I Am In Marvel

Chapter 243

The second hundred 40 three chapters tyrannical hulk! ——


The dark wings flew back one after another, and immediately formed two small hurricanes, and the gale caught the glass bottles inside the factory.

The tall body that fell down, so forcibly stopped the touchdown trend, and thrilled to stop at the factory half a meter away from the ground.

The trembled wings, Kyle kept suspended in the air, looking at the thirty meters far away, half of the body is still planted in the pit of the Hulk, the eyes subconsciously transferred to their deformed left hand.

The fist can not be simply called a fist, more like a huge armor hammer, a layer of dark horny membrane shell wound and polished, like the bone form of the outerwear category.

Kyle didn’t ask about the venom, because at the moment when the new form of venom appeared, he knew what the venom had just done.

just now. The venom borrows away from the body part of the body, controls the body that lurks into the Hulk, learns the indian talent of the Hulk in battle, and feeds back to the ontology.

This ability is the new form of armedness today, which can be called ‘heavy boxing’ or ‘heavy hammer’.

Kyle can clearly feel that the amount of his body’s machine ability is always collected at the end of the left fist and stored and superimposed.

“Without any skill, relying on the superhuman body to smash the heavy punches of the forces, this is the fighting style that the Hulk is best at, and the perfect armed form to control the body strength.”

After Kyle realized this, the scarlet eyes looked at the Hulk, the slender tongue licked his lower lip, and the fighting desire once again burned like a flame.


The ancient savage beast-like squats, the giant giant fish rolled up and stood up, the bricks and equipment pressed against it all flew open, and the green-skinned monster body ignited a heart-wrenching anger.

‘bang! ‘

It slammed out on the ground with a foot, and the huge body ran rampant, sprinting along the trail of the plowed body.

“It’s just right!” Kyle took a deep breath, did not retreat, and the wings flapped backwards, like the rocket’s push to help, rushing towards the Hulk.

Like Mars hitting Earth, the tip of the needle against the awn of the mang, a green and black silhouette will soon meet!

The Hulk’s anger is low and the pile driver is facing forward. The monster-level body structure is combined with the force, and the right hand fist is clenched with five fingers!

Kyle’s Twilight Blink, no dodge, no block, lifted the hammer that has been used for a long time in the left hand, and the big head in front of him is a violent glimpse!

At the moment when the green fist collided with the black weight, the space inside the factory seemed to be stagnant, and all the sounds disappeared into a dead silence.

Then, center on both.


The rushing white turbulent turmoil, the local pressure of the inch of the disorder burst, the gravel just flew up and shattered into powder, the sound waves like the all around swept away –

It is only a purely physical and power attack, but it is like a detonation scene of two heat weapon missiles!

The left-handed hammer hit the Hulk’s fist, Kyle clenched his teeth, his wings were madly tapping, and the body went backwards for about half a meter before it was stable.

Regardless of how the Hulk screams, gnashing teeth, right hand muscle balloon like expansion, still can’t completely defeat Kyle!

That is to say, the Kyle of the hammer battle form is still slightly inferior to the power of the Hulk, but he still catches the full power of the Hulk!

A punch near the hundred tons of power!

“I just played very well, right?” Kyle whispered coldly, glaring at the hustle and bustle of the Hulk. While holding his fist, he slowly extended his other hand.

Under the hustle and bustle of the Hulk, the black shell on the right hand is rapidly condensing and expanding, and it quickly transforms into a hammer shape that is exactly the same as the left hand, with a heavy and threatening atmosphere.

“Now it’s my turn!”

Kyle’s voice just fell, the right hand’s hammer was raised high, falling at a slightly skewed angle, and the violent bombardment was on the head of the Hulk!

‘clang! ‘

Similar to the iron pile hit the metal clock!

Still the head of the Hulk is a hundred times harder than the steel. Under the weight of the heavy hammer, the white eye is turned straight, the short tinnitus is dizzy, and the huge green body can’t stop flying.

Its body rubs against the ground and rolls from the end of the factory to the other end of the factory. Like the previous Kyle, it cuts the whole factory in half!

In the amazing battle of the monster level, the already riddled manufacturing plant, finally unable to withstand the earthquake shaking, the breakdown of the building structure falling apart –

At this time, in the alley of the street on the side of the factory.

General Ross arrived with the soldiers to deal with the deadly bodies of the two soldiers, and the medical staff to give first aid to the seriously injured Amy.

At this moment, General Ross and the soldiers looked up and looked at each other. The pupils were shocked and contracted. They saw that the large manufacturing factory collapsed rapidly under the night, and within a few seconds it became a ruin of open space.

“What is the situation at the factory side?” General Ross asked calmly at the intercom. He has previously sent elite soldiers to conduct remote tracking and investigation of the Hulk.

“Reporting the general.”

A soldier on the roof of the building outside the factory, with the night vision telescope investigation, was shocked. The hesitant walkie-talkie reported that “the target Hulk is being suppressed by the dark black creature…”

“The Hulk is suppressed?” General Ross opened his mouth.

From the whispering mouth, he heard some things from World War II, and at this time Kyle disappeared, so in the factory fighting with the Hulk, the identity of the dark creature is self-evident.

What General Ross didn’t expect was that Kyle was so powerful that he could suppress the army’s helpless Hulk to the bottom.

In the battle of the factory ruins.

As the investigators said, Kyle is in an absolute upper hand… No, it should be said that he is violently hammering the Hulk.

‘Hey! ‘

With the roar of the unwilling monster, the Hulk once again flew out of the hammer, and the body showed a parabolic line in the air.

‘call out–‘

A black silhouette slid slightly over the night sky, chasing the hulk that was still flying in the air at a speed of half the speed.

The Hulk opened his hands in anger and wanted to catch the shadow.

With the wings swept down, Kyle slid softly and flew over the top of the Hulk’s head.

Kyle’s agility is greatly reduced under the slightly heavy hammer shape of both hands. With the help of flying wings, the speed is still higher than the Hulk!

Kyle smirked, picking up the dark hammer of his hands, opening the bow to the left and right, and the Hulk, who had nowhere to borrow from below, was the stopped violent hammer, straight down to the next point.

The angry giant Hulk could not make it, and the hammer was like a missile hitting the green skin muscles.

It is depressed and wants to vomit blood!

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