver two mutant brothers, these two tasks were handed over to Lorna and the temporary worker Eddie, Lorna often pulls from time to time. Di runs outside New York City.

How come now, so eager to rush back to New York? Also specially went to Stark’s new villa.

Lorna gnashing teeth, I can’t wait to bite Kyle, beautiful eyes, angry screaming at the rain and the baby in her arms, the hands are irritated and squirming dark green hair said: “My question is much more than the boss! What are you two? What’s the matter? Inexplicably, there is a child named ‘Caesar’. Even if there is one, it shouldn’t be so fast. I have to know that I have lived with you for the past six months…”

“Even if it is, it should be that I am pregnant, right?!”

Lorna’s red-eyed eyes, the last sentence is obviously lost, and the words that are full of embarrassment are very easy for others to misunderstand.

Also standing at the door of the villa, Pepper, slightly waved his hand and coughed and said, “That… you talk, I will go back with Tony first.”

When she finished, she hurriedly closed the door.

Back on the door, Pepper patted the undulating towering chest, shaking his head and sighing secretly: “It should be Tony’s godfather, not as serious as it looks, sexual life can not be inferior. , there is no safety measure for contraception.”

However, in this case, Pepper did not dare to say outside, after all, Kyle is one of the elders, the future ‘parents’.

Inside the garden outside the main entrance of the villa.

Kyle’s head was big, and he stepped forward, blocking Lona’s lips with his palm in one hand and pulling her neck out with his arms. “Lona, what have you just said nonsense? Let’s calm down and go back. I will explain to you slowly!”

“wu wu wu, oh wow!”

Lorna’s unclear and fierce struggle, due to the contact between the two bodies, the magnetic field ability and the innate talent of the Vulcan, in the bright sunshine and the air, the smashing multicolored aurora blooms.

Yu Yu looked silent for a while, and said: “Okay, boss. You let go of Lorna, first take Caesar back to the Dorsett Building, I stayed and explained to Lorna.”

“That will trouble you.”

Kyle sighed, and quickly left Lorna with both hands. He stepped forward and lifted the hustle and bustle of Caesar in his arms. He opened a pair of dark wings and slammed into the sky.

Speed ​​broke through the sound barrier, and Kyle quickly turned into a black streamer that disappeared from the sky.

There is only the leftovers of Rain and Lorna, the unique charm of Oriental and Western beauty, black dress and white suit dress, even the flirtatious and cold style are in stark contrast.

Lorna clenched her fists and said the unacceptable opening said: “Rain. You didn’t say that you didn’t have a chance to get close to him, so you won’t try to compete with me. How come you suddenly repent?”

The rain did not speak, looking at the sea from the side, the slightly humid sea breeze blowing her black long hair high.

After a moment of silence, Rain looked at Lorna’s eyes and said softly: “Lona. I will tell you all about Caesar. In addition, I will give you another chance.”

“Machine…will?” Lorna froze in her heart, so she wrinkled her eyebrows.

Kyle didn’t know the content of the conversation between Yu Yu and Lorna, only knowing that the last two were intimately holding hands back to the Imperial Building.

Lorna did not mention the previous thing, but proposed to accompany the Kyle ontology to go out to Earth.

Kyle decisively refused, but did not expect the rain to stand on the side of Lorna this time, but the two women were persuaded in the left and right ears, he agreed to it.

In the words of Yu Yu, it is: “Boss, you and Tony are both rough men, you need a woman to take care of interstellar spaceship and daily life. And with Lona’s mutant ability, it will definitely not drag the team’s hind legs.”

In summary, the reasons.

Kyle wanted to go to the Galaxy Alliance’s tracing tour alone and gradually evolved into a trio.

If there is no avatar, Kyle will never agree easily. After having the avatar Caesar left behind Earth, he thinks it is not impossible to bring Tony and Lorna away from Earth.

The next time, Kyle, left Earth again and set foot in the three-day countdown.

The various media in New York, USA, did not know where to get the wind, and began to report on Caesar in a frantic way. The title of the ‘Peace Symbols of the Future Generation’ is far more than others imagine.

‘The mysterious Carl family, the legal heir of Stark Industrial Dong Dong! ‘

‘Caesar, the birth of human beings at the top of World since birth! ‘

‘Who is the child fucking? Online, etc., very urgent! ‘

Around the topic of Caesar, it once caused a popular discussion among the whole world, regardless of whether men, women and children are talking on the streets or on the new media.

With the unanimous approval of many people, Caesar was given the title of a series of heroes such as ‘Superman’ and ‘God’s Son’.

Caesar, the first person to become the strongest candidate for a superhero, just after the first full moon, is due to the fact that Kyle’s reputation is almost full of prestige.

Under the cover of Caesar’s hot topic, the three-day countdown passed quietly and quickly.

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