I Am Hellscream

Chapter 753

Chapter 753 Mariejois is up!

After Dorrag finished speaking, he gently hung up the phone worm in his hand. He believed that Sabo would understand what he meant.

This time their revolutionary army is not playing around, but is going to go to full-scale war with the World government, which has ruled the world for eight hundred years. The risks and difficulties of this are how great, Dorag himself can’t estimate. Clearly, therefore, at this moment, as the leader of the revolutionary army, he must put the interests of the revolutionary army as the top priority in everything.

To maximize.

For this reason, when Ivankov mentioned his son, Luffy, the pirate’s straw hat, was likely to be used by Gromash or even dangerous when Wanokuni was used. Important cooperation.

At this moment, Dorag weighed the pros and cons, and after all, he put the Bartholemew-bear after the importance of Gromash. In today’s situation, compared with Gromash, it is still a bit inferior.

Even if they can successfully rescue Bartholemew-bear, can they count on Bartholemew-bear alone to block Naval Headquarters? Obviously, even if Bartholemew-bear is called “invincible violent-kun, he cannot do it.” One step, no one in this world can dare to say that he can hold the entire Naval Headquarters alone.

Now, the new Naval Headquarters led by Sakazuki is stronger than the previous Naval Headquarters. Therefore, at this moment, as the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag can only be cruel and “keep it.” “Gromash this’big one’, and then go to try our best to keep the “small” Bartholemew-bear.

Judging from the fact that Dorag was able to make such a decisive and cruel decision without hesitation at this critical moment, it is not impossible that the revolutionary army has developed into such a powerful “rebel force” in his hands for two decades. Reason.

On the other side, Sabo also looked at the hung-up phone worm in 01 in his hand.As the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, of course he also understood the meaning of Dorag’s last sentence, that is, Marine has become more powerful. , So Gromash is more important to them, and its importance to the revolutionary army is more than that of rescuing its own partner-Pakistan.

Solomi-bear, this is the right choice that Dorag should make as the leader!

“Damn it!” Sabo cursed fiercely, seeming to be complaining about his incompetence, but in the end he also bit the bullet and said to Tiger and others next to him: “Prepare to act, create chaos, and involve Marine here. Damn the power of Mariejois, I will rescue Mr. Big Bear”

Tiger took a deep look at Sabo, and then said: “Sabo, this world is so cruel. Many things require painful choices, but this choice will eventually bring the future we are looking for. The idea of ​​letting everyone not be “injured” is an extremely irresponsible idea. It is an ending that only appears in the story.

After hearing Tiger’s words, Sabo nodded heavily and said, “I understand, Mr. Tiger… I’ll beg you over there.”

When Tiger saw that Sabo hadn’t gotten into the horns, he also smiled, and said, “Don’t worry, leave it to me, isn’t it just creating chaos in Mariejois? I know this, after all, I am not doing this kind of thing for the first time.”

At the same time, the Marine generals who were gathering near Mariejois’s station and boarded a huge elevator preparing to descend to the port under the Red Line to return to the new Naval Headquarters were also chatting about something.

Looking at the scene outside the elevator, Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel, held his arms and spoke to the burning mountain nearby.

“He is a pirate, and we are Marine. Isn’t that a matter of course? For more than two or two decades, we don’t know how much grievances have happened between us and him. If it can be resolved this time, I think I will be almost the same. It’s time to retire,” Huo Shaoshan Vice Admiral smiled while biting a smoking cigar and said softly.

“Retire? You guy is in the prime of life. If you want to retire so early, you won’t be approved. Of course, if you suffer a serious injury, you may be able to apply, such as missing arms and legs.” Vice Admiral He laughed and teased Vice Admiral at Huoshaoshan.

While Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral looked at the scenery in the distance, and then whispered softly: “Flying squirrel, be an enemy of Gromash, and fight the Frostwolf Pirates. In the end, it can be counted as a lack of arms and legs. Lucky, isn’t it?”

Flying squirrel Vice Admiral also fell silent a bit after hearing what the Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral said.They are the powerful Vice Admiral of Naval Headquarters, the elite Vice Admiral, and they are undoubtedly the mainstay of Naval Headquarters, facing the general. Small group, miscellaneous fish pirates or something, they only need to use Marine’s general momentum to crush the past, but in the face of the Frostwolf Pirates

With guys like Gromash, they are about to go to the front line to do it themselves, and as the Vice Admiral of Marine’s strength, they will also be the backbone of the fight against the Frostwolf Pirates. When the sword is on the battlefield, there will be no eyes. The masters in the pirate group are not so easy to deal with. This time the expedition will sacrifice some Vice Admiral there, which is simply too normal.

Maybe it’s the last time I embarked on the journey.

However, even though I understand that these people are likely to die, the Voice Mouse Vice Admiral still speaks very firmly: “All this is for justice, isn’t it? Since I joined Marine”

Having said this, Voice Mouse Vice Admiral turned his head and glanced at Vice Admiral, then smiled and continued: “Since the day I joined Marine, I have been prepared to sacrifice for justice. ”

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral also smiled and said, “What a coincidence, so am I.”

When the two were chatting about this kind of thing, Fujitora smiled and walked into the huge elevator originally prepared for the giants, and then looked at the Marine generals in the elevator, a little confused. He asked: “Where is Green Bull Admiral?”

“Green Bull Admiral took the hawks and the neutral guys and went down first. It is estimated that he has arrived at the port by now?” Vice Admiral said with a smile.

“So, it seems that the old man is too slow, but who told me to have a lot of things to hand over with Mr. Garp?” Fujitora smiled and said.

As soon as this guy entered the elevator, the door of the elevator began to close slowly, and then gradually descended slowly along the rock wall of the Red Line.

At this moment, he smiled with Admiral’s blind eyes but suddenly looked out of the elevator glass, then frowned, and said softly, “Something is wrong…”

After he finished speaking, the flying squirrel Vice Admiral also said in a deep voice: “There is indeed something wrong…”

“Today’s wind is a bit loud.” Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral murmured softly while looking at the situation outside.

Just the second after the three of them spoke, Mariejois, the sacred place that was still windy and sunny, changed his face in an instant. The bubble balloon on the elevator of a dozen Marine generals blew up, and the entire elevator basically relied on this thing. The balloon exploded.

, The elevator directly lost its power, and it slammed into the bottom of the Red Line with a sudden drop.If it hits the sea or the ground of the port at this height, none of the people in this elevator will survive.

At the same time, Dorag on Mariejois is standing on a lighthouse not far from the descending elevator watching the scene just now. At the same time, his hands are also touching something on his chest, as if between his hands. It was like a ball, but soon, the power of the wind began to condense between his hands, and then, it became a

Storm Orb…

“Mariejois.. Today is a windy day” Dorag whispered softly, and then pushed with both hands, all the power of the wind gathered in his hands was pushed out by him, and in the next second, it dissipated on him. In front of, immediately afterwards, the situation suddenly changed

The entire Mariejois set off a strong wind, and then the thin clouds in the sky began to condense quickly. After a while, the sky above Mariejois became densely clouded, and some lightning could even be seen passing through the clouds from time to time. A storm came so suddenly on this holy land, like a god angry, heaven

The robbery has arrived in general.

At the same time that Dorag started his hands, Sabo and the others watched the sudden change of weather, and as they received the signal, they quickly began to act. Bartholemew-The bear was rescued, and Tiger took Morrie, a giant capable person, from the ground to dive into the’automatic trail’ to liberate one

Let’s go and stir up the chaos first.

On the other side, in the elevator that was smashing down the Red Line’s rock wall toward the port and the sea under the acceleration of gravity, Fujitora laughed. This Marine Admiral also quickly shot, and I saw the Short Sword in his hand slightly. A little bit out of the sheath, an inexplicable energy fluctuation spread out from his body, and the elevator that was still falling at the moment

It returned to stability, and this staggered force almost didn’t make the flying squirrels Vice Admiral all fall out.

“Fortunately, we chose to wait for Admiral to leave with you. Otherwise, I’m afraid we will end up with a crushed bone.” After the voice mouse Vice Admiral stood firm, he smiled while holding the elevator glass, and said softly.

However, Fujitora smiled and this guy didn’t take it seriously. After hundreds of battles, what kind of big scene hasn’t been seen? You won’t be too flustered at all. If you break the elevator Moonwalk, it will be over?

“It looks like something went wrong. I didn’t expect to leave Mariejois, it would be a little troublesome,” Fujitora said softly with a smile. At the same time, the elevator did not start to descend, but instead rose up, and started to return to Mariejois on the Red Line.

And Vice Admiral also straightened his bow tie, and said softly: “Ah yes, Admiral may not be clear with a smile. In fact, since our Marine and Gromash have been entangled with each other for more than 20 years, we really haven’t How did you take the lead? But this kind of thing happened at this kind of moment.

If Romash doesn’t matter, I really don’t believe it!”

“The war with the Frostwolf Pirates may be said to have started from this moment. That guy is such a terrifying person.” Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral also spit out a soft smoke.

Fujitora smiled. After hearing the words of Vice Admiral and Vice Admiral of Huoshaoshan, he also sighed softly, and said, “I really don’t want to be an enemy of such a difficult guy, but for justice, I can only be tough. I’m on my scalp.”

In a certain street in the Holy Land-Mariejois, a thin figure is also watching this sudden change of circumstances. This figure is Jewelry-Poni, the fellow who also secretly sneaked into the Holy Land-Mariejois.

“Although I don’t know what’s going on, it’s the right time for me to act. I must save that guy!” Pony looked at the sky and said softly. As soon as the voice fell, she said. I swallowed all the remaining half of the pizza in my hands, and then wiped my mouth with my hands indiscriminately.

Ran in the direction of.

In the courtyard outside the venue of the World Summit, Marine Admiral just laughed with Fujitora. The Marine Admiral handed over all the relevant matters. Garp Vice Admiral, who was going to return to the New World to participate in the battle after the World Summit, was holding the quilt. After crushing half of the senbei, he looked up at the cloudy sky.

I saw him frowning and whispering softly: “Dorager, you kid still coming after all? But the timing is too coincidental, right?”.

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