I Am Hellscream

Chapter 754

Chapter 754 Who is covering whom?

With a smile, Fujitora quickly brought a group of Marine generals in the elevator back to the ground of Mariejois from the rock wall of the Red Line. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator door, Fujitora smiled and quickly took the Short in his hand. Sword was unsheathed, and the next second, the powerful gravity waved the wine out of his hand, and then, the gravity seemed to’hit a wall’ in the air.

Like, it smashed an invisible force suddenly.

“Wind pressure” Fujitora murmured softly with a smile, and then looked blindly at a roof not far away.

The flying squirrel Vice Admiral and others who followed Fujitora smiled also looked there, and then their expressions changed, as if they were facing a big enemy.

“I thought it was the Frostwolf Pirates. Unexpectedly, you, an unexpected character, Dorag.” Vice Admiral whispered softly.

The Huoshaoshan, who also stood beside Vice Admiral, said in a deep voice, “This timing is too coincidental. If the Revolutionary Army really wants to do something in Mariejois, it should wait for us to leave. It’s more convenient to do it again, isn’t it? If you do it at such a moment, on the contrary, there is a feeling of holding us back. Maybe”

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral said this, Fujitora smiled. Marine Admiral has followed his words and continued: “Or a lot of Mr. Rager, you have already joined hands with the Gromash, right? This is really terrible news, a big crisis. ”

After hearing the words of the Marine generals, Dorag, wearing a noble costume, also smiled at the corners of his mouth and said: “When you meet for the first time, smile Admiral, I can’t answer your question just now, forgive me. After all, it is. The secret matter of our revolutionary army, but one thing can be said, I don’t know if Admiral and the rest of you

Can Mr. Vice Admiral enjoy the face and have afternoon tea with you?”

Dorag used to be Marine, and he didn’t know each other Vice Admiral and Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral, but this smile of Fujitora was his first formal communication, and after hearing Dorag’s words, Fujitora smiled softly. He sighed and said: “If at other times, the old man would really want to have tea and chat with you in 293rd Dorage, but

I’m afraid it won’t work today, because the old man and others have a task and cannot be invited. Therefore… I don’t know if you can ask Mr. Dorag you to retreat here?

After hearing Fujitora’s refusal with a smile, Dorag smiled and said, “That’s really a pity. Since Admiral smiled and didn’t want it, I can only force it to stay.”

As soon as Dorag’s voice fell, the whole scene fell silent. Only a breeze blew from this place from time to time. The two sides fell into this silence for a while, and the atmosphere became more tense.

At this time, Fujitora’s smile is quite “eggs pain”. He didn’t want to come to Mariejois very much. He also wanted to exchange for Polusalino’s old salted fish, but Polusalino did not have “overtime pay”. In the case of’and allowance’, relying on being an veteran in the current three Admiral, he is reluctant to do this kind of’field missions, and spends all day in Naval Headquarters.

Check in, drink tea, read the newspaper.

And Fujitora smiled and didn’t want to come to Mariejois for two reasons.On the one hand, although he has never been to Mariejois, after joining Marine, he also has a certain understanding of Mariejois. It’s so dark and filthy, he doesn’t come here, but he thinks “I can’t see, my heart is not upset”

Although his eyes are no longer visible.

On the other hand, if there is a big change in Mariejois, Fujitora smiles and it can be said that he can’t exert much strength at all. In Dressrosa, his strength has been severely restricted, and in Mariejois, he is fundamentally restricted. There is no way to use too many abilities, the restriction is even more serious, at least he is in Dressrosa

He can also pull a meteorite from the ground to’bluff’. If he pulls a meteorite in Mariejois, Dorag probably laughs out loud and has to give him a pennant. After that, he should stop being Marine Admiral and switch to the revolutionary army!

If Fujitora smiled and was able to shoot with all his strength, he would definitely destroy the world at will. This must either be on a desert island, (abeb) must be on the battlefield, or in a den of thieves, anyway, no matter what the conditions are. Mariejois, known as the “Holy Land” of the political, economic, and cultural center of the World government, is definitely not in line with it.

If it wasn’t for the final’abolishment’ of Seven Warlords of the Sea at the World Summit, Fujitora smiled and really didn’t want to come, but after this time, he hadn’t opened the’abolishment of Seven Warlords of the Sea’. The issue of the’system’ was handed over to Garp Vice Admiral, and then he was ready to return to New World to start the war, but it turned out to be good.

At this kind of moment, he certainly couldn’t pat his butt and leave, otherwise Five Elders would have to vomit blood.

“It’s really a headache situation. Recently, the old man’s fortune is really bad. Will he lose every bet?” Fujitora smiled and whispered softly, putting his hand on the Short Sword on his waist again.

Then Fujitora smiled and didn’t make a direct shot. Instead, he said to Vice Admiral, who was next to him, “Look at what the Green Bull guy is doing? I don’t believe he can’t see that Mariejois has something to do and report it to Marshal Sakazuki by the way. ”

The voice mouse Vice Admiral nodded when he heard the words, then took a look at Dorag, then turned and left here quickly, but Dorag did not stop anything. The two sides were in a stalemate like this, and Fujitora smiled and was not ready to take action now. He’s throwing the pot too

Mariejois happened to this kind of thing. Last time I was arbitrarily in Dressrosa, I did not do well enough, which caused a great conflict between our two sides. Then, this time I will give you the right to make the decision to Marshal Sakazuki. If you say Marshal Sakazuki Regardless of this, if you continue to perform the task and go to New World to find the trouble with Gromash, then I didn’t smile.

There must be some conflict with Dorag here, I can’t finish running without turning around?

If your Grand Marshal Sakazuki asks us to deal with this Mariejois matter, please send someone who can use it to support it. If it doesn’t work, give me a permission to “take it all out”. Anyway, I am. The second time is that you won’t be’arbitrary’ anymore. Whatever your grand marshal said, my little brother who is a part-time worker will just do it.

If Sakazuki knows that Fujitora smiles and prepares to’shake the pot’ to him at this time, it is estimated that he will be able to spit out two or two blood. It is really the Admiral from the’civil’, and there is no professionalism at all!

At the same time, in the headquarters building of the World government, the five bad old men of the Five Elders were getting together with an angry expression, constantly getting news from the people they were working on.

“There is no problem with the royal families of the World Summit, right? Continue to guard, I heard that the guy Garp is there? Let him take responsibility for me over there!”

“Have you not seen a large-scale organization action? It means that this is likely to be a premeditated’terrorist attack”..”

“Nowadays, don’t even know the identity of the Lord? What is the use of you?? What? It is likely to be a natural change of the weather? Shoot me on the spot the guy who proposed this possibility!!! You don’t have Brains???”

As soon as Five Elders spoke to the phone bug, there was a huge explosion directly on the moving trail. The lanky Five Elders who was holding the phone worm in his face sank, and he whispered angrily at the phone worm, “If you asshole dare to tell

If the explosion that I had just now was caused by natural changes, I will throw all of your waste out of the Red Line!!!”

“Extremely sorry, Lord Five Elders!”

“Huh, hurry up and give me action!!! Find out the cause of the explosion just now, find out who dared to make these troubles in our holy land-Mariejois, call me back to deal with those Marines who were about to leave just now The situation!!!” Five Elders roared at the phone bug.

After speaking, he also didn’t bother to listen to the explanation there, and directly hung up the phone worm.

After hanging up the phone worm, the chubby Five Elders next to him said directly: “The timing is too coincidental, right? Marine has just acted on this side, and this kind of thing happened immediately. I want to say this. The change has nothing to do with the Frostwolf Pirates, do you believe it?””

“With that Gromash’s head, he would think of this step, it is simply too normal, and you should understand what I am worried about now?” The Five Elders who is wearing a saber in his hand is very gloomy. ‘S opening asked softly.

As soon as his voice fell, the faces of the other four Five Elders also became gloomy. Why did the Five Elders who called the worm rush to confirm the identity of the planner behind this incident? thing.

If this Mariejois matter was caused by some cadres of the Frostwolf Pirates, it would be better to say that this shows that Gromash is delaying Marine’s footsteps “by its own strength”

“If members of the Revolutionary Army were carrying out this operation, they would have fallen into the worst situation, because that might well explain it.”

“Dorager of the Revolutionary Army and Gromash of the Frostwolf Pirates have joined forces. It is indeed very bad!”

The Five Elders here are still worried about this kind of thing. The next second, the door of their office was knocked quickly, and then the five of them sank and said in unison: “Come in.

As soon as the voice fell, a guy in a black suit rushed in with a flustered expression. Before Five Elders could speak to inquire, the guy spoke very quickly and said, “Master Five Elders, Marine has a message. Here comes the news, the rebels-the leader of the revolutionary army, the world’s most murderous criminal-Monkey-D-Dorag has appeared

In the elevator waiting area to New World, I am stalemate with Admiral of Headquarters-Fujitora-smile.”

After hearing the news reported by this guy, the hearts of the Five Elders were cold. What’s so special, what are they afraid of, what are they coming, here is just worried about the joint venture between the Revolutionary Army and the Frostwolf Pirates, and sure enough. For a second, the so-so Dorag, the guy who has been mysterious for so many years and refused to show up, appeared directly in Mariejois.

Ordinary actions, in his capacity, did not appear here at all. Isn’t it necessary? Relating to the time point of this incident, it should be said that Dorage did not wear a pair of pants with Gromash, and the Five Elders fight I didn’t believe it to death.

“Damn bastard, have you really gotten to this point???”

“Yangmou, there is no way to avoid it.”

At this time, Five Elders fully understands what Dorag’s intention is here, and also fully understands what the bastard of Gromash, who is far away in Wanokuni, is thinking, but now the situation is just like what one of the Five Elders said just now. , It’s a conspiracy, and it is inevitable. If you Five Elders really dare to be cruel, let Marine ignore so much leisure.

Evacuate from the Holy Land. Mariejois, then when I am willing to gamble and lose, the question is, do you dare?

Of course, the Five Elders dare not. This is a very dangerous bet. At present, I don’t know if Dorag is here only to help Gromash delay Marine’s footsteps, or whether it’s the same as a “smoke bomb”. “Misleading’ them, let them leave Marine more firmly?

If there is any other plan behind Dorag’s action, it will not be so fast when he wants to transfer Marine back. This is equivalent to taking the economic, political, and cultural center of the World government, the holy land- Mariejois’ life or death is to bet on who is covering for whom, Dorag and Gromash.

After all, it is also very possible that Gromash will attack Kaido over there to transfer the Holy Land, Mariejois’ Marine power, to cooperate with Dorag’s revolutionary army to carry out some big plan actions, isn’t it??

In this case, it’s weird for Five Elders to gamble, so before we can thoroughly figure out what the bastard Dorag is doing in Mariejois, the Five Elders absolutely dare not let the power of Marine leave Mariejois. of!.

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