I Am In Marvel

Chapter 273

“The custodian friend, who has been ignorant of Patriarch, is still ignoring. What the girl is coming to?”

The two card followers listened to the order and returned to their posts. They did not know that they had quietly escaped.

The only friend of Yu Yu, the owner of the magnetic field control ability, Lorna.

“What are you doing here?” Kyle looked at the punk girl. After he returned to Earth, he took the girl in front of him.

And once there is practical contact with the other party, there will be an eye-catching aurora.

“I am looking for the rain, can’t I?” Lorna gave him a white look and stepped forward. The right hand was domineering on the shoulders of the rain, like officially proclaiming his ownership.

Rain is not repellent, just a look at the Kyle, the clear eyes of the gemstones reveal a little helplessness.

“Go upstairs first.” Kyle felt a headache, and there was a feeling that good things were being taken over by the other party.

Heroic, direct, overbearing, rebellious, impudent, these are generally used to describe boys, but they are held by a girl, and the other is a woman who looks very perfect and without blemish.

“Well, since Yu Yu has followed you, then I will admit that you are good.” Lorna said straightforwardly, the hand naturally had to catch Kyle’s shoulder.

Kyle reacted very quickly, her body was slightly biased, and she subtly shook her hand.

Lorna Wei Wei, this is the last time, the scene of the two hands shaking hands, can not help but recover the fiber.

The three entered the private elevator and went straight to the top floor office.

Back in the hall, Kyle sat down on the sofa, and Lorna was also unceremonious, sitting next to him on the sofa next to him.

The two men acted in the same way, and they lifted their legs together.

Rainy lightly smiled, looking for slippers from the shoe cabinet, picking up the wine from the wine cabinet, and taking three cups from the cupboard.

The rest of the Kaban did not have access to the top-level office, so even the servants were not equipped here, and all the cumbersome tasks were completed by the rain.

Looking at her methodical look, Lorna sighed slightly and seemed to say: “How good a woman is, unfortunately, a man who doesn’t know how to cherish.”

Kyle pretended not to hear her, opened the lid of the red wine bottle and poured herself a cup.

“Give me the same.” Lorna said, the bright and white chin raised, and pointed to an empty cup on the table.

“I have a hand, I have to pour myself down.” Kyle stared at her and sipped the red wine.

“Let me do it.”

The rain came out of the kitchen, the fruit plate was placed on the table, the bottle was picked up, and the empty cup of Lorna was filled with wine.

Kyle lightly coughed, “Rain, you can’t get used to her.”

Lorna drank a sip of wine, just relaxed and happy, and he was stunned and retorted: “Who has been used to raining?”

This woman, will not come to grab the rain again?

Kyle felt a little vigilant in his heart and tried to ask: “Miss Lorna, let me, what do you want to do when you come over?”

He really didn’t believe it because of the rain.

This time, Kyle was mentally prepared to swallow the liquor in advance, for fear that the other party would say something horrible.

“I…” Lorna hesitated and said, “Actually, I came to this company to apply.”

“Apply?” Kyle stunned and asked a little thought: “Do you want to join a non-natural office?”

Lorna nodded, this time, even Yu Yu was surprised. “Lona, don’t you like to be free, how come you suddenly want to come to the company to apply for work.”

“There is no money to spend, can you find a job to go to work? And you can stay with the rain every day.” Lorna smiled and said, but there was a sorrow in her eyes, and it quickly disappeared.

But this was still captured by Kyle.

Originally this way, the inner sadness is fragile, concealed by a strong and cold appearance, which is the main source of domineering and rebellion.

Kyle suddenly understood something, staring at Lorna, debunking and saying, “Is still lying? You want to join a non-natural office. You should borrow resources to find the person you are looking for. For example, parents. Loved ones.”

Like being said, Lorna’s body trembled, bowed his head and concealed his face in the short hair of the ink green, and his emotional tremors shook his shoulders.

The rain squats on her shoulders, and the silver light emerges, soothing with a soft mind.

Lorna quickly recovered, looked up and boldly admitted: “Yes, I am really looking for someone, but not a parent. I have no parents before and after birth.”

That being said, she really is a man-made person in a research and manufacturing studio.

Kyle had expected this.

“I am looking for a second brother and a big sister. When I was very young, I stayed with them and was monitored by a group of people.”

Lorna fell into some unforgettable memories, calmly said: “Then we separated, I was alone in another basement, I grew up a little, they want to control me, I killed with power. Everyone, escaped.”

She said the serene, but the content is cold cold shivers down one’s spine, no one knows how cruelly terrifying the experience.

“Second brother and big sister?” Kyle thought, what he thought, and asked: “What are their names?”

Lorna shook her head: “We didn’t have a name at the time, only digital codes, and I don’t know what they are now.”

“What about the appearance and characteristics?” Kyle asked.

Lorna squinted her head and recalled: “The second brother, running very fast, is much faster than us.”

She paused and remembered: “As for the big sister, it is as beautiful as I am. After her ability is awakened, her hair becomes a beautiful red. My hair becomes a green green.”

Running very fast? Red hair?

“That’s right.” Kyle spread his hands and said, “In the beginning, the researchers and forces who held you were the Hydra organization lurking in the underground.”

“The Hydra organization.” Lorna muttered to herself, in the beautiful eyes, it was difficult to hide the color of disgust.

“As for your second brother and big sister, you should still be held somewhere in World.” Kyle is addicted.

That is, in the original movie plot, the only two mutants that have appeared –

Fast silver, blush witch!

In terms of ability alone, the two people’s mutant ability is absolutely no less than the magnetic field control!

“Lona.” Kyle thought for a moment and looked straight at her seriously: “You can join a non-natural office, but the company is a member of the Carl family, so you should consider joining the Carl family.”

Lorna wondered: “What kind of rain?”

“It’s one level lower than the rain, red card, but you can usually follow the rain.” Kyle throws the olive branch and seduce: “Our family is now preparing to deal with the Hydra organization, you can join, you can borrow They are looking for the whereabouts of the two.”

“Then I think about it.” Lorna nodded.

This conversation spread out, it is estimated that many people will be envious of madness.

Kyle’s personal invitation, one step directly to the Red Card, is what a privilege!

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