I Am Hellscream

Chapter 770

Chapter 770 Why don’t I, Gromash, want to be a great revolutionary?

After hearing what Gromash said, Dorag was silent for a while, and then said: “Although our revolutionary army has declared war on the World government and Celestial Dragons, it will take some time to proceed steadily, and Bartholemew-Bear Although he was rescued, it still takes a while to adjust his state. At the same time, there are some secrets.

The matters need to be implemented first. In short ”

“Anyway, I need to wait for a while, right?” Gromash whispered softly, then paused for a while, and then said again: “As I said just now, it’s okay to ask me to wait for a while, but Dorag , The Wanokuni incident and the Mariejois incident must have exposed our relationship to the World government and Marine

So you have to think about this. Not only do I need a quick fight, but you also need to disrupt their rhythm.”

Dorag smiled, and then said: “I still understand this truth, so I will speed up the pace here, don’t worry, you won’t let you wait too long.”

“Jiehahahahaha, then I’m looking forward to it.” Gromash laughed and said, after laughing, Gromash seemed to remember something, and asked: “There is something that I haven’t confirmed with you. Yes, now, I also need to get an accurate answer from you.”

When Dorag heard Gromash’s words, he also smiled and said, “I don’t know if your Highness has any doubts that I need to answer?

“Two Nine Three”

“What is your revolutionary army going to do?” Gromash asked softly.

Dorag was really taken aback when he was asked this time. Before he could respond to anything, Gromash continued: “Perhaps I should make it clear that your revolutionary army is going to completely destroy the World government. Is it? Or maybe…”

“Ahahahahahaha, it is really a sharp question, Your Highness Gromash.” Dorag laughed suddenly this time.

Gromash didn’t speak, but waited quietly for Dorag’s answer from the phone worm.

And after laughing, Dorag calmed down his thoughts, and then said in a deep voice, “Our revolutionary army is also on the side of order. At this point, it is opposed to the chaos of your pirates… What I want to bring is a beautiful future, not a ruined future. What the world needs is change, not destruction. I say this, Yidian

Under your wisdom, you should understand how far our revolutionary army has to be, right?”

Gromash picked up his teacup, took a sip, and then said softly, “So I understand.”

The meaning of Dorag’s remarks is already very obvious.Their revolutionary army is also part of the order camp. The revolution initiated is also provoked in the order camp.’The war is different from the pirates like Gromash. They hope that the world can become better, not to make the world chaotic, disorderly, and ruined.

In other words, Dorag did not completely push the idea of ​​destroying the world government. His idea should be to destroy the “legal reason” of the world government and then establish a new “center”.

The’legal rationality’ of World government now lies in the’Celesial Dragons’ class. Eight hundred years ago, twenty kings founded World government, an international organization. With the passage of time, their descendants are called ‘Celestial Dragons have great power in the international organization of World government. It can even be said that World government is here for these Celestial Dragons.

What is the root of all this? It is that Celestial Dragons represents the “orthodox” legal principle of World government. With the support of Celestial Dragons, it marks the rationality and legitimacy of the existence of World government. At the same time, World government’s The highest power must also be in the hands of Celestial Dragons. This is the origin of Five Elders, and behind this huge international organization

, And also has a behind-the-scenes man-Lord Yim.

These are the shortcomings of the World government, but if you remove these shortcomings, the 20 kings of 800 years ago have made some achievements in other aspects. The islands in each sea area are connected, so that more countries have the opportunity to communicate with each other and establish diplomatic relations or cooperation.

For example, the World Summit they set up is also very meaningful. It is indeed discussing things that guide the world. The accumulation of the power of more than 170 participating countries is indeed exceptionally strong, symbolizing’equality and freedom’. The Void Throne is also very meaningful, and its Marine is even more so. It is defending the order and stability of the sea. These are all worlds.

The positive impact brought by the world government.

It’s just that with the passage of eight hundred years, this huge World government has become degenerate and decayed.On the surface, it maintains the banner of justice and orthodoxy. The darkness in the back is truly unmatched. The darkness is still there. Slowly devouring the whole world, if no one came to stop all of this, one day, the world would be eroded by darkness.

It seems that it is precisely because Dorag saw these and saw through them that he formed a revolutionary army. The revolution he brought with the revolutionary army to set off now seems to be not intended to completely destroy the World government.

Gromash heard from his words just now, what Dorag wants is change, it is a change in order, not chaos, this world government will degenerate, after all, it will still be on the side of order, and Dorag wants to change It is the entire World government. What he wants to destroy is the upper-level organization of the World government. To put it simply, he wants to destroy the World government.

The “legal rationality” then changed the boss of the World government.

Gromash can also understand Dorag’s thoughts. If he is replaced by Gromash to do this, perhaps the whole World government will be given to the whole world. After all, he is a pirate, as long as his own territory is not chaotic, He doesn’t care what the whole world is in chaos. How many people will die in this? To put it bluntly, what is it to do with him?

What Dorag wants is to amend the international organization of the World government, remove the corruption, decay, and the so-called’gods’ that shouldn’t exist in it, kick the’root cause’ of Celestial Dragons out of the world government and then Eliminate them and bring out the “truth, goodness, beauty” that the huge organization of World government should have.

So Gromash has understood at this time what Dorag and the revolutionary army are going to do, that is, to destroy the ruling class of the World government and amplify the positive influence of the World government in other aspects, such as World Summit and so on, from top to bottom. Change the functions of the World government and turn it into a justice organization that leads the world to a better future

Although Gromash thinks this idea is a bit too idealistic, but it has to be said that this is a revolution in the true sense of the word, instead of setting off destruction.

After Gromash put down the tea cup in his hand, he smiled and said, “I said, you never thought about doing it more thoroughly, and then building a new “World government” yourself? After all, I feel that this will be more thorough, you It’s also convenient for a lot of things and a lot easier, isn’t it?”

Dorrag smiled after hearing Gromash’s words, and then he said, “So, you guys are still a pirate, do you want to do anything to achieve your goals? Do you think you are actually talking to Sakazuki? Very similar? It’s just that he is for his justice, and you are for your benefit.”

“Jiehahahahaha, this is really the first time someone said I look like that bastard Sakazuki,” Gromash said with a big smile after hearing what Dorag said.

“In essence, you are indeed very similar, but Gromash, perhaps as you said, if I do that, things will be much more convenient and simpler, but at the same time, there will be a lot of death and chaos. During the period, I don’t know how many innocent people will die, and sacrifice for this destruction and reconstruction, but I chose this other path

Although it will be a lot longer, although it will be a lot more complicated, and although it will be a lot of trouble, in the end, the sacrifice and destruction will be much less. My ideal is to make this world better, and at the same time, I also hope that this world To avoid tragedies, the most important point is that I am not your pirate, how can I be so simple and crude?

What about violence?” Dorag smiled and said 0.

“Ah, is this the gap between idealists and us laymen? It’s up to you. Anyway, this matter doesn’t have much to do with me, doesn’t it?” Gromash asked with a smile and teasing.

“Then you have to ask?” Dorag said with a smile.

“Curious, do you understand? Before I support your revolutionary army, I have to figure out what your purpose is, right? Now that I understand it, I have solved many doubts in my heart. After all, what you are going to destroy is Celestial Dragons. Class, the decadent bureaucratic class, not the entire World government, right?” Gromash smiled and asked.Dorrag was silent for a while, and then said: “Although you are a bit rough, it is generally not wrong. Our declaration of war this time, more generally speaking, is a declaration of war on Celestial Dragons.”

Then, before Gromash could speak, Dorag asked very curiously: “But listening to your highness, are you going to support our revolutionary army? This really surprised me, how? Are you also a person with the world in mind?”

“Jiehahahahahahaha, isn’t that natural? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Actually, Gromash doesn’t want to become a great revolutionary? It’s just that I was about to step on the wrong side and embarked on the path of a pirate, in essence. On, I also want to make this world a better place in my heart, trust me” Gromash is very cheeky

Said shamefully.

After hearing what Gromash said, Dorag was also very helpless. Putting this in another way, maybe he still considers Dorag to come to the true and false conclusions, but if Gromash is saying this, He Dorrag didn’t even believe a word in it, would Gromash have the world in his heart? That was really a bullshit.

Therefore, after listening to Gromash’s bragging about himself, Dorag said unceremoniously, “I understand the cosmetics on the surface, so what’s the real reason?”

Gromash, who was originally satiated, was awkwardly stunned when he heard what Dorag said. Then he took a sip from his teacup to ease his embarrassment, and then said, “You guys really are If you don’t leave me any affection, can’t it be considered that I really have the world in my heart?”

“On the surface, I can think like this, but I can’t get your real 4.1 idea behind me. How can I feel at ease?” Dorage said with a smile.

“There is really no trust at all,” Gromash murmured softly.

“In this regard, you are a pirate, I am a revolutionary army, but you are different from each other but want to conspire with each other. You said that you have the world in mind, and I can believe it. Honestly, what is your idea? How suddenly Change your attention to support the actions of our revolutionary army?” Dorag asked softly from the phone worm.

And Gromash was also silent for a while, and then he said: “Originally, I would not participate in the disputes between you people. As long as you don’t provoke me, who is the master of this World government? To me, it’s all the same, but recently I have felt something wrong, maybe even if I don’t provoke global politics.

House, the group of bastards in the World government will also come to trouble me. It just so happens that I like to take the initiative to attack… So before the World government troubles me, I have to make some trouble for him. Okay, so I am going to support your revolutionary army or something.

“Did you find anything?” Dorag asked in a deep voice.

There was a smile on Gromash’s mouth, and then he spoke softly: “The King of the World-Lord Yim, who sits high on the Void Throne, may have regarded me as a light that should be extinguished. Unfortunately, I like to glow and heat and want to extinguish me, and it depends on whether the wind is strong enough!”.

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