Chapter 77 Thor-Lucky.

Even the people with the entire Birka were driven by Gromash to find Thunder Fruit, but in the end it took nearly a month before Gromash really saw this thing, and it was only then that he finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, I found it, and didn’t let them run in vain!

At this time, Gromash is sitting in the garden of the temple, holding a fruit with a weird pattern in his hand. The appearance of the fruit also has a beautiful, lightning-like imprint, so that Gromash has never seen anything.” Devil Fruit Pictorial “The guy also recognized that this fruit was Thunder Fruit at a glance.

Of course, this is just a guess. It hasn’t been eaten yet. Gromash can’t say 100% sure, but if there is any other Devil Fruit that can be found on Birka, and that Devil Fruit is still inexplicably carried If there is any imprint of lightning, then it can only be said that Lu Qi himself is too unlucky, what life should be, that is

What fate.

Gromash held the Devil Fruit in his hand and turned it upside down, and asked, “We found it after all. The Logia- Thunder Fruit Joz, one of the invincible abilities, this thing~ from Where did you find it??”

Joz also smiled and found this Thunder Fruit. Of course he was also very happy. This shows that their Frostwolf Pirates will soon have a powerful Logia- Thunder Fruit capable person, and this capable person is still a way. Qi, this kind of talented Penultimate guy, Joz can already think of how powerful it will be when Lu Qi grows up in the future!

“Where else, this thing will actually appear in a hole in the forest behind. If we weren’t really determined to find it even if we cut down the entire forest, it’s not necessarily true. Can you find it, Boss Gromash, you are also a god, how do you know that it is really in Birka? To be honest, it’s almost a month, original

I want to give up a little bit. “Joz laughed-said.

“Jiehahahaha, just treat me as a prophet.” Gromash didn’t respond directly to Joz’s doubts, and Joz just asked casually, and he didn’t want to go to the bottom to figure out what was going on.

Then Gromash threw the Thunder Fruit in his hand to Lu Qi, whose eyes were full of strong desire, and then said, “Just looking at it, you are eating.

Lu Qi panicked and caught Thunder Fruit, and then said with some dissatisfaction: “What are you throwing away, if it breaks, it won’t work, I will fight you hard!!”

“Jiehahahahaha, I’m pretty big in a small tone.” Gromash also didn’t care about Lu Qi’s big words, and said with a big smile.

Although Lu Qi complained about Gromash, his heart was indeed very grateful.The name of Thunder Fruit, even his young kid, has heard of it countless times. This fruit is really enough What is called “invincible” power, if the average person gets it, he will eat it without saying a word. How can they think of Gromash like this?

Own, even if Gromash is already a capable person, once this Thunder Fruit is taken to the sea for auction, I am afraid that the World government will have to get it, because getting this fruit is equivalent to getting a piece that is not inferior to Admiral. of Headquarters’ “Highest Combat Power”!

In short, this Thunder Fruit is worth tens of billions of Baileys, and for Lu Qi, he doesn’t believe in Gromash and can’t see the value that he can see, but Gromash still doesn’t hesitate. Give it to himself, this is exactly how Gromash has invested tens of billions of Baileys in his Lu Qi, this kind of trust, how can Lu Qi not


“I will definitely be your right arm!!” Thinking of this, Lu Qi suddenly yelled at Gromash, which shocked Gromash.

“You fucking, what are you doing in a surprise, hurry up and eat.” Gromash scolded Lu Qi first, and then a trace of relief flashed in his eyes, and then he patted Lu Qi. The little head said, “Of course, I have always believed so firmly.

Although Lu Qi’s remarks were very sensational, it made Gromash a little embarrassing, but anyway, after Gromash heard Lu Qi’s words, he was very comfortable in his heart, after all, no one likes to raise a Byakugan wolf by himself, right?

Lu Qi also flashed a tear in his eyes after hearing Gromash’s encouragement. He was a little kid wandering lonely in this world. It was already hard enough. Fortunately, he met Gromash and got it from him. A place to stay, and still being so valued and trusted, even if Lu Qi is a guy with a little “distorted” psychology

, At this time, I was also moved and couldn’t help but want to cry, after all, he was just a kid.

But Lu Qi finally held back his tears. If he cried now, it would be too shameless. He is a senior, Lu Qi, how can he be ashamed in front of the younger generations?

So Lu Qi bit on Thunder Fruit and chewed it, but soon his expression became quite ugly, as if he wanted to vomit, but he didn’t dare to vomit.

At this time, Joz, Urouge, and Gromash, the three guys who had already enjoyed the taste of Devil Fruit laughed.

“Cromwell, have you filmed it??” Gromash directly shouted to Cromwell, who had just been hidden in the crowd and did not show up.

And Cromwell also just came out, raised the camera in his hand and shook it and said, “Of course, how could I miss this commemorative moment? This Lu Qi “predecessor” eats it. The expression of Thunder Fruit will become the treasure of our Frostwolf Pirates in the future, hahahahaha.

Lu Qi also reacted at this time, and their ugly photos were taken together by them. If this is not snatched quickly, it will be black history in the future.

So he was also very excited and said: “Are you still a little human?? Even a child like me is going to bully?? Give me the camera soon! !”

While Lu Qi said, he wanted to reach out and grab it, and Cromwell was also very bad-mouthed and threw the camera to Gromash.

Lu Qi also turned around and rushed towards Gromash. At this moment, Lu Qi unconsciously activated the ability of Thunder Fruit. The whole person was blown out.

Lu Qi also seemed to be frightened by his sudden burst of abilities. He ran to Gromash and stopped grabbing the camera. He hurriedly asked, “Gromash, are you okay??”

The rest of the people were also confused by this sudden change, and rushed to Gromash’s side.

And just when Lu Qi wanted to help Gromash, who had been “unconscious”, Gromash opened his eyes suddenly, put one hand on Lu Qi’s head, and then laughed and said: “Jie ha ha ha ha ha ha, as expected. It’s Thunder Fruit, not bad!!”

Lu Qi didn’t care about Gromash’s hand on his head, and asked with concern, “Are you okay??”

Gromash looked at the scorched black mark on his chest and smiled, “It’s okay, who do you think Laozi is?? Laozi is Proudmoore-Gromash, how could it be casually killed by the thunder and lightning released by your kid? ?”

Then Gromash stood up, patted the wound on his chest, and said with some emotion: “Although I am unprepared, I can only be injured by your boy suddenly coming, but I have to say, this Thunder Fruit’s attack power is really strong enough, and it really hurts.”

………………Flowers 0…

At this time, Lu Qi seemed to have recovered from the commotion just now. He touched his face in disbelief, and then said: “Am I already a Logia capable person??”

Gromash suddenly slashed Lu Qi’s head with a hand knife, and then Lu Qi was split apart, his head exploded directly, turning into a billowing thunder, and then quickly, it returned to its original shape.

And Gromash laughed and said: “It seems to be right, your kid has indeed become a Logia-Thunder Fruit capable person.

Lu Qi yelled: “Gromash, if it wasn’t for Logia, I told you to blow your head??”

“Don’t worry, I have a heavy hand, you have a concussion at most.” Gromash waved his hand indifferently, and then he ignored Lu Qi’s call, and said to the friends around him: “Everyone is the same. Give my life to me, call me the captain, then of course I can’t treat you Gromash badly, Thunder Fruit is just the beginning, in the future

This kind of benefits will increase, and our Frostwolf Pirates will become stronger and stronger. By the way, Cromwell, do you want to become a capable person??”

If Gromash wanted Cromwell to become a capable person, he would go and see if he could get some golden fruits, Op-Op Fruit, and give him the opportunity to eat.

But Cromwell waved his hand and said: “Forget it, I don’t plan to be a capable person for the time being, otherwise, I should have become a diamond fruit capable person now, after all, I found the fruit of Joz.

“Really?? Well, forget it, since you don’t plan to become a capable person for the time being, let’s do it for now, and you won’t have time to find it after you change your mind.” Gromash also said with a smile.

Then he looked at Urouge, and he was silent for a while and asked: “Urouge, Thunder Fruit, we found it. According to the agreement, we will leave here soon and give you Birka a quiet life. Therefore, we will say goodbye soon. , But although parting is always sad, it is not inevitable. For example, if you become my partner

You can go with us. This world is so big, don’t always nest in Sky Island. In that case, when you get old, you will regret it. How? How did you think about my proposal? ?”

At this time, Lu Qi intervened and said: “You can pull it down, and it is always sad to say goodbye. Believe it or not, if we walk on the front foot, Birka will start the celebration ceremony on the back foot?

Gromash was also a little annoyed by Lu Qi’s interruption. He lifted a slap and slapped Lu Qi in the back of the head, while Lu Qi ignored it and said, “I am a Logia ability now.”

However, he hadn’t finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gromash’s slap, and Gromash opened his mouth and said, “You are afraid that Laozi will still have Haki if you forgot! This love slap is indefensible.”

After Lu Qi’s play, it also relaxed the dull atmosphere just now, and Urouge also smiled and said: “You are right, the world is so big, I can’t always stay on Sky Island. , Lord Crodiar has agreed to my departure, so I will take care of it in the future, Boss Gromash!

“Jiehahahahahaha, today is really a happy day, come, have a banquet, welcome Urouge this new partner to join and the birth of Thunder Fruit ability-Lu Qi!!” Gromash also laughed after hearing Urouge’s reply. Announced. three,

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