I Am In Marvel

Chapter 272

Secret basement.

Doctors and nurses, as well as Steve and the others, left only Fury, a female agent, and the newly arrived Kyle and Yu Yu.

Fury wants to sit up from the operating table, can be seriously injured plus bleeding, the weakness is obviously not that strength, can only squint Kyle slightly.

The female agent walked up quickly, helped him to lift him, and placed the pillow behind him to lean against him.

Kyle sat down on the chair next to the bed and looked at Fury and said, “It’s okay. Seeing that you still have the strength to talk, it is estimated that it is not so easy to die, if you die like this, there is a ‘roaring assault’ on the grave. The team is acting like Captain ‘, so I can’t afford that face.”

“I can’t die.” Fury’s face was calm, and he vomited and said: “It’s the cervical spine, the sternum, the liver, and the liver.”

Even if there is an infinite way of long-term support, he is not young, his dark face is mature and vicissitudes, his chin is full of greasy beard, and he is used to a serious and calm expression all day long.

Now a series of serious injuries have made Fury like an elderly middle-aged and older.

Kyle asked straightforwardly: “Who knows who is the person who shot you?”

Fury was weak and sluggish, saying: “The body is agile, the reaction is very fast, the shot is accurate, and the bullet used is made in the Soviet Union. It is a veteran agent who is well acquainted with assassination.”

Kyle shook his head and reminded: “I didn’t ask you about the agent. I said the person who issued the attack command behind the scenes.”

Fury hearing this, suddenly silenced, his face was gloomy, and he didn’t make a sound again.

It seems that he has a number in his heart.

Kyle conceived and continued: “When you were attacked, I was attacked by the same people because I borrowed the car of your former director. Of course, they are all dead now.”

Fury trembled, his hesitation on his face was revealed, and he stopped talking.

“You still refuse to admit it? SHIELD Now, the whole world has been infested by Hydra, and the top level has their own staff, and they have absolute initiative.”

Kyle paused, a meaningful addition: “The current director of SHIELD, perhaps the top commander of the Hydra organization.”

Fury couldn’t help it anymore, sighing and sighing: “Kyle. You said it was right last time, I really don’t use it.”

He has been known for his strategic command since World War II. How could it not be guessed until now, but he did not want to admit that’s all.

SHIELD, which aims to annihilate the organization of the Hydra and defend World Peace, has been lurked by the Hydra, which is an unprecedented World-class scandal!

And all of this happened under the eyes of his Nick Fury.

Fury moved his fingers hard and took a picture from his pocket, which was the inspirational current SHIELD director, Alexander Pierce.

“He refused to accept the Nobel Peace Prize a few years ago. He said that ‘peace is not an achievement, but a responsibility.’, I passed the position of the director of SHIELD to him.”

Fury put down the photo, and the lost sigh said: “I still can’t believe it, he will be the most important infiltrator of Hydra.”

“Whoever makes mistakes, as long as they can correct the changes in time,” Kyle said indifferently.

Fury looked at him seriously and said inexplicably: “Kyle, you never make mistakes.”

“I just have enough ability to correct the mistake.”

Kyle shrugged, stood up from his seat, and walked toward the outside of the door. “Now this situation is in line with the good agreement that you and I said. Fury, you can’t correct the huge mistake, it’s up to me to correct it.” “”

“Kyle… No, sir!” Fury burst into excitement and struggled to get off the operating table. The gauze-wrapped wound immediately ruptured and spilled red, scaring the female agent to help him.

Kyle didn’t look back and left the emergency room with the rain.

Behind him, Fury’s persuasive speech was still coming out intermittently. “Sir, please give SHIELD a chance! Wait another two days, wait another two days…”

Until the walk into the dark corridor, the sound is completely isolated and disappeared.

“Boss.” Yu Yan stepped up to keep up, looking at Kyle’s cold face like a knife, and asked with a light lips: “Now we are going to SHIELD headquarters?”

Kyle shook his head. “No hurry, two more days.”

Once he took the shot, the entire New York City would be sensational, and the SHIELD building would surely collapse.

Although Fury is decisive, SHIELD is watering him for more than sixty years. Now he will destroy the built ultra-high building, and then the decisive people will hesitate.

“Since it is contaminated by pollution, it is not so easy to clean, only the hard and smashing reconstruction.”

Kyle thought about it and said to the rain, “In these two days, pay close attention to the movement of SHIELD, the focus is on the launch of the insight plan.”

As long as the helicopter carrier is not in the sky, it does not matter if you give three days to breathe.

But if the aircraft carrier’s heavenly insights plan is opened, it will touch the bottom line that Kyle can currently guarantee.

The SHIELD cleaning program, from now on, is fully linked to the insight plan.

After leaving the basement, Kyle and Yu Yu took a bus back to the Dorsett Building.

The car parked in front of the main entrance of the building, and there was a loud and bickering sound at the door, which led Kyle, who just got off the bus, to cast a stunned look.

I saw two tall and mighty, suits and knights, and sunglasses, and the two left and right, holding the arms of the beautiful girl, and moving her feet away from the door.

The punk girl struggled fiercely, and the beautiful face of the smoky makeup was full of anger. She found that she could not get rid of her body with her arm strength. She could not help but cry out: “Hurry up and let me go, or I will be rude to you both!”

“How can you be rude to us?” One of the cards was scornful.

“Don’t force me!” The punk girl raised her eyebrows coldly, and Kabin did not find that her hands and palms began to glow with a faint green mist.

Just then, a cold and steady voice sounded: “What are you doing?”

The two card squats, when they saw Kyle returning to the door, they were shocked and hurriedly released the punk girl’s arm. The dear head bowed, “Patriarch is good!”

The punk girl glanced at Kyle, silently bowing his hands and sleeves, and the green haze disappeared silently, as if it had never appeared before.

Another cardiner explained: “This girl came to the company consultation window, not to say that she is a friend of the rain guards, but also openly yelled at you.”

Rain took a step forward and said softly: “She is indeed my friend, this is true.”

Both card sluts are stunned, and the family’s demon guardian actually has a friend’s existence?

“Well, you will continue to be busy with you.” Kyle looked at the punk girl and said with a little helplessness: “As for her, don’t say me, it’s just ten sentences. It’s no big deal.”

How did this grandmother take the initiative to run into a non-natural office?

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