I Am Hellscream

Chapter 711

Chapter 711 The enlightenment of Master Young Master!

When Gromash saw Doflamingo, at this time Doflamingo was wearing his iconic youth idol singer’s costume, the flamboyant pink feather coat was draped over his shoulders, and the whole person was tilted up. Sitting on the sofa next to the big swimming pool, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, wearing his little orange sunglasses, hanging on his face

With a smile, the mood seems to be very good. From time to time, I have to look at the bikini beauties who are frolicking in the swimming pool.

When Gromash saw Doflamingo, Doflamingo naturally saw Gromash too. He smiled and waved to Gromash and said, “Are you here???”

Listening to this, Gromash is a little bit pitiful, what’s the situation??? In this situation, there is a feeling that he is a guest at Doflamingo’s house, are you so relaxed??? Young master, you front Didn’t I just break the halberd and sink into the sand in two days???

“Hey, you bastard, you really treat this place as your own home??? If I remember correctly, this is my uncle’s pool villa??? Why are you becoming the host instead???” Gromash looked at Doflamingo who didn’t treat himself as an outsider at all, and shook his head helplessly, and walked towards him with a smile and teasing.

The young master smiled, took out an empty wine glass from the table in front of the sofa, and then reached out and poured a glass of red wine, set it aside, and then said: “You guys have miserable me this time. , Of course I want to get some cheaper from your Uncle Gromash, this pool villa is very good, it is very similar to my dressrosa, it’s better to give it away

Give it to me???”

Gromash walked over, sat down beside Doflamingo, picked up the red wine glass from the table, and drank for a while, then smiled and said, “If you like, just take it and live it. Who called you homeless??? But we are all familiar, if you talk like that, I still sue you for slander, you play with yourself

The boat is out, how can I say that I pit you so badly???”

It is rare for Doflamingo, the young master, to ask Gromash for something. It’s just a place to stay. If he likes it, Gromash can send him it. Is the internal welfare not over???

“The smell of furfurfurfur, you guy really put himself aside. The feeling of being locked up in the prison of your own palace is not uncomfortable. I am easy to think about it when I feel uncomfortable. I have understood all the doors and all of them. Let alone the revolutionary army, they probably have nothing to do with you, which is just an accident.

, But that Trafalgar-Ro, the Straw Hat Pirates and Admiral from Naval Headquarters will appear in Dresrosa, you probably know it a lot earlier than I know??? Their purpose, you bastard, too It’s all clear but by the way, you didn’t even remind me, this really makes me sad, the relationship for so many years is like this

Isn’t it worth mentioning???” Doflamingo smiled and raised his glass, and said sarcastically after touching Gromash.

Gromash took a sip of wine, then shook his head and said, “Your young master is cunning like a ghost, and you still use me to remind you??? Besides, I have already warned you, don’t underestimate those guys, but you are careless. Right??? The most important thing is that you know what I’m thinking, so you will sit here and complain to me right now?

~.? ”

Doflamingo was silent when he heard the words and looked at the ladies and sisters playing in the swimming pool. Then he grinned and said with a smile: “Fufuru, the City of Seven Waters is really a good place, so many The beautiful women of the mermaid tribe are really heartwarming.”

“Jiehahahahaha, why?? Are you interested in finding a home?? How about I introduce some beautiful girls to you??” Gromash said with a laugh.

Doflamingo took a look at Gromash, and then said, “Don’t be too smug, Monet has been in a bad mood for the past two days. Did you guys do anything outside???”

Gromash scratched his head awkwardly when he heard that, and then said, “Ahem, it’s not just with Hancock. That’s it.”

Doflamingo was stunned for a moment, and then he said: “Sure enough, there is a relationship between you and the Pirate Empress. Amazon-Lily has landed next to the City of Seven Waters. This also means that you have harvested a lot of powerful fighters, Frostwolf Pirates. The regiment is stronger again”

“Jiehahahaha, as expected, it was already doomed many years ago.” Gromash said with a laugh.

While Doflamingo looked at the joyous scene in the pool, he seemed to be thinking about something, and whispered softly: “Is it doomed so many years ago?”

Seeing Master Young Master’s melancholy appearance, Gromash didn’t say anything, but silently held his wine glass and gently drank the red wine in it.

A cool sea breeze blew from the port, and Doflamingo suddenly smiled and said: “When the two of us met for the first time that year, was the current ending also in your Uncle Gromash’s expectations? ?”

Gromash glanced at Doflamingo, and then said, “It’s so-so, it’s not like that. If you want to hear the truth, I’ll tell you. I was planning to kill you, but who told us to become friends? ?? I just modified the plan a bit”

Doflamingo did not show any unexpected expressions after hearing Gromash said that he had wanted to kill his idea. After all, at the beginning, he and Gromash did not think that the two would become friends or anything, only said that they were mutual Use it, he is weaving his own web, and Gromash is also borrowing from Doflamingo.

It’s just that the fate later is so strange. Doflamingo, who thought that he could never have any so-called “friends” in his life, still regarded Gromash as his friend, but he was very indifferent to Doflamingo’s Gromash, and eventually he was also high. I glanced at Master Young Master, and then time passed and it became the ending like this one is now.

“In other words, from the beginning, you have seen the future a long time later, right???” Doflamingo asked softly.

“Isn’t that of course???” Gromash grinned and said with a confident smile.

Doflamingo shook the wine in the red wine glass, then shook his head and said, “It is nothing great to be able to see the future, but to make this future really what you want, this is where your Gromash is really powerful. Soon I also understood where the gap between me and you was.

Enough to be the king is enough, I don’t say that you have to be the strongest person to become a real “king.” ”

“You’re right.” Gromash nodded slightly and agreed with Doflamingo’s statement. After all, Roger Pirate Group is not the strongest Pirate Group in terms of overall strength, Golden Lion. Shiki and Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, both of them were a bit better than him, but Roger was right in the end as the king.

“The real difference between me and you lies in the measure!!!” Doflamingo drank the wine in the glass, then said in a deep voice.

Although Golden Lion and Whitebeard are both one of the top heroes of the old era, compared with Roger, the difference in weight between the three can still be seen. Whitebeard does not have the ambition to be king at all. Too much, and Roger, who really has the world in mind, at least the first two did not sacrifice themselves and start the feast of the times.

, Only Roger can do this.

Although this is a matter of becoming the king, but the amount of it can also be seen.

“After all, it’s not enough in the chest that I ended up like this, didn’t it???” Doflamingo put down the glass, looked into Gromash’s eyes, and asked softly.

And Gromash didn’t comfort him, but smiled and said: “That’s right, the gap between you and me lies in the size and structure..”

“Furafurfurfurfur, you are really unrelenting.” After hearing Gromash’s words, Doflamingo laughed involuntarily.

After a long time, Doflamingo whispered softly: “It was me who lost. On the road of this pirate, I lost.

“Jehahahahahahaha, it’s really my honor to hear your young master so unruly guy say that he has lost himself, but Young Master, there is a truth in this world called’don’t judge a hero by success or failure’! !!” Gromash said with a big laugh, reached out to pick up the wine bottle, and poured Doflamingo a glass of wine.

And Doflamingo waved his hand and said: “Forget it, you, Uncle Gromash, don’t use these words to comfort me. You are like me, and you firmly believe that the winner is the truth of’justice’. “Hero’, after all, it’s just meaningless bullshit. If you lose, you lose. Doflamingo can afford it.”

“Jiehahahahaha, eh??? I don’t need to make any more chicken soup, so what is the choice you made, the young master who admitted his failure???” Gromash smiled. Then asked softly.

Doflamingo picked up the wine glass, put it to his lips, then glanced at Gromash, and said, “Your Master Gromash didn’t give me extra options, didn’t you??? What??? Interested to give me another chance ???”

“It’s certainly impossible. I’m not interested in making gestures with you anymore.” Gromash waved his hand and rejected Doflamingo’s proposal without even thinking about it.

And Doflamingo also smiled, and then he said, “Isn’t that? I have asked Gladius to do the things you were expecting. The Dressrosa Donquixote Family has ceased to exist for twenty years since then. It’s hard to think about it, but it’s a bit comforting (the king’s)

In the end, you lose in the hands of your fellow.

After Gromash heard Doflamingo’s words, a smile appeared on his face. The young master is still so smart. This is why Gromash is willing to be friends with him, because it is very comfortable to be friends with him, such as For some things, Gromash doesn’t need to speak at all, Doflamingo has already started to do it,

Like this time, after he made up his own resolution, he didn’t hesitate anymore.He didn’t need Gromash to speak. get ready.

“You guy is still so worrying, so in return, what do you want from me???” Gromash asked with a smile.

Doflamingo played with the wine glass in his hand, a tyrannical aura flashed in his eyes, and said, “Put the high gods into the dirtiest quagmire in this world. This is what I have always wanted to do but failed to do. What happened.”

“Jiehahahahahaha, after I have completed my idea of ​​dominating New World, I will lend you the power of the most powerful pirate group in the world to use!!! The scene you want to see, I want to see it too.” Gromash said with a big laugh.

Doflamingo raised his glass and touched Gromash, and said softly, “Happy cooperation.”

And a smile flashed in Gromash’s eyes. This time the’cooperation’ was not an ordinary’cooperation’, so he also showed a bright smile and said, “Of course, we are old buddies. “,

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