I Am In Marvel

Chapter 120

The super-large ancient dragon tortoise stays deep in the Atlantic Ocean and falls into a long-insected island of complete incarnation.

Kyle and Howard, who measured the preliminary base design map, when the two returned to the New York manor as a helicopter, the night was late.

When the helicopter landed on the open space in front of the manor, Kyle walked out of the cabin. It happened that a military jeep came from the forest road, and the two light pillars in front of the car flashed on him.

So late, who will visit you?

Under the strange eyes of Kyle, the jeep stopped at the open space next to the helicopter, and a one-eyed, dark-skinned bald youth who had a hidden effect at night was the first to get off.

He was dressed in a windbreaker and smiled to reveal a row of clean white teeth.

“Fury.” Kyle shook his head and laughed. It turned out to be this guy. These days, after Fury’s stalking against Howard, he still set him up with his own retreat.

“Kyle, I haven’t seen it for a few days…” Fury smiled and walked over here, and soon the face of gnashing teeth was turned, and the voice turned sharply. He said with indignation: “It is easy to retire, knowing that I have helped you with more trouble. Does the business work?”

“There is more work for the savvy, this is to show you the stage.” Kyle blinked, and the hand pacified the shoulders of Fury.

“Less. In short, you must give me extra salary this time.” Fury said Kyle.

Kyle didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, nodded and promised: “No problem, give you double pay, plus excellent staff.”

“Look, I brought who I brought.” Fury smiled and removed his body. The jeep parked behind him, a middle-aged, middle-aged, athletic and athletic officer stepped forward.

“Joseph.” Kyle smiled, clasped with the big han, and slammed the other’s back with a little force.

Joseph, Fury, both of them were the friends of World War II, who had given him great help, and the military personnel who can still keep in touch with him.

“I and Fury resigned, and your position is still rising,” Kyle said.

Joseph, with the rank of major on his shoulders, shrugged and said with a smile: “This is the light that touches your ‘peace symbol’. You don’t know, General Chester, he dismissed the position of the five-star general, before this It is to raise the rank of the officers who have fought with you.”

“He said. If you are willing to come back, he will apply for a five-star general for you!” Joseph said here, looking at Kyle slightly and seriously.

“That’s still a problem. I can’t even do the military affairs of Major General, not to mention the five-star general. It’s not a trouble to Fury.”

Kyle’s calm face was not fascinated by the so-called five-star admiral position.

Fury nodded in disapproval and smiled at Joseph. “I said, Kyle would not agree to return to the military.”

“I’m just saying a word anyway, I don’t intend to say anything to General Chester.” Joseph carefree, straightforward.

“You all ran so far and far away, just sit in the house and sit down.” Kyle suggested that looking to Howard, Fury, and Joseph, respectively, tonight, old acquaintances gathered together.

The three guests nodded and agreed, as the owner of Kyle, leading the entrance to the main entrance of the manor building.

“Patriarch.” The two maids in the lobby on the first floor saw Kyle returning, and quickly bowed their heads. One of the girls’ face expressions approached in a hurry and informed: “Wolf King and Akasaka, the two are in the backyard for a test.”

“Oh, is it up?” Kyle heard, tsk tsk was amazed, and the venom of the body was too high.

‘Wolf King’, ‘赤瞳’.

This is the family code of Rogan and Yu Yu, respectively. When there are outsiders, they are generally called.

“Go, look at it together.” Kyle waved his hand and took the three to the backyard of the manor.

Luo is fundamentally warlike, and the rainy people are arrogant. These two people have a battle sooner or later. This is what he can expect, but he never thought so soon.

“It’s only worth fighting for each other after the battle.” Kyle said to himself, recalling the match with Steve at the base.

That is the youth that he has long since passed away…

The backyard of the manor, the open lawn on the ground.

Under the illumination of all around the retro lamppost, Lucy and the three 40 children were sitting on the grass and forming a circle. This is the ‘test site’ of the manor family.

In the circle of the venue, the sorrowful uncle of leather jeans, in the face of a cute girl with a hood negative sword confrontation.

According to age. This is undoubtedly a “old-age man” in his sixties, and a ‘cross-century’ showdown for young babies in fifty days.

“I want to do it.” Rogan verbally warned, crossing his hands in front of his chest, and sticking out three white-skinned claws.

This scene makes the children next to them exclaim.

Just as Rogan was about to start the attack, the rain suddenly stopped softly, “Wait a minute!”

“Well?” Rogan wondered, and looked up and saw the rainy calf back, and continued to back a few steps.

“The boss said. You are a warrior. I am a mage. I have to leave a certain space distance when I try to fight.” Yu Yan said, it was only outside the roots of Rogan.

The rain scorpion mimicked the usual Kyle movement, the small hand swayed, and the village rain that was slanting behind her was half the height of the village rain. She was detached from the leather scabbard under the control of the mind, and Blink’s cold light was suspended above her head.

“Sodium carbon steel.” Rogan looked at the village rain with a taboo, and after Kyle’s daily general knowledge, he knew the self-healing factor of the cold weapon that was made by this material.

However, he is jealous of jealousy, and he has no reason to fight for the leading position in the battle!

Rogan snorted and raised his sharp claw. He stepped forward and sprinted forward. His attacking method was undoubtedly a powerful, non-human wild beast, and a pair of sharp claws.

The rain shovel was at the moment when Rogan was approaching, and the small face was carefully concealed. Superman’s idea was blessed on the rain of the village suspended above the head. The village rain immediately slammed the night sky.


The village rain stopped Logan’s pace, constantly slamming his sniper and colliding with the sharp claw, sending out a series of crisp sounds.

This looks like a supernatural scene in the third perspective – Rogan, with a wolf-shaped sharp claw, is struggling with a sang-knife that moves freely.

“It’s really troublesome.” Rogan was slightly annoyed, watching the village rain that was hit and flung by himself, and Yu Guangyu was raining five meters away from the front.

He suddenly understood a bit, and the meaning of Kyle’s warrior and mage positioning.

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