I Am In Marvel

Chapter 121

“You must attack the person who controlled the idea!”

Logan took the attention, regardless of the pain of the bones and claws, swept the village rain a few meters away, and then accelerated the sprint to close the distance from the rain.

Rain and rain, the village rain controlled by the mind to remove the power trend, the full speed can not catch up with the speed of Rogan.

“I won!” Rogan whispered, slamming into the rainy one meter, arching his arm for a short period of time, and launching the hedgehog with his claws forward.

Seeing his sharp claw is about to fall, the rain scorpion glows with the dawn of silver, and the little hand props up slightly on both sides. “The boss said that everything must be left behind.”


The powerful anger bursting out from the rain scorpion surface, Rogan widened his eyes and found that the bone claws could not sneak into the half inch, and the invisible air barrier bounced off, and the whole person leaned back and fell to the ground.

“Is this a barrier to the nuclear explosion? This is too…”

Rogan didn’t have time to think about it. The rain behind the village once again strengthened the offensive. The cold light sword shadow forced him to sneak away. The grass in the place was shot under the sword like a lawn mower. The bare piece .

“It turns out that the strongest thing we have here is not Wolf King, but Akasaka?”

The children around them snorted and saw Rogan, who was caught in the wind, his eyes changed slightly.

Rogan realized that the situation was not good. A beautiful backspace turned up and took the initiative to take back his bones. He grabbed the violent village rain with his hands.

He held the hilt in one hand, and the other hand grasped the sharp blade without protection. The village rain that was blessed with enthusiasm trembled, and the invisible mind pulled out and wanted to pull it out.

“Catch you.” Rogan sighed and slammed the village rain with brute force.

Rain and frowning, full of running ideas, but can not regain control of the village rain.

The duel between the two began to evolve into a pure tug-of-war between strength and disapproval.

Rogan’s hands dragged the village rain that trembled fiercely, step by step, and the overflowing blood of the palm was ignored. The rain did not admit defeat and raised a small face, the silver light of the eyes slanted to the scarlet, a black hair in the edge of the idea of ​​out of control slightly swayed.

Just when the distance between the two was shortened by less than two meters, when the children on the field were holding their breath in a high tension, a strong and steady words came out from the grass: “Stop, stop here!”

As soon as the words fell, Kyle had already set foot in the battle, and quickly reached between the two, holding the rain in one hand and Rugan on the other.

Rogan gasped and released the Japanese mulberry knife in his hand. He was lying on the ground with his tired body. The rain was caused by severe mental exhaustion. He was softly squatted and was hugged by Lucy who ran forward.

Kyle looked at Lucy’s rain, and the oral education said: “Give you the village rain, to increase the attack power of your mind control, rather than limiting the diversity of your mind control attacks. Just now the village rain is restricted, you You can directly abandon the village rain and switch to control any other objects around you for a second attack.”

“As for Rogan,” Kyle said, facing Rogan, who was lying on the ground, “The mind control is just the evolutionary of our body strengthening. The sodium carbon steel material just restrains the self-healing ability, but you still You can use the super body quality and skill to crush, and even use the speed, so that the other party’s judgment can’t keep up with you.”

This war seems to be a ‘fair fight’, which is actually too clumsy and rigid, and there is no perfect highlight of its ability.

However, after this battle, Kyle also knew the two people’s ability defects and make up.

Although the ability of rain and rain is strong, the body is still too weak, and it can be matched with the [Super Agent] ability card to strengthen the body and extend the lifespan.

Rogan is in the heads-up. If it is not raining, the pure melee singles can definitely play the 2% 100% of the combat level. There is no suitable card for him.

“If there is enough Edelman metal, it can bring his body to a new height, Vajra wolf…” Kyle secretly pondered.

Under his gaze, Rogan had a premonition of cold hair, and quickly got up from the ground, holding the injured left palm and saying that he was going to bandage.

“Okay. I have to go back to rest first, I want to receive guests.” Kyle reminded that the people in the manor noticed that there were three outside guests looking at the lawn in the backyard.

But perhaps it is to witness the inhuman wars, subvert the imagination and let them be stimulated, and now they are still standing in the same place.

The interior of the manor, the reception hall on the second floor.

“Kyle, I thought you were the only Superman in World. I didn’t expect two more here…” Joseph said with a voice.

Fury echoed: “Yes! I saw it in Germany before Rogan. I didn’t expect it to be so strong. I can stretch the bones of wild beast from both hands to fight.”

Howard smiled as a gentleman, but it was the most calm of the three. He had seen Kyle’s various abilities, and now he is no stranger.

“Kyle. Is it better to let Rogan, or the little girl, help me?” Fury couldn’t wait.

“How. The last time the president said that the department was built for the purpose of the world’s latent Hydra,” Kyle asked with a little interest.

“The UN Council agreed to apply, but the specific program has not yet been implemented, and the name of the department is still tentative. I am here to hear what you mean. After all, this department was originally built for your origin. Fury asked Kyle. “What do you think of the name “Sword Bureau”?”

God, Shenjian Bureau?

Kyle, who is leaning on the sofa with his legs, is stunned. This name makes him slow for a while, and hesitates to say: “Will ‘SHIELD’ be better?”

Fury and Howard glimpsed like a sad thought of a tight-fitting man with a shield. Fury agreed. “It’s all right. It’s called SHIELD. It’s called the ‘National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau.’ ‘.”

“This newly established SHIELD is not a slogan. The president requested that the military fully cooperate with this mysterious department. It is also a green light in some cumbersome political procedures.” Joseph was embarrassed.

“after all is the name of the Kyle peace symbol.” Fury looked at Kyle with confidence and said: “The current director is you. If you are there, I believe SHIELD will be the most solid of World Peace. Protective shield.”

Kyle shook his head and said: “The position of the first director of SHIELD, no one is more suitable than you.”

“Then you always have a real job?” Fury still didn’t give up, shrugged said: “Without you, the SHIELD’s first strongest backstage can be lost.”

Holding his thighs, this is his main purpose.

Kyle thought about it and asked Howard, “Do you have a job in SHIELD?”

Howard nodded and said: “They want to hire me to become the science and technology director of the department, but Stark Industries is too busy, I only promised to be a technology consultant for the future strategy department.”

Kyle calmly sipped a glass of red wine and smiled and said: “Then I am the ‘strategic general consultation’ of the future SHIELD.”

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