I Am In Marvel

Chapter 242

Closed production factory.

It was late at night, the workers went home to sleep, and thanks to this, they were able to escape the battle tonight.

In the large assembly line, the iron shelf is divided into three floors. Some instruments have just been damaged by Kyle, braving the sparkling fire and black smoke.

‘Tread on the step! ‘

The ground of the factory was trembled slightly, the dark green giants rushed in and the oily green eyes glanced around, looking like someone looking around in every corner.

‘call out–‘

A shallow black shadow swiftly passed from the left side, and the Hulk grabbed the iron shelf and threw it into a piece of cockroaches. The iron frame was wiped with the black shadow, and it was smashed on the glass frame at the back. Cracked sound.

The shadow disappeared again and quietly blended into the shadow of the night.


The Hulk was impatient and low-pitched. When he saw a gas tank in front, he walked up to the front of the front end, and the giant cylindrical gas tank of seven meters and a radius of two meters, a dozen tons of items as a tool. Pull out.

The Hulk’s palms were pushed, and the giant gas tanks flew out and roared on the ground. There were countless crowded equipment bunkers sweeping through the small half of the field.

‘call out–‘

A black shadow seems to be forced out of it. In the shadows, Blink is under the guise of the Hulk’s senses. He slams into the shadow.

In the vicinity of its body, the black long whip is intertwined in the shadow, which contrasts with the faint dark light, but it is woven into an 5% mesh through the iron pillars inside the factory.

After the Hulk walked into the trap, it had a ceiling on the third floor of the head, which flashed a glimpse of the scarlet glamour.

“Receive the net!”

Kyle originally stood on the ceiling with an inverted stand. At this time, he slammed down to the ground, and his hands and whip pulled down and swayed, pulling the net to shrink with a long whip.

The Hulk roared, tenacious’s dark long whip wrapped around its hands, waist, and neck, and the strength of the perfusion was tight!

Kyle doesn’t have the opportunity to subdue the Hulk through a long whip. By briefly limiting his body movements, he can pull the battle back to his control!

“Try this trick!”

His scarlet tongue licked his lower lip, and a strong wave of air exploded under his feet. His hands pulled the long whip and borrowed his strength. At the same time, he sprinted forward with the air sprint, and along the body, the knee kicked. On the face of the Hulk.

This knee hit, the perfect combination of three borrowing power, the body’s strength to the extreme!

Kyle complexion slightly changed, the knee is like hitting the gold in the far-super steel. The Hulk’s body is completely motionless, the head just squats to the left, the nose flows down the green blood, and the head is a little dizzy under the huge impact. .

But that’s all, it’s all skin trauma, which is not enough to win the win from the Hulk, but it makes it even more angry and violent!

The Hulk stared at Kyle in the vicinity, and the anger of the green eyes was burning, the thick hands were under the force, and the tenacious long whip began to break.

Kyle didn’t have the slightest fear, took the opportunity to quickly recover his knees, his left hand still had a long whip, and the raised right hand had turned into a sharp blade, moving toward the Hulk’s forehead swiftly and powerfully!

The blade light shimmered, and the blade touched the giant’s eyebrows, and opened a slightly deep wound. The disgusting green blood flowed down and down!


The Hulk roared angrily, all the tangled whip completely broke, and the hands that resumed free action were lifted up, and the simple ordinary punch flew Kyle out!

‘bang! ‘

Along with a dull sound, Kyle slammed into the gas tank on the back, and the steel shell of the giant gas tank was recessed inside, and the twist was almost broken into two pieces.

“Master, we just seem to be just…”

The bitter laughter of the venom sounded in my mind, and the voice completely lost my previous confidence.

“Let’s talk nonsense, hurry to give me a solution.” Kyle took a breath, and placed it in a gas tank with a ‘big’ shape. The ribs were slightly broken at the chest, but thanks to the self-healing factor. It will be healed again.

But he healed, and the wound on the Hulk was gradually healed.

The moves of the venom full coverage state are almost exhausted, and once again, the effect can only be achieved by the power of the gods running Vulcan.

“Take down the time, I still have a trick!” Venom quickly replied.

No one noticed that the little black liquid formed by the smashing of the whip on the ground around the Hulk suddenly moved to consciousness.

The black liquid slid up the Hulk’s feet and plunged into the last second of his neck wound healing.

“This is what you said.”

Kyle put his hands on the gas canister and propped up the twisted steel, but he hadn’t stood up yet, and a huge shadow shrouded the body.

Slightly looking up, Kyle’s gaze was on the Hulk in front of him, and the other person was yelling at him with anger and screaming, sticking out a big red foot.

‘bang! ‘

Kyle’s body is like a black ball, flying upwards at a high speed, knocking over the iron frame on the second and third floors, and rushing out of the ceiling of the factory floor.

The man was in the air, and his wings stretched out behind him. Kyle stopped in the air like a brake, and the venom liquid on his body fell down like rain.

“Poison, how long do you have to drag down? I really want to get angry!” Kyle said quietly.

The demon that is not awakened and unable to use divine power is still too passive in the hands of the extremely angry Hulk.


The words of the venom have not yet been finished, but Kyle pupils shrank, but the roof of the factory below suddenly broke, the Hulk as a rocket straight into the air.

Kyle just wanted to flap his wings to avoid it, but the Hulk was too fast. He just reacted and his left hand had caught one of his feet.

“It’s over.”

Kyle’s head came out with such a single thought head, and he was clasped by the Hulk’s ankles. It was difficult to break free. He could only fall under the pull of the plant that fell freely underneath.

The wind whizzed past the side of the body, and the distance between the body and the factory below was constantly close.

Under dangerous pressure, Kyle’s eyes emerged as a golden flame, causing the face’s venom mask to melt and fade away.

Just before Kyle couldn’t help but take back the venom and release the divine power, the brain suddenly screamed with the venom excitement: “It’s done!”

As if along its words, a little thick black liquid emerged from the Hulk’s body and returned to the venom body of Kyle’s body to compensate for the venom mask part of the ablation.

Kyle squatted, his left hand and five fingers slowly clenched into a fist, and the black outer shell of the entire arm began to expand rapidly and sturdy, and soon formed a giant fist resembling a hammer.

The strength of the whole body is mobilized and controlled, and the holdings are condensed on the left fist hammer.

Kyle shouted a punch in the moment of the touchdown, bombarding the sturdy chest of the near Hulk.

The accumulated strength is like a dam flood, and the hearty venting!

next moment.

The Hulk loosened the palm of his hand, and the whole body was lifted up, like a high-speed suspension train hitting it, and the dragon fell on the ground, plowing a trace of two thirty meters!

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