I Am Hellscream

Chapter 771

Chapter 771 If you want the warship’s cannon to have ammunition, don’t provoke Gromash!

When Gromash uttered the words’Im-sama’, Dorag’s expression on the phone worm changed suddenly, from a smile to a serious expression.

After Gromash finished speaking, Dorag said in a deep voice, “Sure enough, you guy already knows some secrets behind the World government, Im.”

“Jiehahahahahahaha, Dorag, don’t underestimate my intelligence capabilities, okay? I have a pair of eyes that can see through the fog,” Gromash said with a proud smile.

Dorag didn’t bother to care about Gromash’s boasting. He didn’t bother to care about seeing through the misty eyes. He just asked, “How much do you know about that Eim? In fact, I invited Doflamingo to be a guest this time. I also want to inquire about related matters”

“That’s really unfortunate, Master Young Master doesn’t seem to know enough about this aspect,” Gromash said with a smile.

“This is also what I expected. After all, he was only a child when he left Mariejois. But at present, it seems that there is a turning point in your Highness. It really makes me look forward to it.” Said softly.

“Then you are also looking forward to it in vain. I don’t know much. Some things may be of interest to you. As a support between the’allies’, I will pass some documents to you later.” Gromash smiled and said. .

“What document?” Dorag asked very curiously.

“Forty years ago, the pirate overlord on the sea. How did the light of Rocks be extinguished, the Ancient Weapon in the hands of the Master in the world government, Uranus. What about Uranus? Although it is scattered, But maybe it will help you a little bit.” Gromash said with a smile.

And Dorag was silent for a while, and then said, “Thank you very much, Your Highness.

“It’s just to help each other. Using your revolutionary army to reduce some of my troubles is also a good thing for me.” Gromash said softly.

“It’s really magnanimous” Dorag said with a smile, and then before Gromash could speak, Dorag asked again: “But your Highness Gromash has a big family, so you don’t want to tell us just to give it to us. Isn’t that a little bit of support? Isn’t that what’s done in buying and selling?”

“Jiehahahaha, Dorag, if you are a businessman, maybe you will be a little bit more accomplished,” Gromash said with a big laugh.

“Perhaps, I actually wanted to be a great businessman when I was a child. So, don’t you give me some other support? Our revolutionary army is poor and we are willing to accept whatever you give.” Dora Ge smiled and spoke.

“This time I snatched Wanokuni from Kaido. Basically, all the arms business in the dark world has fallen into my hands. The dried shrimps on the other corners and corners can only be eaten behind me. The residue is gone, that is to say, my supply can be increased again. Seeing that there is still a basis for cooperation between our two sides, you

Can the life army buy more equipment from me? I’ll be merciful, and I will count the cost for you.” Gromash smiled and said.

“In addition, in the scope of cooperation, intelligence sharing is not too much, right?” Dorag said softly.

Although from the outside world, the intelligence ability of the Frostwolf Pirates can not be said to be top-notch, it can only be said to be good, but I don’t know what is going on. The more he can get his hands, Dorag really wonders if Gromash really has any “see through misty eyes”


For example, this time, one of the deepest secrets behind the world government is’Imm-sama’. This is not the news that ordinary pirates can know. He Dorag is surprised at Gromash. If he can share information with Gromash in this regard If so, maybe we can get some more favorable news?

“In the scope of cooperation? It’s nothing, it’s totally acceptable…” Gromash said softly after thinking about it.

It is not just that Dorag wants to get some information from his Gromash, why can Gromash get some intelligence from Dorag. The intelligence capabilities of the Revolutionary Army are very good in the world, otherwise it is impossible to follow. The world government’s top CIPHER-POLCP-0 has been fighting wits and courage for so many years.

“I have long heard that your Highness, your Frostwolf Pirates have many masters. I think sometimes, you can also send some people to “guide’ the actions of our revolutionary army.” Dorag smiled and said again. .

However, this time Gromash directly rejected this proposal and said, “Dorrag, it is precisely because I don’t want this situation to happen, I chose to support your revolutionary army. You will treat me as your supporter behind the scenes. That’s it, frontal combat or something, I don’t have enough manpower, why don’t you lend me a few masters to destroy Naval Headquarters?”

“Isn’t that a breach of contract? How can I make your Highness Gromash’s credibility problematic? No, no, Naval Headquarters still has to be solved by you.” Dorag also rejected Gromash’s proposal without even thinking about it.

Gromash doesn’t want to waste power on the side of the World government, why does he Dorag want to have trouble with Marine?

After a little tugging at the calf, Dorag opened his mouth and said, “When this cannon is fired, it will be golden. The next thing is not a small mess. Our revolutionary army does not have as much family business as your Royal Highness Gromash. Do you know if your Highness can support Pele or something? So that we can fire two more shots.”

“Jiehahahahahaha, you guy wants to empty the white wolf from my Gromash hand? Then you really think too much,” Gromash said with a big laugh.

“Can’t you just look at the face of your allies and help out? Credit is fine,” Dorag said again. It seems that in terms of economics, their revolutionary army is indeed very restricted.

Gromash smiled when he heard the words, and then said: “Why not? Your revolutionary army has some “commodities” in many countries, but these “commodities” can’t be’sold’. It is impossible to directly support you with financial resources. Yes, but we can do business together”

While Gromash and Dorag were talking about these corners and corners, in the Naval Headquarters-Marshal’s office in New World, a group of CP-0 members dressed in mourning clothes were talking to Sakazuki, Marine’s. What is the generals arguing about.

“Sakazuki, it was an immature idea to deal with the Revolutionary Army and the Frostwolf Pirates at the same time. Those damn Revolutionary Army dared to declare war on the Celestial Dragons. They are challenging the majesty of the “God”. They are the most powerful at the moment. Threatening enemies, we should concentrate our efforts to deal with them!” A CP-0 member wearing a fancy mask

Speaking unceremoniously to Sakazuki, from that tone, he should have a good status in CP-0, otherwise it is impossible to speak to Sakazuki, the big boss of Marine.

After Sakazuki looked at the masked man, he said in a deep voice, “Heiyan, you bastard also give me careful consideration. The Frostwolf Pirates have joined forces with the Revolutionary Army. In terms of threat, you can Are you sure they will not continue to cooperate on this kind of thing? Treat the Frostwolf Pirates and the Revolutionary Army as the same enemy as a whole.

The most correct choice”

In fact, what Sakazuki said is reasonable, but CP-0 seems to have something unspeakable behind this matter, and Sakazuki also keenly discovered this problem, so his eyes became a little darker, and he said: “You guys, do you have an agreement with the Frostwolf Pirates? That Gromash

But it is very insidious and cunning. Any agreement with him is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger!!”

“Sakazuki, pay attention to your words, we CP-0 are not your subordinates, and we don’t need your guidance to do anything to do!!!” The guy codenamed “Black Tan” said in a deep voice.

Sakazuki’s expression has also become more gloomy when he hears this. It seems that there may be some ulterior secrets behind this. Do you CP-0 people have problems with their brains? Who do you not work well with, you have to follow Gromash collaboration?

But soon, the CP-0 guy with the code name Heiyan denied Sakazuki’s idea, and said in a deep voice: “This matter is not as simple as you think, Sakazuki, if Kaido and Beasts Pirates are still there, we I will support your current proposal, but after Kaido fell, Wanokuni was taken over by Gromash, our throat

I was stuck. This is one of the reasons why the wind direction above will change. We need a period of time to deal with internal problems. Only after the internal problems are solved can we truly unscrupulously manage Point the finger at the Frostwolf Pirates!!!”

Sakazuki frowned, and asked angrily: “What the hell is the problem with us? What did he do with Gromash?Heiyan glanced at Sakazuki, then sighed and said, “The two largest munitions suppliers in the dark world have been combined into one. Isn’t that troublesome enough? Take your Marine as an example. Eighty percent of his weapons and equipment were obtained from the dark world, and now, Kaido has fallen, and his Gromash is the weapon of the dark world.

Dragon Head, once you go to war with him at this time, he will definitely use this advantage to disintegrate your Marine’s power! Don’t you understand?”

Sakazuki was stunned when he heard this. Then his eyes burst into anger, and he asked: “With the big World government, it can’t even match a pirate in arms manufacturing? Our magnificent Marine’s. The armed forces are controlled by the pirates? Don’t you CP-0 people handle these internal affairs? It turned out to be like this?”

“Shut up, Sakazuki, I’ll say it again. We CP-0 are not your subordinates. Please pay attention to your attitude and tone. Regarding this matter, we will solve it in the shortest possible time. We have not resolved this. Before the event, as long as you still want Marine’s warships to have shells to launch, it is best not to provoke the Frostwolf Pirates!” Hei Tan said in a deep voice.

Said Min.

Although the military forces of Marine and World government are basically necked by the Frostwolf Pirates, they can still get out of this predicament as long as they are given a period of time.Gromash once told Kuzan before, The World government is not incapable of making munitions, on the contrary, the craftsmanship is even more powerful than their Frostwolf Pirates

Yes, it’s just because the internals are really too corrupt. The above allocates one billion to make arms. In the end, it can be effectively implemented that 100 million can be considered (no good). These moths are merciful.

So where can I make up for the vacancies in the arms? Of course it is bought from the dark world. Pele, who is allocated by the World government to make arms, is not as good as it is to buy. It is cheap and cost-effective. That’s why they raised Gromash and Kaido. The fat and strong.

Kaido used to fight against Gromash. The World government didn’t worry about anything. Sakazuki wanted to fight the Frostwolf Pirates. Arms can be bought from Kaido, but now Kaido is kneeling. The Gromash family is now the only one, so you can’t follow suit. If you shoot casually, the outside world can’t count on it, so CP-0 will inevitably be in the shortest time.

Here, the arms manufacturing department of the World government was “moved”. Of course, if anyone dared to play some tricks at this moment, don’t blame them for their CP-0 shots.

After CP-0 has cleared up this internal problem, the munitions project will no longer be stuck in the neck, and then we can truly have the confidence to fight the Frostwolf Pirates!

After saying these words, the CP-0 people didn’t stay here at Sakazuki. They didn’t want to pay much attention to Sakazuki, turned around and opened the door and left.

And Sakazuki’s expression was also very gloomy, looking at the door, not knowing what he was thinking.

The Chief Staff Officer Tsuru also stood up a little helplessly and shook his head and said, “It seems we need to wait for a while, but it won’t be too long. The CP-0 people are still very efficient on this critical issue.”

“Every day’s time spent for no reason, our chances of victory are gradually decreasing.. The assholes and idiots in the world government should be sent to Enies Lobby by us!!” Sakazuki cursed in a deep voice.

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