I Am Hellscream

Chapter 710

Chapter 710 You are all my wings??

When Gromash had already left the Golden City and walked halfway to the City of Seven Waters, he suddenly remembered that he had not yet tossed the magician Basil Hawkins.

In fact, Gromash is still very interested in Hawkins, especially his ability, and his inexplicable divination. In general, this guy is a personal talent, and it is also the supernova of Gromash in the Evil Generation. In the middle, a person who is more optimistic, if he does not put the goal on himself, go to another place to toss, with

Maybe you can become a talent later.

But at this time, we have already walked halfway, and it is impossible for Gromash to turn back for him. That would be a waste of time. Although Hawkins is very interesting, it is not a big deal after all, and he is not an important person. , I want to come because of these reasons, Tezolo and the others did not remind Grandpa Gromash, right???

There are still a lot of things, so it’s better to be busy.

“Ah, I’m getting older, and my mind is not so good. As for the kid, I will think about it when I find time.” Gromash lay in the sun lounger on the deck of a sailing warship, quietly speaking to himself. Talk to himself.

At this time, Hancock was holding a phone worm on the side and was following the other side to say something.

“Sonia, it would be nice to land Nine Snake Island near the City of Seven Waters. Um, yes, of course the closer the better…” Hancock said softly.

Nine Snake Island has entered the “Two Six Zero” in the New World, and is now preparing to find a suitable sea area to land. Hancock, as the emperor of Amazon-Lily, naturally can’t stay outside with him, Grandpa Gromash, most of the time. I still have to deal with some things on the island of Hydra, especially during the integration with the Frostwolf Pirates.

There are bound to be many things, and Gromash needs her to complete within half a year, of course it will be very busy.

In this case, Hancock naturally hopes that the distance between Nine Snake Island and the City of Seven Waters is as close as possible. By then, she will be busy with Amazon-Lily’s domestic affairs during the day, and at night, she will be able to get to Qishui by boat or sea train or something. Going to Gromash in the capital, isn’t it beautiful???

While Hancock was talking about these things with his imperial sisters, Gromash’s eyes were constantly drifting with Hancock’s perfect figure, and his saliva almost didn’t flow down. He looked like a pig, and he didn’t have the style of a big brother. .

At this moment, the phone worm that Gromash placed on the side table suddenly screamed and screamed. Gromash was taken aback, and he quickly glanced at it. It was Monet who called, which made Gromash a little guilty. , I looked around. Could it be that Monet arranged some’spies’ on this ship to monitor my uncle, right???

I wanted to go back, but Gromash quickly picked up the phone bug. After a guilty conscience, he pretended to be calm and said: “Ahem, is Monet??? Is there anything???”

Monet didn’t hear Gromash’s guilty conscience. As for the spies, it was even more impossible. She was not boring to that degree. After hearing Gromash’s voice, Monet smiled and said, “Captain. , There is an interesting thing, I wonder if you are not interested???”

“What’s interesting???” Gromash heard that Monet didn’t want to talk about Hancock’s problem, so he relaxed and asked with a smile.

“Ah, there is something about the little devil Momosuke. He took his retainers and left the Kingdom of Kamabaka. According to the reply given by Ewaer, it seems that he is looking for the Straw Hat Pirates. The kid wants to use the power of the Straw Hat Pirates to complete the crusade against Kaido” Monet said with a smile.

Although I didn’t say it clearly, Gromash still heard the disdain and ridicule in Monet’s tone.These guys also think Kaido is too simple? If you dismount, then Gromash has lived for so many years in vain.

“Jiehahahahahahaha, isn’t it interesting??? Just let them go and mess around. Anyway, if you make these things, they will attract some of Kaido’s attention, and maybe they will be able to. What opportunity does it bring to us, but Kaido is not such a good-tempered person as me. If those guys are really tough, they can suffer

Yes,” Gromash said with a big laugh.

After chatting with Monet on these topics again, Monet asked softly over there: “By the way, Captain, we are already in the City of Seven Waters, how long will it take for you to come back???”

Gromash calculated the time, and then said, “At the current speed, it won’t be a few days, why??? Miss me???”

Monet was silent for a while, and then he said, “Of course I think, but more of it is “worrying”.”

Gromash froze for a moment, and then asked, “What are you worried about??? Is something bad going to happen???”

“The new generation is changing for the old, Captain, your trip with Hancock is very good???” Monet said with a bit of bitterness.

And Gromash also stood up on his body, and then hurriedly said: “What kind of new person is the old person, am I that kind of person??? Don’t worry, you are all my wings!!!”

For some reason, Monet’s heart surged after hearing Gromash’s words. He always felt that he didn’t cut him twice, and he was a little bit sorry for himself.

Originally it was just a bitterly teasing Gromash, but at this time I always felt like I was green.

“Hmph, Sister Robin and I will wait for your explanation!!!” Monet snorted softly, and then hung up the phone worm in his hand after saying this.

Gromash looked at the phone worm in his hand and smiled involuntarily, and then he murmured very badly: “Well, this is a painful and happy thing to like, I’m really a sinful man. ”

With the conclusion of the Golden City incident and the Dressrosa incident, the situation on the New World sea is no longer so tense. Gromash slapped Sakazuki’s new Naval Headquarters with a loud slap in Dressrosa, and told Sakazuki who was the one. The boss of New World, but also shocked many forces, once again demonstrated the Frostwolf Pirates

That strong style since entering New World.

Who dares to provoke them to the Frostwolf Pirates, the Frostwolf Pirates will not be used to each other, whether it was the Four Emperors- Charlotte- Linlin or the current Sakazuki, they have all been cleaned up, Charlotte- Linlin died directly, and Sakazuki’s Marine face was lost in New World. After all, it is known as the highest combat power-Marine Admiral.

The prisoners on guard were all taken head-on by the Frostwolf Pirates. Sakazuki’s face must be “swollen” right now???

However, watching the World Summit is about to start, the Marines have also received political escort missions every four years. A large number of Vice Admiral will be dispatched to various sea areas. The escort will go to the World Summit to join the royal family this time. Everyone, the task is heavy, even if Sakazuki wants to take revenge on Gromash, he doesn’t have that much energy, so he slapped him.

Can only be aggrieved.

As the situation eased, the Frostwolf Pirates were released from the state of combat readiness that forced Naval Headquarters. At the same time, the Marine of New World also canceled the state of alert. The two sides are very tacitly peaceful. In a wave of confrontation, Gromash is slightly better.

When the large sailing warship that Gromash was riding on came near the waters of the capital of the seven waters, Gromash saw a uniquely shaped island not far from the seven waters. It was very familiar. Gromash recognized it all at once. It was the Nine Snake Island-Amazon-Lily that was supposed to be in the Calm Belt.

Snake Island stopped at the edge of the City of Seven Waters, and the distance seemed to be an hour’s voyage back and forth at most.

When Hancock watched this scene, his expression was very happy, he hugged Gromash, bounced and said: “It is done, your majesty, it is really done, Amazon-Lily is from the barren Calm Belt. I have come out of it, and I have entered a new era and a new world!!!”

Gromash reached out and touched the very excited Hancock’s head, feeling her smooth long hair, and then said with a smile, “Perhaps you will become the most dazzling one of the emperors of Amazon-Lily…”

Gromash looked at Hydra Island and was also very happy. Hydra Island is a country of soldiers with all soldiers, and it is a very good fighter. Basically, the citizens are all masters of Armament Haki’s power, counting the number of people, although Not much, but there are still more than one hundred thousand, what does this mean??? This means that Gromash’s hands suddenly appear more

A group of powerful troops have been trained, and modern warfare knowledge is well trained, combined with the warfare of the Djerma Kingdom. The strength of the Frostwolf Pirates in the frontal war will also make rapid progress!!

On the way through the vicinity of Hydra Island, Hancock was already excited and reluctant to wait any longer. After making an appointment to meet with Gromash in the evening, he quickly dropped a small boat from the battleship and brought his pet snake- Salome left 0 towards the side of Hydra Island.

Gromash also swayed back to the City of Seven Waters, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. He had an unclear premonition, always feeling that Monet would cut him twice after seeing him.

Fortunately, it was not Monet who came to pick him up, but Robin, a black-bellied queen with a Onee-san temperament.After seeing Gromash’s figure, Robin looked up and down Gromash, and then looked behind him. , Smiled maliciously and said: “Why?? Hancock didn’t come?? Is it your guilty conscience to hide her?

Right??? Can the problem be solved by hiding???”

Gromash heard the words and quickly said: “Ahem, isn’t this the first time in the island of Nine Snake? Isn’t the domestic affairs messy??? As the emperor of Amazon-Lily, Hancock has the obligation to return to China to handle government affairs.”

Robin smiled, walked to Gromash’s side, took Gromash’s arm, and the two walked towards the City of Seven Waters together. As they walked, Robin said, “You are dead, Captain, Monet is very Angry”

Gromash glanced at Robin with a guilty conscience, and then asked, “Aren’t you angry???’

“I have already figured out how to punish you 4.1, so I can suppress the anger in my heart. But for Hancock, we are indeed mentally prepared for a long time.” Robin said helplessly.

Gromash didn’t dare to ask her what punishment was not to punish her, so he quickly changed the subject and said, “What, Doflamingo and Trafalgar-Ruo are all settled???’

“Well, Master Young Master has been waiting for you for a long time. The Donquixote Family matter is not a trivial matter after all. It will be difficult to finalize the final result without you being away, but from the contacts of these two days, The problem is not big, Master Young Master seems to be ready for these too,” Robin thought for a while and said.

“Jiehahahahaha, I said it a long time ago, he is a smart man, I am afraid he has already figured out what is going on, maybe he will have a good theory with me later,” Gromash said with a laugh.

“Are Cromwell and Joz back??? Trafalgar. Luo’s value is gone, we should get Lion Fruit back.” Gromash asked after thinking about it.

“On the way back, I will be there in a few days.” Robin also nodded and said.

And Gromash also smiled and said, “After eating my food, I still have to vomit it out. If I take mine, I will return it to me after all. Jiehahahahaha, let’s go and see the young master Sir, give him a reassurance.”.

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